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Buried at Vietnam War Veteran (64-68) ,Lifetime member of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars,FAA licensed pilot,Ham Radio Operator,NRA certified shooting range safety officer and instructor,member of Masonic blue lodges and 32nd degree Scottish and York rite organizations(Knights Templar). I dedicate my life to fighting the darkness and negativity of this world and constantly exploring all of the mysteries and the unexplained.My interest in this world's secrets and the afterlife,has been a continual and ongoing passion.All of the facts have to be researched and the right conclusions will surface.Don't assume that everything is wrong or evil or that we already know the answers.A closed mind lets nothing in or nothing out.

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.. .. Spiritualism,paranormal,supernatural,ghost investigations,angels,near death experiences,death bed apparitions,astral travel,auras, dreams,ufo's,uso's,Maya 5th cycle and Maya cosmogenisis, extraterrestrials,poltergeists,reincarnation, spirit guides,and more.][We are born into our exact situation in life in order to fulfill our spiritual journey on earth.It makes no difference who you are or what you will be if you are here,lessons will be learned.We have all embarked on a mission we have chosen for ourselves in a previous existence and accepted the challenge of walking on the earth with faith and hope as our only roadmap.We have also been furnished with the circumstances we will need in order to learn and grow from our experiences here,so that we can accomplish the goals we are expected and predestined to meet.We were already told that the lessons would be many and difficult,and the time we have to complete them is so short.Whatever the lessons, we needed to learn courage,patience,forgiveness of others or forgiveness of ourselves.Our soul is sent from the hereafter into a human form,into a human family,into the career of our life's work,and we begin the process of struggling to overcome and learn from whatever has been pre-planned as our lesson on the earth.The lessons come in many differing circumstances,and our options in those circumstances number more than the stars in a night sky.It is a process of choices,some good,and some bad,but each of them important to the fulfillment of the reason why we are here to complete our spiritual schooling,our life's journey.And it all is for one purpose, to learn from the knowledge,the pain,the hope and the struggle of this lifetime so we can benefit from it in the joy of the hereafter.The souls in the hereafter know this already,it will take a lifetime and our passing to understand thoroughly.

MySpace Codes for Images @ OurSpace.bizWe are all one.We are all created in the likeness of our Creator.The only thing separating us is our bodies.Bodies are merely tools of communication for this physical world.We can see through the illusion of flesh into the reality of spirit anytime we truly desire.Everyone carries within the light/love of God.We are a part of God,and at one with Him and all others.Look beyond the frame into the true picture of each person.Why do we hate?Why do we kill? Because we don't know what we are doing.We don't realize we are brothers and sisters every one.Look into your own heart to find the truth of love and the Oneness of God. href=" 9t" target="_blank".. /

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Anyone interested in the paranormal,spirituality,supernatural,ufology... ..
Work is love made visible And if you cannot work with love,but only with distaste,it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take aims of those who work with joy.For if you bake bread with indifference,you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger.And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes,your grudge distils a poison in the wine.And if you sing though as angels,and love not the singing,you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.For what is it to die,but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing but to free the breath from its restless tides,that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountaintop,then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs,then shall you truly dance. Kahlil Gibran
Buried at PhotoCasket.comThe world is in the midst of an immense spiritual transformation and change,giving birth to new life and a new era of understanding as we move out of the age of Pisces.We can see it happening all around us,in our society ,our children,our nations,and we can accept it,deny it,or grieve over it,but we cannot prevent life from moving ever forward with the passing of time here in this world.For years we've been silenced by religions,government,society,and cultures. If you're free thinking, you're not easily controlled.You should only be controlled by the God within ,and no other force or pressure .The body is a living temple unto God,wherein we worship the spark of the Divine.The God within will lead you down your path of individuality toward your quest for knowledge and perfection.Some people are not ready to expand their mind to God's greatness and all forgiveness;instead,they like to live with the horror and the fear of a condemning God. By not being clogged by ignorance,God's love runs freer. Be a seeker of truth and knowledge about God;do not seek dogma. Dogma is man-made and filled with cannot,should not,better not ;it is terrible if you do;and etc.God has no authorship of this.The truth after which you seek is that God is simple.It is so uncomplicated and beautiful,God loves you and you love God.Everything that gets in the way of that is superfluous.See the beauty surrounding you every second.Look at the beauty of the sunset,and watching the birth of a new day as the sun rises.Watch the flight of the birds,smell the fragrances of the flowers,open your eyes to the beauty that is around you every day.Take life one step at a time.Do not let yourself be overwhelmed.There is nothing that you can say or do that will ever take away the love that is felt for you by your creator,but it is your responsibility to take the steps towards Love and Light.
Earth is in the process of domesticating itself,and we are cells on that body.Population increase is getting very close to the optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness which will change politics,money,energy,and economic,political,social and religious institutions and the way we look at things,life and ourselves. Mankind will be taken to a whole new level of potential.All of mankind will have to focus on unconditional love to keep things in check.We will learn to direct our own destiny,become our destiny,and become who we are.Many upheavels and changes in our climate are quickly approaching.We will soon come to realize that we are in a cycle of great change.May it Be
Add to My Profile | More Videos"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life;not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."Kahlil GibranLife is a matter of constant change toward fulfillment.Our place in the world today may be different tomorrow.We must learn to adapt to these different perspectives in life because that,too,is part of the plan for our development.In so doing,there is a transcendence of Self from the masking process of a temporary outer shell to that which lies deep within our permanent soul mind.To uplift the human mind from feelings of disenchantment,we must expand our consciousness while forgiving ourselves for mistakes.It is believed that it is vital to our mental health that we laugh at ourselves and the foolish predicaments we get into along the road.Life is full of conflicts and the struggle,pain and happiness we experience are all reasons for our being here.


You are not alone,for you not only have God as your companion but many you knew from the past who are with you in the present.Be not dependent on one another but go forward in a spirit of fellowship,as you are moved,to express yourself so that you may grow in love and valor. When we get past life memories,there is an emotional response as real and vivid as any real-life experience.We sometime think we have been someplace and known somebody before.If you find yourself resonating with what someone says,there's a good chance that you've met before in another time and place. Love at first sight is only an old love reborn and revived,waiting to be completed as it never was before. Without that feeling of being joined to another,of loving and being loved,there is a hollowness and aridity in life that inevitably diminishes the individual.In the world of the hereafter,the diseases of the soul,like hate,violence,lack of compassion,and hopelessness,do not exist.While we are in life,we will be inundated with opportunities to do wrong so that we can learn what is right.If we knew the answers, it wouldn't be a test.Learn to listen to the voices all around you,especially the one in your heart.There are signs all around us which point the direction to where we must walk.Human nature is such that unless a sign slaps us in the face,it is very easily missed.It is up to us to find the signs that will create the map that is to be our journey on the earth.Sometimes signs come in the form of kindness from strangers,and sometimes in the cruelty of those we know well.But these necessary experiences shape us into the people we must be for ourselves and for one another.What we do while we are on earth,who we are and how we handle ourselves in the experiences we find ourselves in,measures what we are to gain from having lived life here.Our reality is evolving quickly.I believe that we're being shown pieces of a huge puzzle,for lack of a better description.Keeping an open mind and being willing to receive more insight and wisdom,no matter whether it seems to contradict something we already believe we know,allows us to evolve more quickly.


Spiritual perception must be an individual quest or it has no meaning.We are greatly influenced by our own immediate reality,and we can act on that reality one step at a time without the necessity of seeing too far into the distance.Even steps in the wrong direction give us insight into the many paths designed to teach us.To bring the soul Self into harmony with our physical environment,we are given freedom of choice to exercise free will in the search for the reasons why we are here.On the road of life,we must take responsibility for all our decisions without blaming other people for life's setbacks that bring unhappiness.
Humankind has not woven the web of life.We are but one thread within it.Whatever we do to the web,we do to ourselves.All things are bound together.All things connect. [Chief Seattle]


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Sylvia Browne,Edgar Cayce,Char Margolis,George Anderson,Wayne Dyer,Ph.D,Julie Soskin,Chris Dufrense,Sam Parnia,M.D.,Sonia Choquette,Doreen Virtue,Ph.D,Esther and Jerry Hicks,Gary Renard,Caroline Myss,Ph.D,John Edwards,James Van Praagh,Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick,Dan Brown,Andrew Barone,Ellie Crystal,Helena Blavatsky(story),Eileen Garrett,Michael Newton,Ph.D,Allison DuBois,George Dalzell,Vicki Monroe,Jaena Moynihan,Dorthea Delgado,Sally Owen,Laurie Campbell,Suzane Northrup,John Zaffis,Dr.Michio Kaku,Meg Cabot,Stephen Hawking,Derek Acora,George Dorton,Criss Angel,Timothy Good,Col.Lawrence Tacker,Ward Allen,Patrick Cooke,Dr.Barry Downing,Christopher Montgomery ,Erich von Daniken,Richard M.Dolan,William J. Birnes,Lynne D.Kitei,Dennis W.Stacy,Caroline Tiger,Patrick Huyghe,Kal K.Korff,Kathleen Krull,Jerome Clark,Troy Taylor,John Anthony West,Joanne Austin,Hazel Denning,Ph.D,David Jacobs,Barbara Lamb,Harold Burt


My Mother,Father and Brother who have conquered the mysteries of transitioning to the other side.May they enjoy their eternal home.Jacques Demolay and the Knights Templar that gave their lives to protect the truth. The truth is still suppressed today by control religions.Surviving the loss of a loved one is one of life's hardest trials. The process of grief survival involves going through the initial shock,then coping with denial,anger,depression and finally arriving at some sort of acceptance.The stages of emotional turmoil varies in length of time and intensity from months up to years.Losing someone with whom you had a deep bond can bring such despair that it feels as though you are in a bottomless pit where escape is impossible because death seems so final.In Western society,the belief in the finality of death is an obstacle to healing.We have a dynamic culture where the possibility of our loss of personhood is unthinkable.In our culture,we do not prepare properly for death during life because it cannot be fixed or changed.The apprehension about death begins to gnaw at us as we get older.It is always there,lurking in the shadows,regardless of our beliefs about what happens after death.It is found that many people who hold very traditional religious views seem to be the most fearful of death.The fear for most comes from the unknown. Acceptance of loss comes one day at a time.Healing is a progression of mental steps that begins with having faith you are not truly alone.We never get over the passing of a loved one,we just get through it.Love,Appreciate,communicate with and validate those still in your life,because life has no guarantees.Acknowledge those that have passed,because they are very much still around us.A prayer for those battling thoughts of harming themselves and having thoughts of suicide or suffering with depression:Dear God, Forgive us for what we have thoughts of doing and for what we have done to ourselves.Forgive us for what we have listened to and absorbed and how we lost our way and didn't realize that you were inside of us all the time.Protect us,dear God,throughout the rest of the year and next year.Let us grow in spirituality,let us grow in faith in ourselves,and let us love ourselves and others.Please help us not to take everything so seriously,to be able to laugh and to have fun and to bring about joy,and to nourish and nurture and care about ourselves.Dear God,we ask this in the name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit,feeling bright,rejuvenated,full of love,caring and peace with resolution.

My Blog

Was blind, but now I see

  For those of us who have the privilege of seeing with our physical eyes, it may be difficult to understand what it is like to be blind. Having sight may be one of those things we take for grant...
Posted by Jerry on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:53:00 PST

Are Angels Real?

 The concept of angels and their existence has been around since mankind developed the ability to reason and wonder,specifically,to wonder "Why am I here?" and "Why does life seem so hard,or even...
Posted by Jerry on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

Understanding Dreams

 Dreams continue to be something that most people never quite understand.Most dream inquisitive individuals go for days trying to figure out what their dreams are trying to tell them.Usually the ...
Posted by Jerry on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 07:20:00 PST

Time After Death

 After death when we enter the spirit realm,it feels as though we were there just a moment ago.Our time on Earth seems like only a brief instance.Time in the spirit realm does not exist.By gettin...
Posted by Jerry on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 07:53:00 PST

Suicide is not the answer

 Recently, a psychology professor from a well known university publicly stated that 8% of Americans think about suicide at some time during their lives.This statistic is quite alarming when you i...
Posted by Jerry on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:52:00 PST

Idea of Reincarnation

 The idea of reincarnation is attractive to many people either because with the concept of karma it seems to offer an explanation of the inequalities of life or because it suggests that there is ...
Posted by Jerry on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:35:00 PST

Truth,Love,Balance and Harmony

 Truth: If you're not living truth, you're wasting your time.  Truth is the ultimate goal of life, but life shares little of it with us.We must search, study, dig, and observe, for the ...
Posted by Jerry on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:48:00 PST

What does it feel like to die?

 The question of, what does it feel like to die, eventually crosses every mind in this life here on Earth.Some think about it more than others,and some don't think about it at all.Having experien...
Posted by Jerry on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:22:00 PST

Free Will,Yours and Others

Without free will we would be no more than robots following the directions of a central programmer.The quality of our life would be determined by the programmer rather than by our choices.So,while fre...
Posted by Jerry on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:55:00 PST