My interests include writing (nonfiction, fiction, scripts), web design and programming, teaching, day trading (stock market); anything involving the Psychic, telepathy, empathy, premonitions, predictions, mind over matter, New Age and Aquarian Age teachings, the power of positive thinking, meditation, I Ching, divination, astrology, numerology, herbs, natural healing, dreams, astral projection, auras, reincarnation, past life recall, Karma and other Universal Laws, Holistics, Satori (sudden enlightenment), ancient religions and rituals, Egyptian, Roman, Greek and Chaldean mystery schools, Sufism, Buddhism, Wicca, Zoroastrianism. I am a Science of Life Practitioner, and I have been active in psychic circle work for a very long time.
Great thinkers and writers of ancient times such as Socrates, Galileo, Marcus Aurelius...but they've all gone on to a better place so maybe I'll meet them later.
Rick's Writing Credits
A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator, Ghost, Contact, Body Heat, Forrest Gump, The Sixth Sense, Meet the Fockers, Dances with Wolves, Rosemary's Baby, Horse Whisperer, Fatal Attraction, Planet of the Apes, Wuthering Heights
Rome, Dead Zone, X-Files, Sopranos, Hardball, Law and Order.
Be Here Now (Ram Dass), The Wisdom of James Allen, The Prophet, I Ching: Book of Change, Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Science of Mind, Tales of Power/A Separate Reality (Castenada), The Zend Avesta, Living in the Light, Stranger in a Strange Land; Man, Myth & Magic; The Golden Bough, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series, You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay)
Missionaries, ministers, counselors, teachers, and others who follow the path of Karma Yoga (selfless service to mankind). A Hindu saint tells us: "Compassion and acts of selflessness take us to the deeper truths. Through selfless action we can eradicate the ego that conceals the Self. Detached, selfless action leads to liberation. Such action is not just work; it is karma yoga."