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James Goi Jr.

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About Me

James Goi Jr. is an author, speaker and mind power coach (not to mention a poet, humorist, and songwriter). James' first book, "How to Attract Money Using Mind Power", presents timeless metaphysical secrets in plain language so readers can learn to attract all the money they want by properly directing the awesome force of their own minds. You can visit James at HIS WEBSITE . While you're there, be sure to sign up for James' FREE MONTHLY E-ZINE, 'Mind Power & Money E-zine' . Each month, the e-zine is sure to give you useful knowledge and information which will help you to live the prosperous, creative life you know you are capable of living.

"Mind Power is one of the greatest forces in the universe.
Use it right, and you can have just about anything you want."
--James Goi Jr

My Interests

James Goi Jr. Says:

Mind power is one of the greatest forces in the universe. Use it right and you can have just about anything you want.

They say money can't buy you happiness. That's fine. I'll take some anyway.

When you take, you lose. When you give, you gain. Don't do things backwards.

The images you hold in your mind become the images you see with your eyes. The images you see with your eyes become the images you hold in your mind. So, be careful what you imagine in your inner world. And, be careful what you behold in your outer world.

There is a faint voice which rises up from somewhere deep inside you. It springs from an all-knowing source. Listen... Can you hear it?

James Goi Jr. Says:

All good things will begin to flow towards you when you realize that you live in an intelligent universe, and that all good things are flowing towards you.

Form springs from the formless. Form returns to the formless. And so on and so forth.

Trust your intuition. If you can't trust yourself, who can you trust?

Whatever you are looking for is looking for you. Stop pretending you don't see each other.

I would give a person the shirt off my back. It's a good thing I can afford to buy as many shirts as I want.

Do it today!

James Goi Jr. says:

Your subconscious mind is among the mightiest forces in existence. Your conscious mind tells your subconscious mind what to do. Think of the possibilities.

Give a man a fish, and he'll eat it. Teach a man to fish, and he'll catch lots of fish and eat them too.

Prosperity, abundance, wealth, success -- they're all good things. That's the end of the story.

What you think is what you get. Careful what you think. Very careful.

You are the result of what you have dreamed yourself up to be. To become something else, dream anew.

James Goi Jr. says:

If you wait until you have enough to start giving, you may find you never have enough. If you start giving before you have enough, you'll find you already do have enough. Open your eyes and see.

You say you want wealth and abundance, yet you always speak of poverty and lack. Face it: What you say and what you speak are two different things. They need to be one.

I'd like to get off the subject of money for just a moment... Okay, now I'd like to get back on it.

I could tell you of unbelievable financial feats I've performed using mind power. But you probably wouldn't believe me.

If you possess a more useful tool than your own mind, I'd really like to know what it is. What other tool do you have which is so utterly limitless and so amazingly powerful? After all, with your mind you can attract and manifest and be guided to just about any good thing you desire. Can your toaster do that for you? How about your screwdriver? Even your computer pales in comparison.

James Goi Jr. says:

If it comes to be that you must rule a country, then become the kindest, fairest, strongest ruler on Earth. If it comes to be that you must sweep a floor, then sweep it like it's never been swept before.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Another definition might be doing the same thing over and over while, even though expecting the same result, not wanting that result.

Whatever you most want to get is what you most need to give.

Truth. Accept no substitute.

James Goi Jr. Says:

Abundance is not about material stuff. It's about all of the really important things in life such as health and love and friendship. Well, actually, it can be about material stuff too.

In the final analysis, none of the stuff "out there" really matters much. But that doesn't mean you can't have lots of it if you choose to.

Do what you were born to do, and you will one day fly. Don't do what you were born to do, and you will one day cry.

Sometimes things are not quite as they seem. And other times they are. The trick is being able to tell the difference.

You can make it happen!

James Goi Jr. Says:

It is more logical to follow your intuition than it is to follow your logic.

Sometimes less is more. Sometimes more is less. And never the twain shall meet. Or shall they?

More often than not, life gives you what you expect. You want something you don't have? Start expecting it.

Money. If you got it, give it. If you don't got it, get it. And even if you don't got it, give it anyway. And even if you do got it, go ahead and get some more. Got it?

The only way you'll find out if you can do it is to do it. So, do it.

It's all up to you...

James Goi Jr. Says:

Thinking makes you feel. And feeling makes you think. It's a good thing too because when you stop thinking and feeling, the game is over.

There are two kinds of people in this world. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. But they know who they are.

Be patient. Trust. Your good is on its way.

You can create miracles. You are a miracle.

A woman once invited me to a party that I just really didn't want to go to. So, I told her I didn't want to go. It's your life. Live it the way you want to.

This is your time to shine!

James Goi Jr. Says:

Money may make the world go 'round, but thought makes money go 'round.

Your aptitudes and interests and passions are the universe's way of telling you how to fulfill your destiny.

The mental image precedes the manifestation.

When you're dead and gone, it won't matter how much money you had. But while you're alive and here, it matters a whole bunch.

There may come a time when you feel like you just want to stop trying. There may come a time when you really want to quit. Don't do it.

James Goi Jr. Says:

Listen to the guiding whispers in your mind. They know what they're talking about.

There's enough for everyone to have enough. There's even more than enough for everyone to have more than enough. Trouble is, hardly anyone knows it.

Be an optimist. Or be a pessimist. But, whatever you do, pick one.

I was conversing with a guy today and he told me I was not understanding him. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about.

If I had the time to do everything I want to do, I'd be getting a lot more done.

James Goi Jr. Says:

This is the only moment you will ever have. But, tomorrow will come, so you'd be well advised to prepare for it.

Know what you want, and you begin to move toward it. Believe you can have what you want, and it's already yours.

Blessed are they who give freely, for the universe shall give freely unto them. As for everyone else, they're on their own.

Think of all the possibilities. Well, you never really could, but you could have a great time trying.

Ponder principles. Test techniques. Observe results. Then ponder, test, and observe some more.

James Goi Jr. Says:

You can be what you want to be. You can do what you want to do. You can have what you want to have.

Success is a process more than an outcome. Still, it's an outcome too.

Know that you don't need anything else to be complete. Then go out and get all the stuff you want to get.

It's okay to have missed the boat as long as your ship comes in.

The most exhausting thing is being exhausted. The most frightful thing is being afraid. The most hopeless thing is losing hope. Wait a second... don't tell me... I know I had a point...

James Goi Jr. Says:

Riches of all sorts will be yours when you stop running from them. Accept what is. Stop denying the facts.

He spent many long, hard years amassing a great fortune. Then one day he finally realized that money can't buy you happiness, money can't buy you love... But he was still glad he had the money.

When you realize that you can have all the riches you can imagine, you'll have riches beyond your wildest imagination. Just imagine!

When you do good things in good ways for good reasons, you get good results. And that can't be bad.

He wanted to learn how to be a coach. So he hired a coach to be his coach and teach him how to be a coach. And, well, now he's a coach. No, not the other guy, him. You know, the coach. Who have we been talking about all this time? Haven't you been paying attention?

James Goi Jr. Says:

It's fine to visualize and to use affirmations and all that. But the universe is likely to ask you to do a few things. Be willing to work.

What you do for others, you do for yourself. And what others do for you they do for you. Is this a great universe or what?

Sometimes the trick is not figuring out what you want, sometimes the trick is just admitting to yourself what you want.

Open your mind. Open your heart. Open your purse. Open, open, open.

Believe in yourself. Believe you can do it. Believe you will do it.

Nothing can stop you now!

James Goi Jr. Says:

There was a man with money and a man with no money. The man with the money gave some of it to the man who didn't have any. Then they both had some. That's the end of the story.

The simple way is often the best way. Not always, but often.

Joy, riches, success! Joy, riches, success! Everybody now: Joy, riches, success...

Take a good look at our paper money. It's dirty, smelly, wrinkled and torn. Not to mention the pen marks, germs, and God only knows what else. Let's face it: It's nasty! But, really, who gives a hoot?

Never forget... Um...

James Goi Jr. Says:

Six of one, half dozen of the other. Either way there's only six. But, either way there's also twelve.

If you are not getting where you want to go fast enough, you need to slow down so you can speed up. Let go. Then hold on.

You may not be able to take it with you, but it sure comes in handy while you're here.

If a person does good work for you for money, pay them well. If they're willing to do that work for free, pay them even better--one way or another.

Give till it feels fantastic.

Know what you want. Then get it!

James Goi Jr. Says:

Little green pieces of paper. Numbers on a bank statement. What are they? Freedom! Strange, but true.

Think about what you want and you'll get it. Think about what you don't want, and you'll get that too.

Your outer reality springs from your inner reality. And therein lies your power.

I don't know about anyone else, but, to me, the principles of attraction and manifestation are among the most important things a person could learn. After all, if you know how to attract and manifest the things you desire, your life will be of a character undreamed of by those without this knowledge and these skills.

James Goi Jr. Says:

Your thoughts affect those around you. The thoughts of those around you affect you. It's a jungle out there.

Serve others and the universe will serve you. Serve only yourself and you'll cut yourself off from much of the good that could be yours.

Your life will be what you make of it. What else do you need to know?

Rise up each morning believing you will do mighty things. Lie down each night knowing you did what you could do.

Sometimes it's best to just leave well enough alone. And sometimes it's OK to make well enough even more well.

The waiting is over.

I'd like to meet:


Available Now At:

Infinity Publishing



"How to Attract Money Using Mind Power" by James Goi Jr. may be the most concise, usable book of its kind. It sums up key points taught in countless mind power, metaphysics, and success books. It shows how to apply this knowledge to attract money. In twenty brief chapters, the science of attracting money is presented in such a simple, straightforward way, that any person of average intelligence will be able to grasp and use these profound teachings. Now, using the techniques given in this astounding little book, anyone can attract all the money they want by harnessing the power of their own mind.


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Samples of James' writing and wisdom can also be found at AuthorNation

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My Blog

Check out this event: Karma Caffe Radio Interview

Hosted By: James Goi Jr.When: Wednesday May 21, 2008 at 2:00 PMWhere: Internetwww.blogtalkradio.com/karmacaffeEverywhere, California|5 91944United StatesDescription:James Goi Jr. Click Here To View Ev...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:57:00 PST

Check out this event: WebWise interview with Chris Curtis

Hosted By: James Goi Jr.When: Sunday May 11, 2008 at 6:00 PMWhere: Internetwww.blogtalkradio.com/webbusinessownershipEverywhere , Delaware|8 19702United StatesDescription:James Goi Jr. Click Here To Vi...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Wed, 07 May 2008 09:11:00 PST

Daily Bits of Wit and Wisdom!

As you may have noticed, I’m not posting to this blog regularly right now. For your enjoyment and profit, though, I do post daily (short) bits of wit and wisdom over at my page on AuthorNation. ...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:23:00 PST

Im Number 1 at AuthorNation.com!

I have the good fortune, privilege, and honor of currently being the Number 1 most popular writer at AuthorNation.com. To see my page there, go to www. AuthorNation.com/jamesgoijr. I post new bits of ...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:36:00 PST

Oprahs Top 20!

Well, the universe continues to smile upon me. I’m still listed as one of Oprah’s top 20 friends! If you want to see for yourself, Oprah is in my top row of friends. Just click on over to ...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:40:00 PST


Coaching General Information By understanding the true mind power/money connection as James Goi Jr. teaches it in his book, you can learn to attract all the money you want and need. Still, some people...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:57:00 PST

MIND POWER & MONEY - monthly E-zine - Subscribe Now!

Mind Power & Money is a monthly ezine published by James Goi Jr., and delivered straight to your inbox for free! This monthly ezine will illustrate key points in the mind power/money connection, p...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:44:00 PST


Below are reviews for How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. Additional reviews will be posted at intervals, so please feel free to visit this page again. This little book really delivers, 11/05/2007R...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:24:00 PST

James Goi Jr. says:

Riches of all sorts will be yours when you stop running from them. Accept what is. Stop denying the facts. He spent many long, hard years amassing a great fortune. Then one day he finally realized tha...
Posted by James Goi Jr. on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 03:19:00 PST