I enjoy the good life living in abundance awareness.
I currently hold a position as a furniture salesman and am happily married to my beloved wife Dianne.
As I progress in awareness of riches life has a different light..
Riches is abundance you and I are surrounded by in this realm. As a spiritual being, I live this abundant life on the physical form and am aware of the matrix unfolding around.
When we use our awareness on the physical, mental or spiritual form, we note that the same event (and surely all events) are expressed on 3 different level at the same place and the same time. The awareness of the Laws that govern the universe gives it new light. Some of the Laws are: "The Law of Cause and Effect; the Law of Polarity; the Law of Attraction; the Law of Perpetual Transmutation; the Law of Relativity; the Law of Gender" to name a few..
When our mental faculties (The will, memory, intuition, perception, imagination or reason) are put in action to tap in the matrix a different reaction is set in motion. The vibration we get from it sets a series of emotions which when unaware, controls our life and ultimately our destiny.The sub-conscious mind react or respond blindly sets the body in motion either in excitement of fear.. These are called habits or paradigm.. To become aware of them enables you to create an action which expresses harmony with the universe and its Laws.
This my friend, is where the riches lies.. Abundant and omnipresent in all places at all time..
I look forward to become a LifeSuccess consultant, to organize meetings, to communicate the self improvement information it provides and to distribute the information for a profit. I mostly meet with people on the level of the creative process philosophy to succeed without destroying.
The Science of Getting Rich Weekly Coaching Calls
30 minutes with Bob Proctor every Monday at
5:00pm EST (Eastern Time)
Call 507-726-3300
Passcode: 22010#
Get on this Monday’s call with me to find out more!