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by Simon Aronowitz

Saturday 13th December 2003

Despite the enormity of the story, a virtual news blackout has remained in place since Margie Schoedinger first filed charges against George W Bush in 2002. Schoedinger had accused Bush of rape and other sexual crimes against both her and her husband, only one publication in the USA saw fit to print anything about her or her allegations. That publication was her local newspaper.

Her subsequent suicide earlier this year raised many eyebrows amongst those who learned of her death via the internet. Even though the sequence of events was bizarre, again the American media ignored Schoedinger completely.

However, the US press were not alone. Both the (London) Times newspaper and the BBC as well as other major news organisations in the UK were furnished with the story and sources for the original court filings. This should have garnered some attention for the story from the big media sources, if only to ridicule the allegations. Instead, in the same way the American media served its audience a stream of controlled news, so too did the British media by pretending Schoedinger didn't exist.

Schoedinger apparently committed suicide on 22nd September of 2003 but her death only attracted new attention on the internet in November of 2003. Only now has one small-circulation newspaper in the UK run the story of her demise. It found the story so newsworthy it ran its headline on the front page next to the title header.

The New Nation serves the black community of London and, according to a spokesperson for the newspaper, has a circulation of 25,000. This spokesperson also stated that the newspaper had confirmed the details of the story before publishing and apologised for the misprinting of Schoedinger's death as 12th December 2003.

That a newspaper in the English-speaking part of the world has finally deemed this story worthy of publication finally gives legitimacy to it. If one paper can cover this then so can others.

Many regular readers of ..quality' newspapers such as the Times, Telegraph and even the NY Times have never heard of Margie Schoedinger. Her tale illustrates how the news available on the internet is often of greater value than that which is paid for. Editors should be asked by their paying readers and viewers why this story has been censored.

One can only deduce that the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Lord Conrad Black and Greg Dyke of the BBC have chosen to keep their political masters happy by blacking out any reference to the allegations and apparent suicide of Margie Schoedinger.

Hopefully the public will learn that what is news by the standards of big-money radio, television and print may not be news according to their readers. The support of independent media and its reference as a reliable source is increasingly the only effective way to inform the public of the real events in the world.

Below are scans of the newspaper's coverage, as well as the full text of their story.

Click on any image to enlarge

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by Orantes Moore

New Nation

Monday 8th December 2003

A black woman who claimed to have been raped by US President George W Bush and was planning to take him to court has died of a gun shot wound to the head.

Continues on page four


Continued from page 1

LAST FRIDAY (December 12), Margie Schoedinger, 38, was pronounced dead as a result of a 'gunshot wound to the head'. The death was officially registered as 'suicide' by the Harris County Examiner's Office.
As reported exclusively by New Nation in July, Schoedinger of Sugar Land, Texas, had filed a lawsuit against President Bush (a former Governor of Texas) in December 2002 accusing him of a series of 'individual sex crimes' against her and her husband.
In the amazing seven- page document, filed at Fort Bend County Court in Texas, Schoedinger claimed that Bush had abducted, drugged, raped and beat her.
She also suggested that she 'dated George W Bush as a minor', and the President may have been the father of a child she miscarried following the alleged rape.
Schoedinger said she had filed the lawsuit on December 3, 2002 and although court documents filed on the following day mention Bush and offer him 20 days to respond or appear in Fort Bend, it is still unclear whether the President was ever served with the suit.
Schoedinger was attempting to claim US$1 million in actual damages, plus US$49 million for punitive damages including emotional distress and loss of freedom.
Speaking earlier this year to American journalist Jackson Thoreau, Schoedinger said that the President had personally contacted her to say that he wanted her dead, but could trust no one to carry out the crime.
Of course, there is no indication that the president had anything whatsoever to do with her death.
Of the lawsuit she said: 'I am still trying to prosecute, but as yet, I haven't had a court date set.
'I want to get this matter settled and go on with my life. People have to be accountable for what they do and that is why I am pursuing this lawsuit.'
The US media had largely ignored the filing of the lawsuit and the story had only appeared in a local newspaper.

My Interests

The Bible, Art, Mosnter trucks, Rodeo, horseback riding, nature, traveling, Sci Fi( especially x files).I AM CRAZY ABOUT MArtial arts Jeet Kwan Doe, & Gracie Ju jitsu) Sai daggers, bostaff, chuckus. Traveling ------- Women Lose When Feminists Bash March 24, 2004by Carey RobertsFour decades ago when feminists were making the case for women to leave their families in pursuit of a career, one of their arguments went like this: "When women join the workforce, the world will become a kinder, more compassionate place."Funny, it didn't quite work out that way.Because that all-purpose epithet "male chauvinist pig" made its first appearance right around that time.From there it only got worse. By the 1970s, feminists had lapsed into an orgy of male-bashing. Men were stereotyped as insensitive, controlling, sexual harassers, batterers, and rapists. Eventually the phrase "male-dominated" became a short-hand expression for anything that was wrong with society.But it was husbands and fathers who were targeted for the vilest attacks. Feminists set out to destroy the "Father Knows Best" image. Hard-working hubbies were denounced as domineering, abusers, deadbeats, and another all-purpose smear, patriarchal oppressors.Somehow, all the name-calling is hard to reconcile with the earlier promises of a kinder, gentler world.History proves that when society scapegoats a group, curtailment of basic civil rights is likely to follow. And that's exactly what happened. Laws were passed that violated men's basic Constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law.In 1973, the Supreme Court granted women the sole legal right to abort an unborn child. In 1990 President Clinton signed the Violence Against Women Act which allowed women to evict their partners solely on account of being "fearful" of an attack. And in 1996 draconian child support enforcement measures were enacted.Men generally don't like to complain. A man will endure ridicule and abuse, and then move on with his life. But abuse him once too often, and he will vote with his feet.And one day, men woke up to the fact that marriage was a losing proposition. The math was hard to refute: Half of all marriages wind up in divorce. In 85% of cases, mothers gained custody of the children. And sometimes, bitter ex-wives would try to turn the children against their father, what psychologists call Parental Alienation Syndrome.In the face of such dismal odds, men decided to go on a Marriage Strike. By the millions, men opted to remain single. In 1990 the U.S. marriage rate was 9.8 [per 1000]. By 1998 it had plummeted to 7.4. That's a huge drop in eight short years. And women became desperate.So for men, the political was indeed personal.True to form, the pundits' first reaction was to pin the blame on men. If men won't make the Big Commitment, the reasoning went, wasn't that further proof that they are cads at heart?But two years ago, researchers Barbara Dafoe Whitehead and David Popenoe decided to get the male perspective. Their now-famous report revealed -- surprise! -- that many men are fearful of marriage because "They fear an ex-wife will 'take you for all you've got' and that 'men have more to lose financially than women' from a divorce."I know some of these marriage-strikers. Tom, for instance, fits the perfect picture of the eligible bachelor: 30-ish, well-educated, witty, heterosexual, and a successful entrepreneur. But he views marriage as a raw deal for men.And other men, after years of feminist brain-washing that "women can do anything a man can do, only better," have simply decided that they have precious little to offer a woman in a committed relationship.So ladies, if you are having trouble finding your Better Half, I have good news for you. Forgo those expensive beauty products, figure-distorting Wonder Bras, and bulimic weight loss programs. You can stop wasting your money.Instead, pass on those women's magazines that pound the constant drumbeat of domestic violence. Avoid the office gossip who constantly denigrates her boyfriend. And skip the local presentation of that awful play, The Vagina Monologues.A kinder, gentler world -- maybe the end of that Marriage Strike is just ahead.


"Aliens" the Ultimate False Flag

Iron Mountain Report. WATCH THIS. THIS IS THE PLAN!

I'd like to meet:

value=""WOW, WHAT A WAKEUP!Dear God:Why didn't you save the school children at ?. ..Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96 Bethel, Alaska 2/19/97 Pearl, Mississippi 10/1/97 West Paducah, Kentucky 12/1/97 Stamp, Arkansas 12/15/97 Jonesboro, Arkansas 3/24/98 Edinboro, Pennsylvania 4/24/98 Fayetteville, Tennessee 5/19/98 Springfield, Oregon 5/21/98 Richmond, Virginia 6/15/98Littleton, Colorado 4/20/99 Taber, Alberta, Canada 5/28/99 Conyers, Georgia 5/20/99 Deming, New Mexico 11/19/99 Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 12/6/99 Santee, California 3/ 5/01 El Cajon, California 3/22/01 andBlacksburg, VA 4/16/07 ?Sincerely,Concerned Student----------------------------------------------------- Reply:Dear Concerned Student: Sorry,I am not allowed in schools.Sincerely,God--------------------------------------- -------------------How did this get started?...-----------------Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained She didn't want any prayer in our schools.And we said, OK.------------------Then, someone said you better not:Read the Bible in school; the Bible that says "thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, And love your neighbors as yourself,"And we said, OK...-----------------Dr. Benjamin Spock said We shouldn't spank our children When they misbehaved Because their little personalities Would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.And we said, An expert should know what he's talking about So we won't spank them anymore..------------------Then someone said Teachers and principals better not Discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators said No faculty member in this school Better touch a student when they misbehave Because we don't want any bad publicity, And we surely don't want to be sued.And we accepted their reasoning...------------------Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, And they won't even have to tell their parents.And we said, that's a grand idea.------------------Then some wise school board member said, Since boys will be boys And they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want, So they can have all the fun they desire, And we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school.And we said, that's another great idea...------------------Then some of our top elected officials said It doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs.And we said, It doesn't matter what anybody, including the President, Does in private as long as we have jobs and the economy is good....------------------And someone else took that appreciation a step further And published pictures of nude children And then stepped further still by Making them available on the Internet.And we said, everyone's entitled to free speech....------------------And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote Profanity, violence and illicit sex... And let's record music that encourages Rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes...And we said, it's just entertainment And it has no adverse effect And nobody takes it seriously anyway, So go right ahead.------------------Now we're asking ourselves Why our children have no conscience, Why they don't know right from wrong, And why it doesn't bother them to Kill strangers, classmates or even themselves.------------------Undoubtedly, If we thought about it long and hard enough, We could figure it out. I'm sure it has a great deal to do with..."WE REAP WHAT WE SOW"------------------Pass it on If you think it has merit! If not then just discard it... But if you discard this thought process, Then don't you dare sit back and complain about What bad shape this country is in!!Why is it our children can not read a Bible in school, but can in Prison?and Lastly, I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE MY DAY YESTERDAY 4/20 AS AN AVERAGE AMERICAN MOTHER HERE IN WOODBRIDGE, VA WITH YOU ALL..........OUR HIGH SCHOOLS HERE MADE NBC NIGHTLY NEWS LAST NIGHT (AND IT WAS NOT FOR HAPPY REASONS!!!)........ i had an appoint yesterday but had to cancel and reschedule. things were going haywire here. there were numerous bomb threats at our local high schools here yesterday. my 15 yr old son called home pretty shaken up. this is SO NOT like him. my husband went to the school to go get him. my son said the teachers and staff were literally PUSHING the kids out of the school to get them out fast enough. he said they have never done it before "like this" and for the first time ever my son felt FEAR........i say this with a broken heart. there were reports all over the tv of this happening in MANY schools across the country yesterday and i knew it had to be a sick hoax but between the events of all the tragedy this week, i think it's all finally now catching up in OUR KIDS!!!! my son does'nt show fear in emotion like that very often so i KNOW he had to be pretty skeered. he felt the reality of it all yesterday and for the first time EVER for a brief few moments our kids here truly wondered if this one was for REAL!!!! my heart is just breaking for our youth of today. anyhow, i needed to be home for my son yesterday and i had a VERY long talk with him as i'm sure soooo many other heartbroken Parents have been having these talks with their kids to. my husband said it was a good thing it was only a "hoax" because there were HUNDREDS of parents at the school trying to get their kids and as hard as the staff were trying NO ONE seemed to know what they were doing. he said it was pure CAOS there. the sirens were sounding & rushing to the schools here left and right and helicopters (news reporters) in the sky all mother said it even happened in our local high school back home in NY. i guess they apprehended an ADULT yesterday for the threats that were made to my son's school......and come to find out this young man is only 18 yrs old but the news said he will surely face ADULT charges and be facing anywheres from 2-10 yrs prison time for this!!!! i'm willing to bet he doesnt think it's so funny anymore!!! OUR KIDS ARE GOING TO SCHOOL IN VERY TRYING TIMES THESE DAYS!!!!! AND AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED ANYYYYONE WHO COULD DO SUCH A TERRIBLE THING AS TO CALL IN A "BOMB THREAT" TO OUR LOCAL SCHOOLS EVEN IN A "HOAX" THEN YOU ARE A TERRORIST!!!!! BECAUSE THIS INDEED ISSS A TERRORIST ACT!!!! OUR KIDS HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH THESE DAYS LET ALONE THIS!!!!! AND WE HAVE THOUSANDS OF BRAVE SOLDIERS OVER SEAS FIGHTING FOR OUR SAFETY AND FOR OUR FREEDOM, PUTTING THEIRRRR LIVES ON THE LINE, THEY ARE DYING FOR US!!!! AND THEIR FAMILIES ARE SACRAFICING SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR US!!!! AND FOR THOSE WHO DO THESE EVIL THINGS......THIS IS HOW YOU (WHO DO THESE THINGS) REPAY "THEM"?????.......... MY SON FELT REAL "FEAR" YESTERDAY!!!!!!! AND FOR THIS, I'M SORRY EVERYONE......I HAD TO VENT......... I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE HOW BAD THOSE EFFECTED BY ALL THIS DEVASTAION AT VA TECH MUST FEEL KNOWING THERE ARE A FEW OUT THERE MAKING A JOKE OF ALL OF THIS!!!!! ......... and if this disgust could'nt have gotten any worse......1 of the VICTIMS at VA TECH actually graduated from 1 of the local high schools here that had to be evacuated yesterday BECAUSE IT ALSO WAS THREATENED WITH BOMB THREATS!!!! here is a small part of what was printed in todays newspaper here......."Students and staff of C.D. Hylton High School planned a "Hokie Hope and Bulldawg Pride" day, in honor of the victims of Monday's shooting at Virginia Tech, including 2004 Hylton graduate Daniel Perez Cueva. But those plans were interrupted by a bomb threat shortly before the start of the school day.........THIS IS SOOO VERY SAD.........PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR ALL WHO WERE EFFECTED AT VA TECH, PRAY FOR OUR SCHOOLS, AND PRAY FOR US ALL........GOD BLESS YOU ALL:)PLEASE TAKE A STAND AND ADD THE VIDEO ABOVE IN YOUR PROFILES.........AND SPEAK UP EVERYYYY CHANCE YOU CAN PROCLAIMING YOU WANT GOD BACK IN AMERICA AGAIN!!!! YOU WANT GOD BACK IN OUR SCHOOLS AGAIN!!!!!! I ONLY WISH I KNEW HOW TO ORGANIZE A HUGE EVENT BECAUSE I PERSONALLY FEEL IT'S TIME AND WAYYYY OVERDUE THAT WE AS PARENTS UNITE ONCE AND FOR ALL AND TAKE A STAND AND DO A "MILLION PARENT WALK"!!!! STRAIGHT INTO WASHINGTON DC AND TELL OUR GOVERNMENT THAT WE WANT GOD BACK IN AMERICA AGAIN OURSELVES!!!!! PLEASE PASS THIS ON & GOD BLESS YOU ALL:)HERE IS THE LINK TO THE VIDEO ABOVE.........


GOspel, Instrumental, and some movie theme songs. Hm? Do I think that this is OR HIGHLY maybe the " MARK OF THE BEAST" Well, do your research and match the clues for yourself in the Book of Revelations. Till then DO I think this is it? Well, YA GOT MY VOTE! Thanks REality From: Reality THEY WANT YOUR SOUL...WAKE UP...THE WORM HOLE IS DEEP... MUCH LOVE TO Freedom Warrior & ANGEL & ~~~MUSIC CONNEXION~~~ & Guinea: The 1930's Smut Peddler & IMPEACH Richard b. Dick Cheney The Verichip Verichip Commercial .. IBM, VERICHIP and the FOURTH REICH This is a video to awaken the sheeple who believe microchipping the human population is a good thing. So now are you going to do your homework and understand these words and terms below?: Human Chipping, Verichip, IBM , Nazi Germany , Hollerith Machine, George Orwell, 1984 , Mark of the beast, DNA chip, Forced chipping, identity protection, world database, cyborg, biometrics .. Major Talking Points: Political bias cognitive neuroscience (Political Bias Illusion Complex), Controlled Big 5 Media / Propaganda / Public Relations (PR) [Misinformation, Disinformation & emotional PR has been perpetrated against our minds for some 80 years now by politicians, Big Government & Big Business], Americana pop culture / sports, the elite, TV & Radio induced ignorance, Americans literally know more about The Simpsons & American idol than the Bill of Rights, death of the middle class, natural disaster profits, our phony left / right hybrid political system, Bush / Kerry, Skull & Bones, hacked and rigged elections, 9-11 Commission / Prior-Knowledge, Fear Mongering, Freedom / Terrorism, shredded Constitution, War in Iraq, Bush's "new Pearl Harbor", Project for the New American Century (PNAC) / American Imperialism / New Roman Empire, Military Net Centric Computing / Global Information Grid (GIG), NSA's Echelon & wiretaps, Data mines, DARPA Internet2, TIA MATRIX, National-ID's (REAL ID Act), GPS car / cell phone tracking, ITS / CTS, Verichip-Implants, Nanotechnology (nano), NBIC, Masonic-DC, DARPA's cognitive Artificial Intelligence computer programs, NASA's Intelligent Archives, God-on-Earth, Technological Singularity, Transhumanism, Biological / Optical / Quantum computers, cyborgs, Beast of Revelation, and the New Age using theorized Mayan Calendar 2012 prophecies to fool people into expecting something like this system & it's related technologies with their so-called upcoming "transformation of consciousness" event. ..

Daniel Hopsicker is one of the top investigative journalists in the US. He has made several groundbreaking films and he gets the story like few others can. Most notably, he has investigated a wide variety of issues related to the Drug Trade and 9/11. He recently joined MySpace and I "discovered" his page. So add him as a friend and welcome him to MySpace. And watch these movies.

Click here and add Daniel Hopsicker

The Secret World of Mohamed Atta (24 mins)

Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus (62 mins)

Black Ops Drug Trafficking and the New UnderWhirrled Order (104 min)

The American Drug Lords (53 mins)

The Silencing of Carol Lam (10 mins)

9/11 Commission Critique (10 mins)

The Plan For a New World Order



(Thanks again, Big Al)OK, I’ve heard enough of this show to say LISTEN TO THIS, and you might want to be quick because this one’s going to disappear. And now, I’m going back to listen to the rest of this show…----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Big AL Date: May 18, 2007 2:24 PMRECORDED FROM "THE POWER HOUR" 5-14-07- Ya need to hear this one before it's gone kids ,it's all connected ,you want truth listen to this !!!!


f this matches what you believe in your heart, it is your duty in being part of "We the People" to get the word out. This great man may very well be our last hope. Freedom isn't have to fight for what is right. Fight for Ron Paul in 2008.


(click here for fullscreen) The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
by Denis Mueller The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. documents the untimely death of the American civil rights leader. The 1968 shooting of King in Memphis, TN, rocked the world. This video provides an examination of the details surrounding the shooting and includes an interview with the first reporter to talk to convicted assassin James Earl Ray. Ray initially confessed to the shooting, but later retracted his statement. The crime continues to raise controversy. King's final days, his murder, and some of the many theories associated with his death are investigated. The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was re-released to commemorate the death of Ray, following King's widow's request to reopen the case. ~ Sally Barber, All Movie Guid


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is the U.S in bible prophecies?

15 Sep 2007, 02:00Today, the U.S. A. is the world's only superpower and she dominates through economic, political and military power. in the last days the government will want the citizens to have na...
Posted by mark+ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:16:00 PST

is the U.S in bible prophecies?

15 Sep 2007, 02:00Today, the U.S. A. is the world's only superpower and she dominates through economic, political and military power. in the last days the government will want the citizens to have na...
Posted by mark+ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:19:00 PST


If your computer does this when copying a file...You KNOW it's been infected with some crappy virus!Ayeeeeeee!Dave...
Posted by mark+ on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

visitors and the like plese read.........

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Emotional, Nuclear Cataclismic breakdown!

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Posted by mark+ on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:55:00 PST


SCK!!! ...
Posted by mark+ on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:42:00 PST

You need to know this....

/>----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Shane (Infoseekr)Date: Jul 6, 2007 10:16 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: DashDate: Jul 6, 2007 10:11 AMRepost a...
Posted by mark+ on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 05:55:00 PST

This BAttle Is MUCH MUCH MORE , lethal than NWO.

Hello all that visit my page, I want to say a special greetings to my family of the Lord. (despite the denomination if you really serve God and believe in the Son, we're family of the promise.) I want...
Posted by mark+ on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 04:44:00 PST

PLease watch this movie for crying out loud..

Please watch this movie below!Get this on DVD now for $1 order at www.freedomtofascism.comAmerica: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version ...
Posted by mark+ on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:24:00 PST

under the tables......

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