~Angels descending, bring from above,
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love~~~"Be Merciful And full Of Love"~~~Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience~~~ “The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.â€~~
My maiden name is Johnson and I'm just a Midwest girl at
heart. Born and raised in Illinois.
Everybody can use more love in their life. Try not to take offense if people are rude or unkind or seem like they are trying to hurt your feelings. Many of those people you are dealing with are at a younger soul level then you. And are not yet able to act kind and loving as often as they might like. It is possible that you can send thoughts of forgiveness and be loving and kind to everyone, no matter how they behave. And Love yourself, even in the times when your response isn't as high as you would have liked it to be.
It can be very difficult at times to love as our higher self does. Watching what comes out of our mouths, thinking before speaking. That really is the first step. How will my response uplift this person? Or will I just want to say something smart and clever to make me look good? And get in a rude re-mark to make them feel the way they made me feel? We have to lay the ego down, it can really hold you back from raising your vibration. We don't always have to be right. Even if we might be sometimes it's best to let it go. But we really have to try our best. Sending people love no matter how they act, will come back to you many times over as increased love in your life. As you love others, even those things about them that are so very unlovable you will rapidly increase your vibration. And when you pass from this world to the next, that is what is so very important. But it also doesn't mean you stay with an abusive person. Be it a friend, spouse or lover. You have to know when to break ties. Not everyone is capable of responding to the higher vibration of another, but as you put light around yourself, you make a higher vibration available to others. I find that very interesting. Because we have all been around people that when we leave we come away feeling drained. But around others we feel the total opposite. The older I get, I look to be around kind hearted people, humble people. In the end it really is how kind I was to you and others, in my words and deeds that truly matters.~When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.~~Angels Are Immortal~
~~Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never kissed in the rain~~~~Forgiveness does not mean that you need to do anything or take any action. Forgiving others releases the negative energy within you, and frees you to love as your soul. Everytime you choose love you are the winner. Forgiveness is an inner attitude that brings you peace.~~~~Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.~~
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~~I will find you~~ "Last of the Mohicans"~~For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul~~~~The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved~~