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Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author

Author,Life Coach/Therapist, Motivational Speaker, Model, Actor, Living in Scotland, Arizona and LA

About Me

Girly Comments & Graphics
PHOTO BY MY FRIEND "Celebrity Retouches"
Checking the scene and dressing to impress are your mottos. Trendy and nicely-pressed, you catch eyes and turn heads wherever you roll. You're sure to find all the parties and hot spots. You are one hip cat, and that's hot. Don't ever cool down.
Take the Are You Hot Quiz
You are a Dark Red Rose
You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion.
Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly
Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden What Color Rose Are You?
You Belong in Rome
You're a big city soul with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian people - could life get any better? What City Do You Belong In?
You Are 84% Happy
It's unlikely that you know anyone happier than you.
You know how to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. How Happy Are You?
My Grandfather's cousin, Actress, Betty Grable is still one of the most famous and well known pin-ups!! I'm proud to have inherited her same facial shape & high cheek bones
Your Passion is Red!
You've got that spark - a good dose of intensity, power, and determination.
You do whatever you want in life ... to hell with what anyone thinks!
With so many interests and loves, you're always running around doing something new.
You have fire in your eyes, and it shows. Bet you're even wearing something red! What Type of Passionate Woman Are You?
I have been a Therapist for 20 years, a Hypnotherapist for 16 years, and a Life Coach for 5 years
I am absolutely committed to and passionate about assisting others in removing resistance from moving forward and experiencing TRUE JOY, LOVE, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, and all they desire and DESERVE!!...I simply help my clients find the truth within themselves while making breakthroughs that lead them to REAL SUCCESS :)
I specialize in alternative healing modalities
I am passionate about using these cathartic techniques to assist others in moving forward as quickly as possible, enabling them to live a life free of present and past challenges.
Since my adorable sexy hubby
.. .. introduced me to "The Secret" a year ago I realized everything I've accomplished was from using the Law of Attraction effectively since childhood :)
I naturally knew how to use The Law of Attraction as a child and have always applied it with excellent results. I teach my clients how to use it in therapy sessions and now have had a few of my LOA stories published!! I look forward to teaching more people about these methods as I expand my Motivational Speaking Tour and publish more books about it
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I'm a Porsche 911!

You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
I've always liked Porches :)

My Interests

.. ..

I am passionate about many things...Dreams, Love, Soul Travel, Education; have a son who graduated from Harvard recently, another is an under grad at the U of A in Tucson

ENDING RACISM, which has always been based on fear and egotism... Music of all kinds, Dancing, photography, sailing, the arts in all it's forms, reading great books, writing, CD production work, living in the moment, spending time with positive, uplifting, creative people, nature, hiking, traveling, dolphins, whales, saving endangered wildlife, assisting people in all areas of their lives with my Therapy practice, mostly with Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching

Your Expression Number is 9
An idealist and humanitarian, you strive to make the world a better place.
You do your best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion.
Deep down, you dream of being loved by many.

You are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others.
While you are very ambitious, you never lose site of perspective.
You have an abundance of creative talents... you just need to tap into them.

Although you are a giving person, you can become selfish if you are ignored.
If you are not able to help people, you tend to shelf your talents.
Without others, you become aloof and start to lack sensitivity. What's Your Expression Number? - Girly Comments & Graphics

Veganism, organic gardening and cooking, healthy nutrition, all types of alternative healing modalities; including homeopathy, flower essences, and Chinese herbs

I'd like to meet:

Besides being a Contributing Author in "Living the Law of Attraction" I am also published in a new book about the LOA for kids :)

If you have kids, and want to give them the

knowledge and power of the Law of Attraction,

this book is for you.

Visit our website for more information:

Like minded, spiritually oriented men and women from all over the world who want friends to share thoughts/beliefs/and help encourage each other in living the life of our dreams, creative people: artists, musicians, writers, healers, etc, who are committed in helping raise the consciousness of the planet by UNDERSTANDING, PRACTICING AND LIVING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!!

I am very fortunate to have already met my Grandfather's cousin, Betty Grable, the Dalai Lama, James Arthur Ray (of "The Secret), Wayne Dyer, Dan Millman, Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins, Ram Dass, and Harriet Woods, first female Senator from MO, Jennifer Flavin-Stallone,and her hubby, Sylvester Stallone:)

Want to attract fun, loving, generous, kind, supportive others...if you are loyal and give me good advice I will always do the same for you!

Also, as many people as possible that I am able to assist through my Therapy Practice, Workshops, and Motivational Talks :)

In addition, I'd like to meet all the men and women featured in "The Secret", as I now consider them my mentors, and Oprah, Barack Obama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, all the musicians listed(that are still alive!) and as many dolphins, whales, and elephants as possible, as I believe they are some of the most loving and compassionate beings alive!

Your Birth Month is April
You are trustworthy and highly ethical in all facets of life.
Helpful and steady, you are able to solve any problem.

Your soul reflects: Bliss, playfulness, and curiosity

Your gemstone: Diamond

Your flower: Sweet Pea

Your colors: Yellow and red What Does Your Birth Month Mean?

Girly Comments & Graphics

If you want to feel inspired watch this beautiful video on LOVE & THE FOUR AGREEMENTS!!




Very eclectic...The HU World music, Jazz, R&B, Soul, Rock, Country...some favorites: The Beatles, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Chuck Mangione, Quincy Jones, Kim Roberts, Arturo Sandoval, Creed, Dave Koz, Santana, Los Lonely Boys, Eric Johnson, Richard Elliot, Walter Beasley, ZZ Top, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Coco Taylor, Etta James, Earl Klugh, Hiroshima, Christina Aguillara, Alicia Keyes, Martina McBride, Aretha (the one and only!)

Girly Comments & Graphics


All time favorites: The Matrix, The Pursuit of Happiness, Most Recent: The Bucket List


Almost anything on any of the History Channels and have been "addicted" to American Idol and "Dancing with the Stars" for the last few years...LOVE David Cook...yeah!!




Living the Law of Attraction (my story is in it...had to put it at the top!!),The Power of Intention, Ask and It Will Be Given, The Street Kids Guide to Having it All, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Healing Promise of Qi, No Death No Fear, The Art of Happiness, Happy For No Reason, Man's Search for Meaning; many more to mention regarding Spirituality and Self-Help
Your Life Path Number is 7
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning
You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.
In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.
While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you! What Is Your Life Path Number?


My heros are mostly female family members...especially both of my Grandmothers, my mother, my younger sister, Margie, who passed away recently after a long and courageous battle with a disease that never took away her beautiful spirit of love, courage, generosity and sense of humour!
And all of my Scottish ancestors, especially my Mother, who was born and raised in Cambuslang and served in the Brittish Armed Forces during WWII!!
The actress Betty Grable was my Grandfather's cousin, they grew up in St. Louis together...a real role model but also helped me decide to NOT go to Hollywood, though I've been in many TV commercials;)
My grandfather, Karl Hodge, a gifted athlete, mostly known for his tennis and listed in the Guinness Book of World Records...last time he played was his 95th birthday!
The most compassionate loving beings alive and that have lived: His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, Harold Klemp, The Living Master of Eckankar, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Krishna, and all the Ascended Masters who guide and help us daily!
Your Beauty Element is Fire
Wild and sexy, you keep your beauty style smokin' hot.
You're not afraid of glamour or showing off your assets! What's Your Beauty Element?
Your Power Level is: 95%
You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally.
You'll probably go beyond reaching your goals. You'll change the world (at least a little). How Powerful Are You?
Your Gemstone Says...
You are simply joyful. You find it easy to have peace of mind.
You tend to think positive thoughts. It's easy to control where your mind goes.
You have great mental powers and self discipline.
You are able to dream big. You definitely aren't afraid of failure. The Gemstone Test

My Blog

Get Inspired NOW/No Excuses! Watch this video and feel gratitude and Faith! And know YOU can do ANYTHING!...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 09:41:00 PST


One of the main Laws of the Universe, the Law of Attraction is this, plain and simple:  LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!! IT'S ALL ABOUT YOUR ENERGY AND WHAT and WHO YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE TO ENTER YOUR LI...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:19:00 PST


I LOVE my country and the principles on which it was founded, but...I'm moving to Mexico after this election...LOL..can live in luxury at the beach ( and I DO MEAN luxury) for only $2-3K a mo in beaut...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 01:56:00 PST


Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well but I'd made an agreement with my college student son, Scott, to drive him to the airport here in Tucson for a flight to NC to visit his brother Eric. m...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 10:36:00 PST

My Bucket List!!

After watching "The Bucket List" with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson this past Sunday ( very inspiring...see it if you haven't yet, but have Kleenex near by!!)... it gave me pause to stop and ...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 08:40:00 PST


This almost sounds too good to be true;  I was recently introduced to a technique to allowing the Universe (or God) to  give you whatever it is you truly wish or desire for yourself. 1)...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:47:00 PST

Use the Law of Attraction to Attract Health & Your Ideal Body!!

Over many years people have asked how I stay looking young and stay so in shape...the answer for me is simple...I decided in my 20's to self educate myself on nutrition, including what additives are c...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 05:03:00 PST

2 Family Members Won Over $150 Million!!

Yes, it's true...$30 Million in The Lottery and $125 Million in the Powerball within the last 3 years :)This did NOT happen because of focusing on lack as many people believe!IT CAN AND DOES HAPPEN TO...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:52:00 PST

The ONLY WAY to live the Law of Attraction!!

I truly believe I've lived the Law of Attraction successfully my entire life (without having a name for it) because I have been in the habit of practicing the following for as long as I can remember; ...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:59:00 PST


What happened in your life for you to be grateful for today? It's Saturday and I went to work to coach an M.D., who's a new client and assist a couple who are doing couple's counseling with me; plus, ...
Posted by Ashley, Law of Attraction Coach & Author on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:31:00 PST