I am an artist from Barcelona, Spain. I now live in the Pacific Northwest and I love it here. I am an oil painter and my first show was in Barcelona at the age of 16. My paintings depict and explore the Sacred Feminine aspect of Everything There Is. I basically turn into a female every god or spiritual being that I can think of. Why? Because I believe that we already have plenty of gods and heroes that are male, and I want to bring some balance and empower women into seeing their own divinity, strength and power, independently of what the male tradition has to say. As far as I can see, most men think of a "goddess" as a very beautiful woman... so far from the truth, because, although the Goddess is beautiful in all Her forms, She is the soul behind everything that is female, nurturing, creative and loving, regardless of what "it looks like". My website, which I started WAY before the DaVinci Code made that name popular, is called "The Sacred Feminine" If you are curious, please take a look: http://www.thesacredfeminine.com
I also make candles, an activity that started as a hobby, but it was so much fun, it became my business. My candles are spiritual tools for meditation, manifestation and inspiration
My clients are varied and range from large department stores like Lord&Taylor, to small gifts shops, New Age Stores, natural food coops and people like you and me. I also make candles for private parties, like "the power of seven" for CSI, weddings and other events.
I describe myself as a "tree-hugger" and my vision of the Sacred Feminine honors a creative essence that is available to all people, regardless of gender.