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The Eagle

Nurturing Eagle Loves Soaring Over Nature / For they that wait upon the lord shall renew their stren

About Me

I am a young spirit and body that has been resident on this planet for quite a few years and am in the process of studing endlessly to make a difference in this world before I go to the next. I have just written a golf book of a spiritual nature and a book about growing up in a society of bullying and bullies. I am in the process of becoming Internet Marketing literate and would like to make a difference with my soon to be published BullyCentral website. I was recently relieved of my duties in the workplace due to downsizing and have undertaken a mentoring course on eBusiness development, I want to get my take on the bullying phenomonon out to the world with the hopes that it will make that difference. I have also read Mr. Robert G. Allen's inspirational books on Cracking the Millionaire Codes and Multiple Streams of Internet Income. I am a protege of all that is akin to educating the bad guys and got on this track through Mr Allen's book, Barry Goss and the portal. I have been mentored by he, Messer's Dov Baron, Mr Goss and many others that have inspired me to forge on with my goals of setting up a foundation for young inspired children and aged inspired retirees in order to bring about a more enlightened existence for myself and all involved. I have never been driven as I am today. This recently new enthusiasm that I have gotten from the spiritual realm, these books and video's is truly invigorating and something enlighteningly new to me. I, like many people my age was succumbing to the habits formed over many years in the work place and in life. I was bound by mental circuitry that had accumulated over those years of thought and justification. I was looking backwards instead of forwards for my answers, rifling through reams of misguided patterns in order to find the truth. You can't find ways of ascending or going "up" while digging in the dirt and heading downward. Thats where I was looking until I found the (check it out) I am fully engulfed in learning and loosening my way up to enlightenment. We all have the power of god in us, we just have to let him shine. Anyone that knew me in the past would never expect that type of declaration from me. I was not a religion type guy but sometimes people find their way and change for the best and the higher power within us is exactly that. Let the truth be known.Wishing you all the best that life has to offer always. Rules!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 p align="center"Woodland with light* This is Declan Galbraith singing "Tell Me Why" PLEASE if you have a few minutes, click on this video and experience one of the most moving child tributes to helping out children that I have ever seen.*Two eagles soaringFull Moon and rippling water

My Interests

Sports: Golf, fishing, NCAA Football, NFL Football, baseball, NCAA Basketball, photography, long rides in the country and growing stuff

I'd like to meet:

As many enlightened people as I possibly can in the next thirty years or until I pass on whichever comes first.All of my friends here on this page and Robert G. Allen, Jack Canfield, Mark Vincent Hansen, The entire cast of the magnificent film "The Secret", Dov Baron, Joe Vitale, Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, Clint Eastwood, Bill Murray, Brett Farve, Tiki Barber, Elton Brand and my maker, but I want to put that on hold for a while.


All music especially Jazz, Soft pop, rhythm and blues, country. Rules! Bono NAACP Speach

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"The Secret", Inherit the Wind, Citizen Kane, Shane, Frequency, The Godfather, The Searchers, Red River, Serpico, Internal Affairs, Barefoot in the Park, What the Bleep, Millionaire "Awaken your Secret"-- -


Sports events, channel 13 specials, Music events. Rules! Have a great day! Rules! Moon****
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Think and Grow Rich, Man and Superman (play), Man Against Himself, Joy, Nobody knows My Name, The Bible, Life's Missing Instruction Manual, Cracking the Millionaire Code *** Wishing you all that is joyous and light hearted. I thank you very much for the addition of your space to mine, now I have more space to fly in and to breath of. ..


Michael Beckwith, Dov Baron, Robert G. Allen, Mark Vincent Hansen, Jack Canfield, Morris Goodman, Derek Gehl, Lisa Nichols, Ophra Winfrey, Bono, Angelina Joliet, Nelson McCutchen