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Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence

Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence

About Me

An Official Fellowship of Isis Website
Aset t fem. det. shm s w "go, walk" det. plural sign Aset Shemsu - The Retinue of Aset Foundation Centre: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire
Your own personal Goddess awaits you here. She will guide you on the path of self-discovery and personal growth, helping you recognize your strengths in ways that allow you to use your innate talents and strengths.
The Goddess Path Your road to growth and inspiration.
Welcome to the Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence An Official Fellowship of Isis Lyceum on MySpace
Greetings, my name is Rev. Dianne Laramee, Pr. H. SA, official member of the Noble Order of Tara within the Fellowship of Isis. I welcome you all and should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I created this Temple to bring together those who seek Isis and for those who know, love, and honour her. The Lyceum is dedicated to the Egyptian Goddess of Love in all Her aspects. A place of spiritual LOVE, non-judgemental, of allowance and openness.
Along with Goddess Sophia, this Lyceum also has the Chinese Goddess of Compassion, Quan Yin; Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun, Light, Fine Arts, Medicine music and mathematics, Apollo and many others.
Here, all Life and Experience is Valued.
I offer a nine month Ordination program a profound life changing tool of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual evolution in both official languages; English and French. The notes and correspondence will be in English.
To my knowledge I am the only CANADIAN Lyceum offering the Fellowship of Isis curriculum and honoured to do so.
Reconnect with the authentic expression of yourself as Priestess, world server
Experience how archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms the body/psyche
Work with art, dance, dream, songs and mantras as way to connect with the divine
Experience how a Goddess Temple operates, mythic enactments of sacred temple rights and temple protocol
Empty out and become a living channel of divine awareness by having a direct experience of initiation into the female mysteries
Become a Legal Minister in the United States, able to perform marriages, funerals, blessings of births and rites of passage
I honour and respect all Traditions and Paths of Light here, and anyone with a desire to learn of or deepen their knowledge of Isis, is more than welcome to join us here!
CC - Correspondence Courses in the FOI Degrees Level IL - Iseum Initiate Level PT - Priestess Training MD - Magi Degree
The courses are self-directed with personal interaction provided for support.
If you would like to learn more and see the curriculum, please visit the website below or write for more information.
I hold a deep commitment to students, and strive to reflect the Fellowship's principles of Love, Beauty and Truth in all our associations. My Lyceum honours all pantheons, traditions and Goddesses equally. If you would like more information on the correspondence courses, please continue to the Introduction.
If you are tired to typing, and would like to know more information, I've added this innovative tool for you to contact me and pay no long-distance charges.
May your path be one filled with excitement, enjoyment, wisdom and love, for you the Initiate will study all her names and You will learn the relations of Earth with Heavens!
May you be blessed with the Wisdom and Love of the Goddess
Rev. Dianne Laramee, Pr.H.SA
Definition of terms:
Lyceum: Teaching Centre for others on this path
Ordained Priestess: Through the Fellowship of Isis, (this entitles me to use the title Reverend and perfom ministry duties.
February 2008,
Dear Rev. Dianne,
I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort last night. The ritual was lovely and every time we speak I come away from the experience feeling grounded, empowered, and energetically renewed and inspired.
Blessings and Love,
Jess (Pandora) :)
October 2007
Dear Rev. Dianne,
Thank you so much for teleconference, "The Autumn Litany of the Earth" it was such a beautiful ritual. I really got in touch with the Energy of the Goddess. I felt Her blessing and She sensed my reverence for Her. It was a mutual, unconditional love connection. Not only did I feel I was Her child, but I also felt I was Her. I connected to that part of me that has not no bounderies, no fears, no doubt about merging myself in Her.
Goddess Bless You!
May 2007
It was a big honour to be the first Priestess Ordained by Rev. Dianne Laramee, Pr. H. SA. Dianne is a very loving person, a very good coach and a wonderful friend. She is a very smart woman and an extraordinary Priestess Hierophant. I have learned a lot from on a personal level but also on a spiritual level. She has been, and still is, one of my important mentor and role model. If I could be half the person she is, I would be very happy. She is very dedicated to others and she can be proud of the work she does. She changes the life of others and teaches how to realize their dreams. I hope she knows and feels how she makes a difference in this world. She changed my life and she taught how to reclaim the Goddess in me and how to gain personal power.
Rev. Isis Shakti, Pr.

My Interests

The world is in the midst of an immense spiritual transformation and change, giving birth to new life and a new era of understanding as we move out of the age of Pisces. We can see it happening all around us, in our society, our children, our nations, and we can accept it, deny it, or grieve over it, but we cannot prevent life from moving ever forward with the passing of time here in this world.

For years we've been silenced by religions, government, society, and cultures. But if you're free thinking, then you're not easily controlled. You should only be controlled by the God within, and no other force or pressure. The body is a living temple unto God, wherein we worship the spark of the Divine. The God within will lead you down your path of individuality toward your quest for knowledge and perfection. Some people are not ready to expand their mind to God's greatness and all forgiveness; instead, they like to live with the horror and the fear of a condemning God. By not being clogged by ignorance, God's love runs freer. Be a seeker of truth and knowledge about God; do not seek dogma. Dogma is man-made and filled with cannot, should not, better not ; it is terrible if you do; and etc..God has no authorship of this. The truth after which you seek is that God is simple. It is so uncomplicated and beautiful, God loves you and you love God. Everything that gets in the way of that is superfluous

The Book of Toth

I'd like to meet:

Goddess Isis

Isis is a Moon Goddess in Egyptian mythology and also identified with Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius from the constellation of Orion. She was most prominent mythologically as the wife and sister of Osiris and mother of Horus, and was worshipped as the archetypal wife and mother. Goddess of medicine and wisdom, fertility, magic and giver of life. She who changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes.

Goddess Sophia

Sophia and her 3 Daughters - Faith, Hope, Love

Sophia and her 3 Daughters - Faith, Hope, Love She is the central pivot of creation and represents the feminine aspect in all things. She is Wisdom Incarnate, the Goddess of all those who are wise.Sophia (pronounced sew-fee'ah) in Greek, Hohkma in Hebrew, Sapientia in Latin, Celtic goddess-figure Sheela-na-gigs - all mean wisdom,. The Judeo-Christian God's female soul, source of his true power is Sophia. As Goddess of wisdom and fate , her faces are many: Black Goddess, Divine Feminine, Mother of God The Gnostic Christians, Sophia was the Mother of Creation; her consort and assistant was Jehovah. Her sacred shrine, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, is one of the seven wonders of the world. Her symbol, the dove, represents spirit; she is crowned by stars, a Middle Eastern icon, to indicate her absolute divinity.Sophia is found throughout the wisdom books of the Bible. There are references to Her in the book of Proverbs, and in the apocryphal books of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon (accepted by Catholics and Orthodox, found in the Greek Septuagint of the early Church).She is usually associated with wise King Solomon. 1 Kings 4:29-31 tells us that God gave wisdom to Solomon, and that he became wiser than all the kings of the East and all the wise people of Egypt. Wisdom 8:2, 16, 18 tells us that Solomon was seen as married to Sophia.

Buffalo WomanShe told the people that they were to remember that every breath was sacred and that within each person glows a speck of the Great Spirit's fire that glows within all things. Each woman and man, she said, possessed the ability to inspire the fire of harmony, caring, and consciousness in another and, in giving the gift, one's own soul would burn more brightly. To that, she added, "Honour all creatures as your sisters and your brothers for all are sacred parts in the body of the Great Spirit and each one is holy." Finally, she prophesied that she would return to once again present her message of unity, balance, and peace.

Beloved I AM Presence ~ Comte de St. Germain

It is believed that Saint Germain was born in 1561. As he grew into adulthood he mastered all of the European languages. He was one of the best swordsmen of his day. He was a master violinist.He was a personal friend of Voltaire, Rousseau, and a great many other distinguished philosophers. He knew many European heads of state. He was known as "the man who never dies and knows everything".He was very wealthy, but no one knew how he had accumulated his great wealth. He was a great painter and musical conductor. He had an extensive knowledge of herbalism. Some feel that this attributed to his long life. He was a master alchemist. It is said that he could turn base metals into gold.He founded Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry in England. He did this under the name Francis Bacon. It was his dream to create in America a new country free of corruption, greed, and dictatorial monarchies. He was instrumental in formulating the Declaration of Independence and the constitution of the United States as they were being written by his Masonic followers who founded this nation. Their Masonic symbols can be seen on the dollar bill.He spent eighty five years with the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood which was made up of El Moyra, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, and others.He lived for over 350 years, staging his death between lifetimes. As a writer he used the names Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Montaigne, Robert Burton, Cervantes, Valentine Andraes, and Comte de Gabalis.It is from his ascended state that he brings the ultimate gift of freedom - The Violet Flame.

Anyone interested in spirituality. People that have compassion and respect for other's beliefs. Others who share the love of the Gods and Goddesses.

WhatKind of Empath Are You?
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You scored as Universal

You are a Universal Empath, you possess all the qualities of the other seven empath groups. You are what is known asan "Implicate" or Imp, a product of evolutionary design and genetic mutation. You are a psychic hybrid. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at



















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Rainbow Warriors

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This video depicts the message that reached Michael, passed on from the spirits of the Miwok Indians of Rainbow Bay (now Richardson Bay, Marin County, CA). He then shared this message with everyone in many languages across the world.


FOI - Fellowship of Isis
The Fellowship of Isis Founders:
Lady Olivia Robertson
Lawrence Durdin-Robertson
Pamela Durdin-Robertson

My Dear Husband, Roger


My Blog

FULL MOON ~ Solstice Teleconference

The moment of the full moon each month offers the greatest opportunity for meditation. This is a time, when the channelling of energy through group meditation can be uniquely effective. With this in m...
Posted by Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:29:00 PST

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrogradeJanuary 28 - February 19, 2008Here we go again... Mercury goes retrograde once again. It happens 3 times a year and it lasts for about 3 weeks. This time is from January 28 to Februa...
Posted by Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:44:00 PST

Flowing Outward

Flowing OutwardYour circumstances do not make you.Your circumstances reveal you.The events in your life do not cause you to be one way or another. The events in your life give you the opportunity to e...
Posted by Lyceum of the Goddess of Silence on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:13:00 PST