About Me

Hi, my name is SOTERO GARCIA and I'm A top earner in one of the largest network
marketing companies available today.

Here Are 5 Free Steps To Rock
"Any Online Business".

If Your Not Using A " GPT " System With A

"Self-Funded Proposal" Then You Need To
Take Advantage Of This FREE Information!!

Don't worry, I'm not here to "recruit" You.
I Wouldn't Waste My Time Unless You
These Skills Under Your Belt. (you can take your guard down) .
Do You Currently Have An Internet Business:
What Is Your Biggest Frustration With Building Your Business:
What Is The Number One Thing You Want To Learn From My Team And Me:
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I'll never go back to "Corporate Life"! ....
Not now that I'm part of one of the ....
largest network marketing companies....
Available Today. Read On And ....
You'll Understand Why. . . . ....

If you got to this page, and you're anything like me, you've learned that Corporate America can be disappointing (can anyone say "laid off"?). That's why I'm now passionate about teaching others the importance of regaining control of their own financial future - like I did when I went from "Corporate Reject" to becoming financially independent while working from home! ....

Actually, that's why I created this myspace page in the first place. To help give HOPE to those talented entrepreneurs who realize that corporate America is NOT the way to go. But, who may be discouraged in their attempts to reach THEIR DREAM because they are not getting the kind of support they need to be successful. I'll give you FREE ACCESS to some of the things I'm doing a little later. But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself. ...

I first tried my hand at MLM... but quickly stumbled across: ....

Mike Dillard's Coffeehouse Letter .

I am also the creator and author of: ....

Thanks for stopping by to check out my myspace page: ....

You could have found my page a thousand different ways...perhaps a friend told you to come check it out...Maybe you found me on the search engines when you were searching for info on "Network Marketing, Top Earners, MLM, Carbon Copy PRO, PAS, Global Resorts Network (GRN), Coastal Vacations, ITV Ventures, Liberty League, or even Magnetic Sponsoring. ....

(You'll find my site all over the Network Marketing search engines). ....

Or maybe you just happened to stumble across this page by pure luck...if you believe in things like luck ;) ....

But the exciting thing is matter how you found me, what you are about to discover on this page could literally change your financial future certainly changed mine! ....

Why do i say that? ....

Because what you are going to learn from me are the exact strategies and techniques I've personally used to completely dominate the direct sales / network marketing industry to climb to earner status. ....

Basically, I'm going to open your eyes to what the top earners are really doing to generate $10,000+ per month with ANY home based business they choose so that you can learn the right ways to build YOUR business and dramatically boost YOUR profits in as little as 24-48 hours. ....

But before we get into all that good stuff (like exactly how the top earners consistently put up $10,000+/month with their businesses and how simple it is once you learn the secrets)... ....

I'd like to share with you my quick little story... ....

So Who Is This Sotero Garcia Guy,
And What Can He Do For Me Anyway?

Alright, ...After being on the road for fifteen plus years.With the weight of planning massive events and travel on a hurry up and wait basis wearing me thin, I knew it was time to find something new......

    ..I had no previous business skills. ..I had no previous sales training. ..I had never marketed anything before in my life. ..I didn't even know what MLM was when I found the network marketing industry.

But here's what I learned that shook me and deterred me from going on to becoming "washed up".After hands-on training and internships with radio and corporate advertisers, they were all telling me to NOT follow music and promoting. Or if i was to learn from the best, {the top producers!}

    .No more .60-80+ hour work weeks ..No more losing money on self invested events. ..On call 24-7 ..Constantly stressed about millions of things regarding work ..Being a prisoner of my environment ..No time with my family and friends ..No freedom

Now as you can imagine after 15 years already of constant travel this really made me wonder !

(What was I going to do?)

I knew that I wanted to help people and make music but I also knew that I was not willing to lead that type of lifestyle...

I had wayyyy BIGGER dreams than being a slave to ANY job and I learned very quickly that owning my own business would be the only secure path to financial independence.

. I also am a very dedicated DJ/PRODUCER/STUDIO ENGINEER and I was definitely not ready to give that up so that I could go work for and make SOMEONE ELSE RICH instead of ME! i.e. capitol records, maverick, WB, EMI, Direct-tv, to name a few..... (The song you hear playing I produced!!!). Search me out @ dj SOTERO or hisol recordings..... Dj Frank Richards is my best friend and co-producer.

(that just didn't make sense to me)

So here's what I did... I continued bar tending and DJ'ing at nite while selling direct-tv in the day for a few months until I finally went to this search engine called google (you might have heard of it) and I typed in these exact words:


A TON of information came up and a tiny little 3-line ad on the right caught my attention...this is what it said...

Looking To Make Money?
99% Of People Stay Broke
You Now Have A Choice

This little ad less than 1 year ago changed my entire life because it introduced me to a term called...


And an industry called...


I never looked back......

So now in less than 1 year I have learned
more than you could learn from any
school or post grad program in 10 years.
I finally figured things out.

(It doesn't have to take you nearly this long once you learn what I'm about to teach you)

Here's a quick little snapshot that covers the last 3. 5 years of my journey...

    JULY '07: I quit my job @ direct_tv!!! After three years of managing 350 plus sales people I received a "leadership" award with that company in a roomful of 2000+ employees (1 of 5 that were given) Helped train hundreds of people generate a massive income for " someone else" i.e. direct-tv beginning of January '08 I found a company more in alignment with my personal goals and with wealth creation Within 1 month I climbed to earner status and started building leadership roles within the company Our crew is on it's way!!!!!!

So, today I am a money earner in the fastest growing network marketing company on the market today, which currently has well over 2,500 marketers and growing by the hour...not bad, eh?
.... Here are some sure fire ways to burn out....
    spend thousands upon thousands of the bank's dollars on marketing with very little return cold-calling posting- flyers dropping opportunity cards bugging friends and family getting constantly rejected by people who did not see your "amazing opportunity" spending a heck of a lot more money than you are making? eating ramen noodles (which is cheaper than water) so that you can get more advertising in places that aren't working

My family and friends were all telling me that I was
crazy and laughed at me because I was
doing another one of those "pyramid things."

( you must be very careful at who you listen to in the early stages of this game. While most of the time its close friends and family telling you this that mean well, everyone that was telling me to go get a "REAL JOB" was more broke than I was and absolutely hated their lives, which pushed me to embrace this industry even more). So What happened? What changed?

Well, when I look back on my journey it was 2 major things that took me
from zero to earner in under 1 year...

1) I Just Never Quit

I was willing to do whatever it took to get the results I was after...And thats what it takes. No excuses, just action.... ALL-OUT MASSIVE ACTION .

You must have goals that are large enough and meaningful enough to push you through any and all the adversity you will run into. And trust me, you will be tested...if it was easy, everyone would do it. In fact, you will be tested in ways that you never thought possible...

The adversity itself is not up for debate, the only question is when will it pop up?

However, if your desire outweighs your fear, you persist without exception, and you have the heart of a champion when its gut check time, you will succeed with your own business and in your own life.

2) I Sought Out The Top Earners And
I Learned Directly From Them How
They Were Building Their Empires...
and that is when I was introduced
to the concept of :


There are specific reasons why certain people are able to make $20,000+ per month consistently while 97% of the industry struggles to barely break even...I am going to show you the difference between these 2 groups of people when you fill out the form on this page.

This is what I'm going to show you...

    How to use the concept of G.P.T. to create a $250,000 business in your first year in the home business industry. Why residual income through MLM or Network Marketing may not be the "Holy Grail" so many claim it to be. Find out how to create a REAL residual income that's completely unaffected by downline attrition and competition. What to do if you're looking to make BIG money fast without a downline. (This is perfect for anyone looking to leave their job and replace their income quickly). Some very unsettling insights that need your immediate attention if you plan to make more than $10,000/mo in a home business in 2008 and beyond. Why the promises of old-school MLM and "life-long" residual income are all but dead for the average person. They have been cut down at the knees by an unlikely culprit whom we'll reveal to you in a minute. Why the concept of G.P.T. is going to play a major role in MLM and Network Marketing from this point forward and why it is being viewed as THE SOLUTION to tiny checks, record high attrition rates and the "quick turn" mentality that has taken over in MLM. How to position yourself in order to take advantage of this significant, rapidly growing trend among Home Business Professionals and Work At Home Entrepreneurs. The critical difference between MLM and Direct Sales NOT known by many...

After learning this information it was like I was given the keys to the entire kingdom. Literally, with these skills I could go off and dominate ANY business and ANY niche out there on the market today.
This is EXACTLY what the TOP EARNERS are doing to build their businesses, period!
What would something like that be worth to you???

Well, check this out...

I'm going to give it to you for free!

Yup, 100% free, without ANY want attached.

There is one catch...

There is only 1 certain type of person with whom I'd like to share this valuable and life-changing information with...

Who I Would Like To Meet And Network With...
*If you're bright, friendly, driven, and ambitious, you've got my attention.

*If you're a highly-motivated entrepreneurial spirit and you just need the right opportunity to make it *BIG* definitely get 2 thumbs up.

*If you're the kind of person who is a mover, a shaker, you have a take-no-prisoners mindset with the heart of a champion, well then YOU are exactly the type of person this information is designed for.

Because if you meet all of these criteria then I can also assume that you already have your personal development in-tact...and if you've already had some type of MLM / Network Marketing experience, I would think it safe to say that you have had some level of success in this industry.

Heck, maybe even your MLM company just screwed you out of your commissions and kicked you out of their program for no freakin' reason at all and now you're ITCHING to get back into the game to make a lot of money again, but you just need to find the right opportunity...

Then this information is going to save your life, literally...and from your qualities, I know that you will be the type of person who will actually *APPLY* this knowledge and climb to TOP EARNER status!

Man am I excited for you!

When you fill out the form on this page, I am going to give you for free : 7 videos that changed my life.

This is how YOU can stay up to date on an ongoing basis as to what the top earners are really doing to build their businesses. This newsletter is ONLY for serious entrepreneurs who want to join the ranks of the elite because the information I will share with you is the stuff NOBODY will tell you...luckily you found me today :)

Now you may be thinking, "why in the world do I want to help you so badly?" Well, if you know me personally then you know that I am a big time "GIVER" and I freely offer my time and knowledge to anyone who is serious about getting results in this industry.

Bottom line is because its time that I give back in a major way. I've been on the other side of the coin where I was broke, struggling, failing miserably, and that was NOT fun! If I can help just a handful of entrepreneurs skip that awful stage and become financially free in this industry, then its all worth-while to me.

I personally have a goal to create at least 100 millionaires over the next 5 years and I'd like to show you how I'm going to achieve that. I hope you've enjoyed my myspace page and getting to know me a bit better...With this information I can promise you success.

I'll see you at the top!

~~SOTERO~~ ....


(you may unsubscribe at any time)

*** again, pay no attention to myspace's little warning that pops-
up when you fill out the form...I'm not here to "phish" your
e-mail and password and rest assured your name and
e-mail will be placed on our secure server ***

My Interests




    * "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" - Robert Kiyosaki
    * "The Travelers Gift" - Andy Andrews
    * "Before You Quit Your Job" - Robert Kiyosaki
    * "How to Get Lots of Money for ANYTHING Fast" - Stuart Lichtman
    * "The Science of Getting Rich" - Wallace D. Wattles
    * "Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill
    * "Why we Want you to be Rich" - Trump and Kiyosaki
    * "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" - T. Harv Eker
    * "The 4-Hour Workweek" - Timothy Ferriss
    * "One Minute Sales Person" - Spencer Johnson
    * "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Stephen R. Covey
    * "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
    * "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy .... .. .. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.....

My Blog


Posted by SOTERO, FUTURE MARKETING MENTOR on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 08:32:00 PST


Aug 15, 2008 - Friday ..TR>..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR> GPT VS. MLM  Let's take a look at just a few of the benefits of running your business with a funded proposal...1) You immediately are in a mo...
Posted by SOTERO, FUTURE MARKETING MENTOR on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 08:14:00 PST

An Inspiring Letter From A 17 Year Old Kid Who Really Gets It...

THIS EMAIL IS FROM MY MAIN MAN MIKE DILLARD. HE ALWAYS FORWARDS ME THE GOOD STUFF.... HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! Hey SOTERO, I was going through my inbox this morning, when I came across a fascinating email f...
Posted by SOTERO, FUTURE MARKETING MENTOR on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 11:40:00 PST