Sony Pictures , Warner Brothers , Lionsgate Films , Paramount Pictures ,Golden Retrievers , Anything Mac , Philanthropy , Foundations geared toward making the Earth a better place , All animals , Our Ocean and all it's inhabitants , Preparing to launch three cable/satellite/IPTV network channels , The Vegas TV Channel ,The Philanthropy TV Channel and The Macau TV Channel...Stay tuned!
I'd like to meet:
Save a Life: Get This Code!
"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation!"-Nelson Mandela, 2005Working together as ONE, we CAN be that GREAT gneration that did the BIG deed! If we don't do it, then another generation will. They'll look back on us and say, "People were actually dying in the millions unnecessarily right in front of your faces, and you knew what to do to stop it. . .and you had the power to stop it, but you did not do those things. Shame on you!"
Please if you haven't already, go to (or click the banner below to get directed to the site) and SIGN THE DECLARATION!!!
It only takes 2 minutes to sign and save millions of lives! You CAN save hundreds of millions of lives!!!
No money, just your voice!Remember this: EVERYTHING you do, no matter how large or small, changes people's lives, changes the world FOREVER! Make that change a positive one.A GREAT ONE.
God bless iTunes...
Television: ( currently under construction )
Christopher Walken , Paul Allen , Warren Buffett ,Anderson Cooper , Jacques Yves Cousteau , Fabien Cousteau , Lucille Ball , Larry David ,Bill and Melinda Gates , Wes Anderson ,Quentin Tarantino , Bono , Paul Newman , Pat Riley...