Willie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Team up with me. This Is Where You Take The First Step To Achieve All Of Your Dreams. (Don't Worry I am Not Going To Recruit You.)

Hi, My name is Willie and I want to welcome you to my official MySpace Page!

I would like to tell you why I decided to set up a MySpace profile. It’s not to brag or boast about who I am and what I have achieved in my life. It’s not to show the internet world that I am better than anyone else…. My main reason why I built this profile is to connect and network with people who have decided to WAKE UP and realize that the true power of life is within ones MIND.
Everybody on this planet has the ability to do what he or she truly wants to do. Our brain is equivalent to 5 super computers. So why are we not using it to the fullest potential. Like Jim Rohn would say, “Don’t Register For That Class” Let that thought go and just do as I say…… Allow only positive reinforcing thoughts to permeate your brain. Repel the negative and expand your growth potential. Most of all .….
You must allow yourself to dream. Free your mind and allow the positive universe help you find what your destiny is. The number one reason why so many people fail to make their dreams a reality is because of fear of taking risks. Risks of all types. To follow your dreams one must overcome all fears and take action NOW. If you believe in your dream enough and are willing to do what it takes to make it a reality , then, and only then will you have not only dreamt it, you have become it.
The year that almost took all of my dreams away. I was 18 when I had a traumatic neck injury.It was a touch and go situation that luckily went in my favor. Recovery time was painful and slow. I thought that I would not be able to achieve any of my hopes and aspirations of becoming a firefighter. I am proud to say that I overcame a huge obstacle in my life and not once doubted that I could not perform the duties. It all started with my belief in myself and ignoring all those that said that I would not be hired.
The Don't Quit Poem.
My Fulfilled Dreams….
I am a fire Captain/Paramedic for the City of Miramar 18 years and I am also a PACU registered nurse. I am married to a lovely woman Shields and we have a beautiful 3 year old daughter named Ellie Rae. I have two Chesapeake Bay retrievers. Mollie and Annabelle.
I live on 3 beautiful acres in Palm City Florida. My view is of open land, horses and wildlife. Born and raised in Brooklyn N.Y. I have grown to appreciate the open space where on a good day there is a cool breeze. Waking up in the morning and not hearing cars, sirens etc is so good for you. I can't imagine living anyplace else.
There is more to this profile..
Your probably wondering what does this have to do with network marketing. Well, I'll tell you. First of all, I am a leader. A person who has accepted responsibility not just for himself, but for his co-workers and his downline team as well. Second, I love to help people. This is what I do best. Being a life saver comes natural to me.I am not afraid to work and I look forward to working with those with the same mindset.
I would like to thank my mentors:
Cenay Nailor,Seth Daley,Max Steingart and all my friends and family who have been so supportive in my quest to excellence.
I am looking to partner up with you. Yes you. If you have read up to this point ,why stop now. Give me a call or email me. I look forward to hearing from you. Oh, by the way, don't call me if you are a whiner,someone that I have to hold ones hand, a complainer and definitely a QUITTER... Please, serious inquiries only.
skype I.D.ProfitToSuccess
To all my friends in the MLM world. All the success!!
Willie Plasencia
Thank you for visiting my site.  Professional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider
If You Are Ready To Take A Trip On The Road To Excellence, Put Your Info In. (You May UnSubscribe Any Time)

My Interests

I play the trumpet with local bands and dig playing on my grand piano. I love watching my little girl grow each day.Tennis is awesome cardio. Don't hate me for being a Jet fan.
And YES my little girl will be a New York Jet Fan!

I'd like to meet:

Positive and inspiring people who love life as much as I do. Life is too short to complain. People who understand that in order for things to change, you have to change (Jim Rohn). We are all born leaders...be one!


Eddie Palmieri jams!!!!! I love all different types of music, but if I had to pick one genre it would be some swinging jamming salsa.


Forrest Gump,Last Samuri, Dances with Wolves,Spinal Tap,The Matrix 1,2,3,,Monte Python and the Holy Grail,Tombstone,Last of The Mohicans,Good Fellows,My Cousin Vinny,Rambo,Rocky.


Discovery Channel,HGTV,NG Channel, Outdoor,VS.


Napolean Hill-Think and Grow Rich,Robert T Kiyosaki-Rich Dad,Poor Dad,Dale Carnegie-How to Win Friends and Influence People,Donald Trump-How To Get Rich,Napolean Hill-Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude.


All those people who are busting their asses to make it work.Non quitters. Those who say I can as opposed as to I can't.
If there is reincarnation, I'm coming back as Sam Elliot. The coolest cowboy.
>My Hero: Jim Rohn.

follow TheMLMRescuer at http://twitter.com ..

My Blog


A GOOD SYSTEM SHORTENS THE ROAD TO YOUR GOAL    ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Your success will be determined on the drawing board.All ...
Posted by Willie on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:47:00 PST

Tired Of The Old School Network Marketing Techniques?

Are you tired of the old school network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging flyers, bugging your family and friends, and holding hotel meetings. I know that when I fi...
Posted by Willie on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 08:46:00 PST

Me Inc?

Me Inc?   There is no other way to say it guys:   Your network marketing company is not about the product. It is not about the orac score. It is not about the 20 year patent and is def...
Posted by Willie on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:39:00 PST

To all my friends. I use this and give it my full endorsement!!

  ..TR>              ..TR>   To all my friends. Here is something that I highly recommend. I would not share this with you unles...
Posted by Willie on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 12:52:00 PST

This Makes People TOP Earners in Any Opportunity

Let me guess... You need more people to show your business to. You need more people that are interested and ready to join and simplysend you money. The problem is most corporate websites are NOT des...
Posted by Willie on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 02:50:00 PST

I use AWEBER, what do you use?

Dear Future AWEBER user, "The SECRET to getting more money out of your customer base is..."Jonathan Mizel, Autoresponse SeminarWhat do industry giants like Disney, Microsoft, Intel, and American Expre...
Posted by Willie on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:35:00 PST

Prospect Blazers-GETS YOU LEADS!

Only a week old and people are earning 30 grandthis month promoting Prospect BlazerWatch The Demo: http://www.ProspectBlazerDemo.comThe ultimate tool is here.As you can see from the Demo it can makeyo...
Posted by Willie on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 04:32:00 PST


..TR> SUCCESS IS THE RESULT OF WELL DIRECTED ENERGY The first rule of success, and one that supersedes all others,is to have energy. It's important to know how to concentrate it.Focus your energy ...
Posted by Willie on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 11:15:00 PST


..TR> Forget everything that your Uplines have told you. Soon they will be coming to YOU to figure out what you have done to explode YOUR business...Because I am about to hand you Absolutely FREE o...
Posted by Willie on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:01:00 PST

Do you want something for free?

Want to Know Why Some People Get Filthy Rich Online While Others Don't.  The Reason Is They Know The Marketing Secrets That They Don't Want You To Know. I Figured Out What They Were Doing And Now...
Posted by Willie on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 04:31:00 PST