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This is a headingMOTHER-PEACE INTERNET TALK RADIOSince I'm on the Cusp of Scorpio I'll Post both Scorpio and LibraScorpioArt By Josephine WallOctober 24—November 22 At the heart of the constellation Scorpius, the red giant star Antares burns with a fiery intensity matched by astrological Scorpio’s passionate temperament. Ruled by Pluto, Greek God of the Netherworld, Scorpio is intimately connected with the extremes of life, with beginnings and endings, conception and lasting legacies. As the sign of purpose and success, the dedication and drive of Scorpio is unmatched. Of course, if a Scorpio’s anger is aroused, or she feels out of control and disordered, the sting of rebuke will be unmistakable! Scorpios thrive in pursuits that require intuition and deeper understanding, including medicine, spirituality, and philosophy. © Leanin’ Tree®September 23-October 23 Libra, The only inanimate sign of the Zodiac, Is ruled by Venus. Modern-day Astrologers often view Libra as the Most generous of the Zodiac because It represents the "Zenith of the Year, "When the harvest of the spring's Hard work is reaped. Because Venus Is the goddess of love and beauty? Librans admire beauty in many forms, Such as art, music, and even people. Librans are very likeable due to Their captivating charm. Being an air sign, Librans are intellectual and Continuously seek out knowledge And new ideas. Born under the sign Of the Scales, their spirits thrive On balance and harmony and are most At peace when the world around them Is orderly and serene. © Leanin’ Tree® God, Goddess, Divine Spirit of all that is, Thank you for the gift of knowing that love is my birthright. And thank you for this opportunity to discover and pursue my hearts true desire. I call upon the light and love of all the Cosmic Matchmakers, the Spiritual Power That brings true loves together. Please make sure I learn to love myself as You guide me in my quest for love. Please illumine the path with wisdom, grace, love and intelligence, So that I can see my true love in the light of the divine, And being my relationship with “the right mate.” My One and Only Twin flame, Please hold me in your embrace, that I may safely open my heart. Support me in evoking from within the hero and heroine I once sought from others. Let me write my own true love story and let my true love help me craft it. I pray that you help me find a love that brings heaven closer to earth. Amen, And so it is.If you take the time to enjoy single life, heal from past relationship mishaps and give Thoughts to the love you really want, it will be much easier for your mystical lover to find and embrace you!! Every night I go to bed with mediations whether it is "CRYSTAL VOICES Crystal Singing Bowls", Songs of the Dolphins which I have worked with my dolphin guides Also some of my favorite Kelly Howell Meditation. which has helped me in many certain areas of my life. One of the first that I had listened to for about 4 month straight was Healing Meditations, nourish mind, body and spirit. These are brain sync meditations, one of many that I have, "Deep Learning", "Deep Meditation" High Focus", "Guided meditation Faith discovery the miracle of trust", "Destiny, guided meditation embrace the ultimate dream", "Prayer", guided meditation manifest a state of grace, "Desire" a guided meditation power of love, "Kundalini" a meditation practice to transform your life all by Kelly Howell.. her meditations have helped me transform with the power of God, Son of God, Goddness, Spirit Guides, Archangel, Angels of Mercey, My Higher Power, the Universe, My animal Guides, Treeland friends, and lightworker/healer friends who have helped me in my growth to where I am this day, and continue learning and growing each and every day. I thank you all. Thank you God, Goddesses, Mother Earth Father Sky, Spirit Guides, Archangels and Ascended Masters for all your help in my spiritual journey. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. If they can't be trusted don't waste your time. God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Don't cry because it is over smile because it happened and you learned the people in your life that really care about you and can be trusted.There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around the best things come when you least expect it. Angel of Darkness! you live in the shadows, and no one knows who you really are. You are a good fighter, and will not hesitate to kill when threatened. But you aren't all evil, you are beautiful, and have a very good heart. color: black, and dark purple Song lyrics: "Fallen angels at my feat, whispered voices at my ear, death before my eyes, lying next to me I fear Title: What's your inner power? Sensitivity- Your inner power is Sensitivity! You are true to your heart, and probably a hopeless romantic. Everyone loves you for your gentle ways and kind words, and you are brilliant with animals and young children. You're very sweet and caring, and you have friends who love you, who are always there to support you and hold you when your fragile heart is broken. You are most likely often found daydreaming about your life and your future, and you have a talent for dealing with kids, all of which adore you, even if you've only been around them for five minutes. You're the one your friends turn to when they need a shoulder to cry on, and a kind word to get them smiling again. You are shy, lovable, compassionate, and seek to make the world a better place. You will go far in life for sure. Man who will sweep you off your feet, the romantic, sweet guy that every girl dreams of at some stage in their life. You just love the way he treats you as you are the most precious, important girl in the world, and the way you know hell never cheat on you. Now About me, crazy fun, giggle (been told by a guy once he didn't like my laugh and wanted to put a nail through my head), made me laugh more, (better to laugh then be a bitch) lol... I'm quiet to the point really of being shy, but watch out when the music starts hehehe my friends that see me out with the bands know (LOVE TO DANCE), I'm a single mom of two teens which I love and are great kids, I guess I have brought them up right :) . Thank God. I Love music I go out on weekends to see bands, lots from myspace but friends bands too, when I hear that music my mood changes, I feel alive and free, I love summer time always hated winter but beginning to learn that winter is beautiful as well, but sure cold here, I guess I don't like the cold weather too much, but love it when the sun is shinning I feel alive. I love sitting at the pond when the sun is out shinning reading one of my favorite books. Doreen Virture, Wayne Dywer One of my most favorite authors, few more that I love, gives me a lot of insight on life and where I need to go, do and see. Sometimes when I don't have a clue I will ask God for some answers he always gives me them through my Angel/fairy cards, they are not bad like people may think, they are just a tool for answers you seek (call them messages from God) Answers what you will. We hear in our inner ears, we just have to learn how to tune into hearing it.. If sometimes your questioning what you here (this is why I use my cards), they give me the truth, they always do, they reassure my answers that I am hearing in my inner ear. Our egos tend to kick in at times, and thats when I lose track of myself, until I can get back on track I tend to step away from people, till my light shines again. Healing is a big part of my life, been healing myself for the past few years as well with working with healing the earth, in which the Earth helps heal me as well. I sit at that pond and connect to the earth, I had a favorite tree that I sat with every day, but they just cut him down, was very sad, but now that its nice outside I go take my chair and place my feet right on his trunk sitting there left in the ground. I love the earth, it really has so much power inside, all these storms are just warnings trying to wake up people to pay attention, spread love around to others so that it will come back to you spread light and love to your earth so it will heal our oceans and animals plants as well. Especially our trees, they really need to be here for us, they are a big part of our living and breathing. Without trees what would we have....... No Beauty thats for sure. Make a habit to thank God for this earth he put you on and what he has given you. Ask your Angels always to be at your side they will protect you when you call on them to do so, they always do....... God sends them to you and to me, they are here for us just have to call on them. God does give us answers no matter what you have for a God or call him, as long as he is for better good in life, you can call him what you will. There really is no religon should all be just one, again as long as it is used for better good to you and to others. Shine Love Light and Good will to others around you, it will come back like a boom-a-rang affect on you. They took God out of our Schools, why? because he is known as a religion or a belief not everyone believes in... You can't see the air can you but you know it's their and you breath it, how are you even on this earth and in this world every think how you got here in the first place... Someone put you here. God, Goddness of the universe, Gods angels even his earth angels as you are and me. Are here to help shed some light and learning messages to you in hopes to open up and see something different that will make a difference in your life and in all others. The Most Important thing now Is I know what true love is suppose to be..... Not what I thought was and really never received... So If I wait forever then that's the way it will be. I'm not here looking for it, just to share love and light, words of inspiratition, kindness and love......... To meet some new friends meet my new band friends so I can dance laugh and smile... I thank those bands who really are kind and friendly (but really I'm very shy)........ To my friends here who have been true and kind Love you all.... Everyone who has condemned me and tell me I'm going to hell because "What I believe in certain things", Don't make me a bad person May God help you See........... Do not condem me just love me. that's what God would want you to do. We all have to remember these words "If you have nothing nice to say Don't say it at all.We thank you for this earth, our home; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the ocean and streams, for the towering hills and the whispering wind, for the trees and green grass.We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of fields of golden wheat, and taste autumn's fruit, rejoice in the feel of snow, and smell the breath of spring flowers.Grant us a heart opened wide to all this beauty; and save us from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory.For each new dawn is filled with infinite possibilities for new beginnings and new discoveries. Life is constantly changing and renewing itself. In this new day of new beginnings with God, all things are possible. We are restored and renewed in a joyous awakening to the wonder that our lives are and, yet, can be. May you walk in light and love, your life be filled with love and abundance always and forever, may you always be protected and guided to good. Blessings to allWe don't have to be victims.. Most people always victims will always be one until we say NO MORE

My Interests

"Serendipity" Believe in FateAngel Alliance Radio Show hosted by Anna and Steve*Namaster*LIVE RADIO

Spiritual New Age RadioChanging with the seasons just like a Tree People are like trees, trees changes with the seasons we do the same, ever feel like how a tree feels, when spring time comes we start feeling more energy once the warm weather comes so much energy but when Sept starts rolling around leaves changing their colors then finally no leaves at all, trees taking a rest for the next spring to shed more energies... Sit by a tree sometime and feel its energies. But even during the winter time you can feel its still quiet energies... Breath it in....... NO one ever really thinks about a tree do they. Do you? We are like Trees always growing and always changing. Jane GI'm Like a TreeI'm like a tree, I feel and change like a tree I begin to wither and tire, I am always beautiful. I see stars in the heavenly sky, green green grass beneath my feet, Flowers on the mountain sides, The smell of Salt in the Oceans Air, cool and crisp, Colors changing all around me, It is the time of year. I can feel it in my bones, the feel of Autumn time I feel like a tree, almost time to sleep. Written by Jane G
Cool SlideshowsThe east side of the carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, about 50 miles due west of Bakersfield, California. Photo Taken by Barbara Mathews May 14, 2005 Nothing man can do could ever equal the glory of God's Creations.
Create Your Own!
- Get Your Own "The Stars in the Sky were meant for your eyes"Hows My Sweet Friend God Bless You and your loved ones, may you always be filled with life, peace, happiness and full off abundance in every part of your life. Love and Light JaneEven I have to remember these words below. Worry/Fear "We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears." -- Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld"I don't believe people die from hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear -- the negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today, most people don't understand what hard work is all about." --A.L. Williams"Do not give any time to your past, you can't change what happened 5 minutes ago." -- Jan Ruhe"The fear is worse than the pain." -- Shannon Bahr We are Love and We Share LoveI am a child of the light I serve with the Brotherhood of Light to bring light upon this planetI am a guardian of the light I am love in action here Co-operating with the love and light of the universe I am dedicated to the Kingdom of God on Earth Interplanetary Fellowship and Universal PeaceI invoke the light for my protection and will not receive the words of any being who does not serve the golden white light of God In Heaven or on EarthI as a son or daughter of the new age awakening now upon the earth command forth in the name of my mighty "I AM" presence that my holy Christ Self flow forth into my human mind and perform the work of reuniting me to its God receiver Oh come into me now, oh Christed one, and raise me back up to my source Bring forth God energies necessary for me to know, only the perfection of God's love, life, and light this day, in all I see, speak and do. So be it done, In the name of my mighty "I AM" presence. I Meditation and Become one with the Universe. St. Frances Could see beauty where others couldn't, but I can and You can as well, Open up your mind, Open up your heart Open up Your Soul. Together We can Make a Difference The angels of self-sacrifice and everlasting devotion, of courage and tenderness; they must be fluttering about in the winds high above, sometimes taking on the face of man and his flesh. -Dagobert D. Runes How to Develop Your Angel Wings Transform yourself into an angel by following these steps to acquire your feathers. By Diana Cooper As you grow and develop spiritually, you manifest and radiate angel qualities. When this happens you grow angel wings. These do not appear physically, of course, though you may feel pain, tension, tingling, or a sensation behind your shoulders when the energy is starting to gather.The wings appear in your etheric body, which is the invisible spiritual counterpart to your physical body, where your history and development are recorded. For example, if you have had a limb amputated, you will still have that limb in your etheric body and may feel sensations in it, which will seem to you to be physical sensations.Everyone’s wings are different. They will have a variety of shapes, colors, textures, and qualities. Some people have tiny, fast-beating wings. Others have huge, feathery ones. Some are gossamer-soft, others strong and powerful. They can be pointed, rounded or any shape. Your wings may be transparent, pink, white, gold or any other color.It is wonderful to know what your wings are like and to feel or sense them. And your wings change, develop and become bigger and stronger all the time, so this is a meditation you can do from time to e to sense how your wings are reflecting your angelic qualities. Some people seem to have double wings or two sets as they expand their consciousness.EXERCISE: Meditation for Your Angel WingsMake sure you are in a place where you will be undisturbed. If possible, raise the energy with flowers, a candle, appropriate music if you like it and beautiful objects or books. Sit or lie with your back straight. Ground yourself by imagining roots reaching down from your feet into the Earth. Relax and let go of the outside world. Focus on your breathing and when you feel comfortable, stroke your body with your breath from your head down, Imagine each breath is making you feel more relaxed and peaceful. Be aware of your spine and notice from which part your wings unfurl. Let your wings spread out fully. Sense their size, shape, texture and color Gently and slowly imagine yourself moving your wings until you can flap them easily. Ask your angels to hold your hands and help you to fly out into the sky. Enjoy flying with their support. When you are ready, let go of their hands and fly through the stars. Experience the joy and freedom of your angelic self. Drop golden angel dust on people and places who need it. Return to your body and sit quietly for a few moments. Feel your feet on the Earth and make sure you are grounded. Stretch and open your eyes. Congratulate yourself on receiving your angel wings. http://www.beliefnet.com/story/224/story_22433_1.html?WT.mc_ id=NL24

I'd like to meet:

My grandmother again in heaven, a first love all over again that would last a life time of love and happiness. Someone who makes me feel like my other side is held, shoulder to lean on even though I can always call on My guides and God for that, they really are the only ones who can get me through anything, but would be nice have a physical being. Someone day I'll find that person, till now I'm here to share light, and healing with others.I would love to meet Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Doreen Virtue many more spiritual Authors..... too many to list. Would like to thank them for being a part of my life, have learned so much from your readings.Radio for your soul. www.hayhouseradio.comHayhouse products to enrich your mind and spirit!Dr,. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtiue, and many more favorites listen to this talk show on your computer live....... you got Speakers don't you check it out check the archives for older shows........ Check it out www.hayhouseradio.com
Would love to meet. God Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, , who have inspire me to work with their light. My Twin flame, many lightworker friends.Very Important to our young future to BelieveThis is so amazing, a myspace dear friend sent it to me in my comment and boy I felt like I was in my meditation world while watching it, it really touched me, Hope it touches you God BlessCalling on My Twin Flame May You Find Me Now May your love be true one desire, may we become as one and we write our own love story Everyone Has a Gift Given to them, "The Gift Of Life" Use it wisely. Peace, Love and LightI hope some Day My Life with Be shared with a special someone who makes me feel As We Are ONE.Don't Let Love Slip Away.


Some great Words of John Lennon In the words of John Lennon (Ascender Master) A great songwriter and well missed. "Imagine" Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for todayImagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace….You may say I’m a dreamerBut I’m not the only oneI hope someday you’ll join usAnd the world will be as oneImagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world.You may say I’m a dreamerBut I’m not the only oneI hope someday you’ll join usAnd the world will live as one. “John Lennon” Produced by John and Yoke

LIKK At Stinky Petes April 12, 2008


Hilary Swank "Freedom Writers" "The Celestrine Prophecy", "The Passion", "The Apocalypses", "Paul", "Conversations with God", "The Nativity Story", "The Celestrine Prophecy", "Though None Go With Me", "The Note Book" I love just about any movie but I'm not into horror. The Celestine Prophecy (great movie), The 10th Insight great book... Love Wayne Dwyer Books.. "A Promises is a Promises" True true and Very Very Touching, brings tears to my eyes. Love reading Doreen Virtues books, have so many can't even list. ************************************** "Brotherhood of the Wolves" When a mysterious beast ravages the countryside, two unlikely heroes are called in to fight the evil. The only way they can save the land from this unspeakable terror is to face their greatest fears, unearth a dark power and reveal a deadly secret. Harry Knowles of Aintitcoolnews.com raves, "A Remarkable Film. As cool as they Come!............ *********************** "The Fountain" Yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future. Through time and space, one man embarks on a bold 1000 year old odyssey to defeat humankind's most indomitable foe: Death.Hug Jackman plays that man, devoted to one women (Rachel Weisz) and determined to protect her from forces that threaten her existence. His quest leads him to a Tree of Life... and to an advernture into eternity. Darren Aronofsky directs, continuing his string of imaginative, involving film making with a tale alive with ideas and filled with astonishing vistas. "Not many films can blow your mind and break your heart at the same time, but this one will. Angel of Nature I am Angel of Nature, Kind and sympathetic. Love Nature and everything about it. You enjoy animals over people. You are very gentle. Your stone/jewel: Calcite Your power: Love. You can make the most revengeful person mellow, and have a talent for being a brilliant match maker.******Your element: Earth A quote that applies to you: "When you step to the ledge of all the light you have left, and you take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you might believe one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you step upon, or you will learn how to fly." My Heritage: Irish, French divorced, but lookign for special loveChildren: Yes, teens both great kids, spoiled as they should be. *************************Looking for a Love, Commitment, the one who wants Only Me, Maybe marriage again some day. Respect, Honesty, Passion, Commitment,Most Missed Memory My grand mother, feeling the love of a man, Yes I may want certain things from a man, but at least they know I love them, LOVE. I'm looking for love, build on trust first, But it has to be earned.************I'm 45 years old been my life is half over, I haven't found that someone yet, but I'm sure someday I will..He's out there somewhere, If you don't have respect for some one how can you have it for yourself.************* I do not smoke Yuck, not interested in being around it either. Don't do Drugs never have Never have got arrested and hope I never do Friday nights maybe more then twice a night going out listening to music at local places Music sets the soul free--My Best Clothing Style: what every comfortable, clean, tank tops with opened jacket, comfortable pants but in a dressy way ------------- Number of Tattoos? I had one (Dragons Eye) gone do to breast reduction, but going to have it put back on again soon, I hope. ------------Type of music you like the best: 70's 80's, hmm love them all, but don't really like rap. MUSTANG SALLY RIDE (rocks), get down and shake your ass lol.favorite Food: love pizza, fish (haddock), prime rib, have many that are my favorite usually what ever I'm in the mood for. -----Well I would love to find that special someone, some day, may not be this year hope in this lifetime, have you seen the movie "The Note Book" That is the love I have always dreamed about "Unconditional love" watch that movie!! how much more of unconditional love can you get. Some one who wants only you, loves only you, who even wants to die even with you. ************


Charmed, Ghost Wispers, NCI, CSI, SuperNatural, Smallville, Bones, CSI Miami, House American Idol


Make me strong in spirit, Courageous in action, Gentle of heart,Let me act in wisdom, Conquer my fear and doubt, Discover my own hidden gifts,Meet others with compassion, Be a source of healing energies, And face each day with hope and joy. - Abby Willowroot http://www.beliefnet.com/ May all be filled with joy and peace. May all beings everywhere, The strong and the weak, The great and the small, The meek and the powerful, The short and the long, The subtle and the gross:May all beings everywhere, Both seen and unseen, Dwelling far off or nearby, Being, or waiting to become: May all be filled with lasting joy.Let no one deceive another, Let no one anywhere despise another, Let no one out of anger or resentment Wish suffering to anyone at all.Just as a mother with her own life Protects her child, her only child, from hurt, So within yourself let grow A boundless love for all creatures.Let your love flow outward through the whole universe To its full height, depth, and broad extent, Then, as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one pointed mind: Your life will bring heaven to earth.Translated by Stephen H. Ruppenthal | Source: From "The Path of Awakening: Passages for Meditation." (c) 2004 by Stephen H. Ruppenthal (beliefnet.com)


If you believe in reincarnation, those who we have lost whether years pass or recent, think of this when they return which they will I believe, and they will return as earth angels to help change this world, this is why this has happen to them, I believe this world will change if we believe and hope and keep faith, pray meditation do what every it is you feel but lets make this world a better place to live in...Just think when your loved ones return they could be your neighbor your newborn a new friend, someone you just met, it could be someone you have lost in the past... So always be kind and loving...... Think about it.May we learn to forgive, holding anger inside of us, doesn't bring anything but sadness, help us change, by sharing love and light around the world. I understand the pain of those who have lost love ones.Strength & BlessingsDo not be afraid, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by your name, you are mine. Should you pass through the sea, I will be there with you; or through rivers, they will not swallow you up. Should you walk through fire, you will not be scorched and the flames will not burn you... Do not be afraid, for I am with you. —Isaiah 43 *** For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. —2 Timothy 1 *** May the pain of every living being Be completely cleared away. May I be the doctor and the medicine And may I be the nurse For all sick beings in the world Until everyone is healed... May the frightened cease to be afraid And those bound be freed... --from the Prayer for World Peace by Geshe Acharya Thubten LodenMay Love and Light always be with you, JaneGod, Goddesses, Angels, My Higher Self, Lightworkers, Friends, who are there for better good shinning their light of hope, Peace and love to each other without you this world would just continue to stay in war and hate, with you we will better the future for our children and for ourselves. Thank you all. Keep spreading your light and shine your love on to others with hope as they do the same to others in return.

My Blog

rcc new program in south easthern mass help mental health peers

It is time to take charge of our lives.It is time for us to "GET A LIFE!"RCC NEW PROGRAM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PEERS TAUNTON, MA508-828-4537  RESOURCE CONNECTION CENTER "Promating healing as a journe...
Posted by JanesHavenTwo on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:18:00 PST

tapping EFT

Yesterday in my womans group, we learned Tapping& So looked up onlineFor some info on it.  This is what I found.Henry David Thoreauhttp://www.emofree.com/splash/video_popup.aspScroll down for tod...
Posted by JanesHavenTwo on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:32:00 PST

earth day

Make Every Day Earth DayWishing your life full of love, Peace, happiness and abundanceThank You for This EarthWe thank you for this earth, our home; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the ocean...
Posted by JanesHavenTwo on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:30:00 PST