~Your Lips On Mine~ |
As delicate as a whisper,And soft as mountain mistDrinking all your flavorAwaiting to be kissed
As light as summer rainfallAnd sweetened morning dewThe gentlest of kissesAre what I crave from y... Posted by DancinFeathers on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:31:00 PST |
~If You Were Here~ |
If you were here...
I would gaze deeply into your eyes, begging without an utterance of words. You would instinctively know what I wanted, what I needed and what I ached for.
If you were here...
I wou... Posted by DancinFeathers on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:24:00 PST |
Loves Light Shines |
Was just sitting here, as the sun begins to set~Visions of us watching the golden hues, laying their blanket of color, on top the flowing waters...as if they are laying down a tranquil bed for which o... Posted by DancinFeathers on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:47:00 PST |
Good Night My Love! |
Love you honey Good Night My Love!
As I am saying good night at the end of the day, And you are not here, but many miles away, My heart is so empty and so lonely inside, As I wipe away a tear I... Posted by DancinFeathers on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:21:00 PST |
~Keeper Of My Heart~ |
As I look back in reverieMy life you are a part of,The sentinel of memories,The keeper of my heart
As I look back on how we met'Twas fate at best you seeA soulmate that was searching forA soulmate suc... Posted by DancinFeathers on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 10:31:00 PST |
~It's You I Need~ |
It's you I crave, I need your touchYou fill me with desireYou've stirred something that's deep in meIt's like a raging fire
It's you I crave, it's you I needCaressed by your sweet lipsI hunger for you... Posted by DancinFeathers on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 10:23:00 PST |
~I Want To Be Left Breathless~ |
I want to go to the ocean,And climb the highest dune.I want you to undress me,Beneath the summer moon.
I want to stand under the stars,Held tight in your embrace,I want to drink in your lust,As you re... Posted by DancinFeathers on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:59:00 PST |
~I Long For You~ |
I long for you to envelop me in your warm embracetaking me in with every breath, every heartbeat.
I long to stir in you a fiery passion that can't be extinguished and watch you in the afterglow of our... Posted by DancinFeathers on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:50:00 PST |
~I Am With You~ |
When you feel that sensation upon your hand...it will be mine holding it~
When the gentle breezes blow upon your face... it will be my kisses~
When the fireworks explode in the air..it will be ... Posted by DancinFeathers on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:24:00 PST |
~My Wish For You~ |
As I sat here today...
Looking out over the lake, watching the Eagle fly~
Smelling the sweet scent of spring...
Wishing you were sitting nearby~
As the sun begin's to set...
The color's dance upon the... Posted by DancinFeathers on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:49:00 PST |