Co-creation, metaphysics, roller coasters, quantum physics, Universal Laws, The Secret, The Master Key System, spirituality, new things and experiences, traveling, and anything that involves heights and speed:)Click above to go to the Mastery MySpace site or click the link below to go to their web
I'd like to meet:
I've been fortunate to have met my first mentor Tom Hopkins, as well as many other awesome people who have impacted my life, such as Reverand Beckwith, Bryan Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, and Bob Proctor. I'd like to have or have had the opportunity to meet Napoleon Hill, Charles Haanel, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Paramahansa Yogananda, Joe Vitale, Deepok Chopra and anyone who believes they have the power to create their reality and design their destiny.
Charles Haanel discovered the Secret many years ago with the Master Key System. It is AWESOME!! A twenty-four week program that will teach you the key to mastering the Law of Attraction. It's my current study and passion!
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