As Jesus instructed, I seek good. I have found so much good to enjoy in animals,nature, music, caring about all people, art,science,living simply and enjoying lifes most important aspects, meaning spiritual things like faith and Love and hope. I have learned the importance of taking real time to enjoy the good and feel the joy, and, most importantly I work hard at sharing the joy!!!!I make it a daily point to celebrate all natural things, holidays, just anything associated with JOY!!!!"SEEK, AND YE SHALL FIND"
I am interested in meeting people who gratefully enjoy life and feel they are here to share the joy with others not just get it for themselves!God is Love. And God Loves everybody. We All are children of God. :-)I am so thankful to God for all of my "Angels" that supply me daily with peace and joy by simply being here on earth with me! Thank you Father for your creation you have given us to enjoy! Bits of heaven on earth!I believe that Jesus was here on Earth,by choice, to show us,by example, how to live so that we too can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He was a humble man who walked the Earth and helped those that He ran into. The sick, He healed, making sure to let each know that it was the power of their own Faith that healed them. The hungry, He fed, those who were seeking His wisdom, He ministered to. His "mission" had to do with the Souls that he met during His life, His "walk". He was not rich or famous. He did not force anyone to do anything against their will. He consistently taught that each individual can, at his or her choosing, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, He highly respected All He encountered's right to choose. He told us to Love each other. He told us many stories that revealed that we are all equal Heirs to the thrown and that we only need to choose to Love. He said material things are useless and He lived His whole life owning nothing but the clothes on His back. And He showed us that death has no sting to One who lives life for others. I think His life should show us all that each one of us also has their own "mission". It is to Love. It is to help anyone we run into in our lifetime. Our family members, our co-workers, our neighbors, each person's mission is specific. As we walk through each day, we each must help those who seek our help, we must respect differences and absolutely respect that all have the power of choice. We must stop thinking about ourselves, stop spending energy on ourselves, but rather work behind the scenes, remember, Jesus always told people it was by their own Faith, not by His doing, that they were healed and that their life was made better. He wants each one of us to store up spiritual treasures, not worldly ones, and to have Faith that up to and including our own inevitable death, our mission is to Love. He made clear through His stories that every single one of us was important to Him, He does not want even one of us to not learn the lessson of Love and join Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. And, He promises to be there every step of the way. "Fear not, I am with thee". It is true that Others that You may come into contact with may not want your help, and Jesus ran into them also. That was O.K., He just moved on to see if someone else wanted to hear His good news. And He told it, and He told it, and He told it! And He Himself lived it! He was ridiculed and made fun of while He lived, and even His best Friends denied knowing Him, but He still Loved and He forgave them instantly. He was never properly revered during His lifetime, but He kept on doing good and forgiving throughout, and today He is one of the most well known persons in history. Have Faith, my dear fellow humans. Don't look for the Love You crave to fill You here in the physical realm, but rather forgive the rest of us and hold fast to His Love, He promises to give You the strength You need, all You need to do is ask! The power of this world to hurt You will fade away!!!You will then find that You will be able to fulfill your "mission" by only eminating Love, behind the scenes, to the lives YOU find around YOU on your own personal "walk".May God Bless Your walk!:-) When One lives his or her "walk" for spiritual gains, as promised, the sadness of this world "stage" is relinquished and has no power.
Spiritual music is my favorite, but I Love almost any music.
I enjoy movies that are thoughtful and leave you with a joyous feeling!!
...LOST... America's Funniest Videos, Dancing with the Stars, Oprah, Extreme Makeover Home Edition..Anything with positive goals! I am a current events junkie,not because it is always uplifting,;-), but because I believe knowledge helps you to better direct your own goals as well as to help others you may talk to, especially young people who are facing todays problems in thier youth!!!!!! So.... I am always checking in on the news.
I enjoy reading any books that are enlightening and thoughtful.There is so much of God's beautiful creation, above us...around us, and below us under the seas...Our universe is awesome, it takes my breath away!Natural beauty is inside us and around us....the trick is to be aware of it! There is material beauty that is seen and spiritual beauty which is unseen by eyes but felt in the heart....I have learned that from adversity spiritual beauty emerges. I believe all things happen to enable us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I look up often and breathe in the beauty of the skys.....And I rejoice in the glory below us too!Our Universe has natural beauty abundant beyond compare, it has Oneness, a singular rhythm, and I find that the appreciation of it, the awareness of it, always fills my Soul with Joy.
My heroes are all people of our past and of our present who have made a difference in other's lives. Number one, of course, is Jesus Christ.I find strength in God's promises. They get me through tough times and uncertainty.I Love the Bible! It strengthens me whenever I need a boost!The message must be taken as a whole! It is: "Love one Another". If we practice this in our daily lives, we need not worry about each verse by itself!!!!Every storyline in all of our known and accepted history, all that is,all that ever was,every story told in the Bible, is proof! The way God wants you to live your life is in LOVE!!!!!"Do everything in LOVE!" Love is a law. Like gravity you can not see it. But whether or not you believe in it, it is still the law. When you break the law, as in gravity, you experience the result. That is not God punishing you, it is the result of your thoughts and actions.But when you practice the Law of have the power of the UNIVERSE working with you! Nothing is out of your reach. NOTHING!!!I have always had horses in my life and Loved them dearly. I Love all animals to the point of distraction...but my horses and my kitties have always had a special spiritual connection.... Thank you Father for your blessings and the tools you provide us, so individualized, to enlighten and to give us unconditional Love here on Earth.And, oh Father, the joy one can feel from the beauty of your natural gifts of crystal,mineral, and rock!!!
This candle will burn until every Soul returns to their home countries from Iraq.
God bless you, and your Loved ones, you are all in my prayers.
And God bless Iraq and all of it's Citizens, I am praying for Our Enlightenment and for a conclusion
for All. :-)"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mystical. It is the source for all true art
and science."
--Albert Einstein.I Love the beauty that comes out of our thoughts, our dreams,our art! "What you put in your mind,
is what
is in there. "--Seven ;-)
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