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Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime.

About Me

Hi, my name is Scott Marvin creator and owner of ...
...thanks for stopping by my MySpace!
Somehow you found your way here but most importantly YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON and I'm glad to meet you!
I am an Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert. My Main Objective is to Teach and Train people in the network marketing business to use the internet for two main purposes. MORE LEADS AND MORE CASH!!
I love the internet and it's capacity to reach prospects in ways that were never dreamed of before. I have studied under some of the Top Internet Marketing Pros. These are the experts who are knocking out a 6 figure monthly income and rank in the Top 3% of income earners in their field. Their techniques have caused them to rise above the rest not because they have some kind of magic but because they use a key ingredient that the other 97% of networkers are never told by the elite in their business.
If you are one of those people who have tried everything and bounced from opportunity to opportunity and continue to get poor results then you need to STOP right now. There is a better way out there. If you have been looking for answers online then you know it's being done. You know there is a smarter and better way and that is exactly what I intend to share with you.
The one missing ingredient is...YOU need to have YOUR OWN PERSONAL MARKETING SYSTEM...
Years ago I struggled in the network marketing business. I did everything I was told to do. I attended meetings, purchased leads, made cold calls, bugged my friends and family, and even struck up conversations with people in the grocery line just for the sake of pitching my business. I poured endless hours into my business and achieved little results. In fact I added up the number of hours I put into my business and realized I could have made more money flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant. I was completely BURNED OUT!

Bottom line..the "Old School", Out Dated, Silly Pitch and Chase Stuff Still Being Taught by Uplines Doesn't Work Anymore!
What I do now is a complete system that DOMINATES the internet and generates 50 to 100 leads per day. I am going to give this to you for FREE. I am going to teach you how the ONLY thing you should be promoting is YOU...NOT a business fact, that's the fastest way to go broke and the #1 reason why 97% of network marketers lose more money than they make!
YOU will be able to leverage DECADES of experience in this industry and be able to market from day 1 EXACTLY like the top earners do day in and day out! This bullet-proof marketing system is a virtual "cash flow hurricane", that generates sales on demand!

No More Prospecting, No More Buying Leads, No More Cold Calling, No More Selling! Prospects will actually seek you out and contact you ready to join your business.
I would be happy to hear about your struggles and discuss them with you. But be warned!!! I do not put up with whiners, complainers and poverty mentality! I don't discuss business with these kinds of people. I'm serious. I discuss solutions with people who want to overcome obstacles. If that's you then I'd love to chat with you!
Contact me or visit my website:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Howard Hughes, Simon Cowell, Lisa Kelly (Celtic Woman), Yunjin Kim (Lost), Dolly Parton, My Grandparents Parents


I like it all. My Favorites right now are Country and Classic Rock and a good Blues Jam every now and then.


Braveheart, Forrest Gump, Godfather series, Schindler's List, Papillon, Ray, The Aviator


Lost, Heroes, American Idol, Discovery Channel, TLC, History Channel


Think and Grow Rich, The One Minute Manager, The Richest Man in Babylon, Cash Flow Quadrant, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Shannara Series and Roger Zelazny books