Well for starters, I am here to meet all types of people from all backgrounds, belief systems, cultures and especially those that want to share their life experiences. I am here to socialize and network.I want to meet people with ambition, passion and those that are compassionate. People who want to make a difference in the world whether it is for self improvement or for a cause in which one is passionate about.I have an interest in persons who chooses to live their lives to their fullest potential and to embrace themselves so I can share my experiences without judgment. Ones who chases after their dreams or are willing to do so. Also those that make Random Acts of Kindness a daily reality. I choose to embrace those that are loving, caring, forgiving and those that are giving of themselves. I am seeking to meet and or network with individuals or groups that provide assistance to those in need.Please just BE.....even if is is for a moment. We all benefit from you just being yourself. Your essence will then be captured allowing me and others to enjoy the full YOU!Please be nice and considerate for I shall do the same unconditionally. Comments are always welcome but I ask that they be in good taste and with the best intentions.Remember, I am here to be your friend! Aren't you?