OK, what are you expecting?
If I start off by telling you that I’ve created a successful online business then you are probably going to expect me to use some subtle (or maybe even not-so-subtle) marketing techniques to lead you unsuspectingly to a data capture page.
From there I’ll no doubt bounce you to a squeeze page (landing page/gateway page etc) where there is a long winded heading in Tahoma red size 18 telling you how I quit my job in 2 minutes and am now rolling in money. Oh, and there will be a photo too with me standing by a pool/Ferrari/yacht.
Underneath the heading there will no doubt be as much text as there is in War and Peace with bullet points, highlighted boxes, key benefits all ticked off, testimonials from the usual suspects and, of course, liberally scattered throughout the page will be links to the killer sales page!
You’ve guessed it – it’s just not my style
But I think that by now you already might be getting the feeling that those things just aren’t my style. Before writing this updated profile that you are now reading I spent about 15 minutes surfing around and easily found tons of MySpace pages following this same old tired format.
‘Hey there, I’m Mr Millionaire and if you just click on this link I’ll share my secrets of lifetime wealth creation with you...’ blah, blah, blah Or, as Mike Dillard taught me to think – so what!
For me the old data capture – squeeze page – sales page – auto-responder routine has a lot in common with pandas and polar bears. Why? Because, in case yu hadn't noticed it both animals and sales pitches are rapidly becoming extinct.
So am I trying to tell you that I alone have managed to develop a completely unique way of working online? Am I an internet marketing genius that is about to hit you with a ‘send me $10,000 and I’ll tell you how it’s done’ message?
No, no no!
There are 2 ways to find out about who I am and what I do. The quick way is to go to my web site at:
and download my free 59 page Supanova System book – don’t worry, it’s not the usual kind of ‘seven secrets to mlm success’ junk.
The other way is to read the rest of this profile. Either way it’s up to you but I guarantee there’ll be no tricks, no subliminal selling and no ‘under the radar/black hat’ techniques here.
Why? Because to make money online you really don't need any of that stuff.
With me what you see is what you get.
OK, let me introduce myself properly
My name is Louisa Nardini, I am 43 and now I live near Huddersfield in the North of England. Originally I come from Keswick in the Lake District and to me that is still home.
Here are just some of the roles I fulfil in my life right now: mum to 2 great kids and a dog, wife and carer to my disabled husband, homemaker, successful internet entrepreneur, web 2.0 marketing trainer & mentor, professional investor, business owner and Managing Director of my own Limited Company.
Talk about multi-tasking! You see I just love life and I can’t resist trying new things and expanding my own horizons.
The concept of a ‘comfort zone’ is not for me – as my Irish grandfather used to say ‘You’re a long time in your grave so don’t be afraid to live while you’re here.’
So what am I doing here on MySpace?
Well, like many people on MySpace I’m here to network and make new friends.
Being naturally curious I want to see what’s going on and pick up the latest trends that are happening in my market place.
I’m also here to learn from other experienced network marketers as well as to share what I know with people who are sick and tired of the sales pitches, squeeze pages and the hollow promises that litter our industry and give it such a bad reputation.
For me the journey I took that led to the creation my own successful online business was difficult, frustrating, challenging and even on occasions painful. But it was also one of the most liberating experiences of my life and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
Would you like to know more?
We’ll skip over my childhood because it wasn’t great but being from a broken home did provide me with one good thing – a strong will to survive.
When I left home at 16 with poor health, no money and only a part time job at the local supermarket I had no idea where my life would take me. But long before I read Robert Kiyosaki, Wallace Wattles and Tony Robbins I instinctively knew that if I didn’t want to be a check-out girl all my life I had to take action.
So I took an extra job at the garage and used the money I earned to go back to college.
While studying for a diploma in counselling skills I decided to do some voluntary work at a local advice centre as a way of getting some more experience. This proved to be a very significant decision which has influenced my career ever since.
I stumbled into a career
Very soon I was offered a job there and the centre agreed to pay for me to take all kinds of courses on subjects ranging from negotiating skills to developing effective presentations. My work involved dealing with all kinds of people from all ethnic groups, social backgrounds, ages and genders and helping these people with all kinds of problems too.
Before long I was given the opportunity to deliver some training to new volunteers and this is where my career really began to take shape. Soon I was delivering training for the organisation’s regional team and then I began to get offers of work from other agencies.
Without really meaning to I was building my reputation and I saw an opportunity to develop my own business as a freelance trainer. Now my will to survive had evolved into my will to thrive!
By the age of 22 I was competing against many well established training companies and I was winning prestigious contracts with both public and private sector organisations. At 23 I was even offered a part time teaching position at Leeds Met University.
From this foundation I went on to develop a good career as a trainer, lecturer and freelance consultant. However, by 40 the cracks were starting to show.
Things in my garden weren’t too rosy
In my late 20s I re-married and had 2 amazing kids – a boy and a girl.
Whilst I worked at the local university my husband worked for the local authority and by our late 30s we were both deep into the middle class corporate world of the 9 to 5 daily grind.
For reasons that I still don’t quite understand I began to step back and take a cold, hard look at our lives.
They were pretty typical I suppose – decent house, average car, occasional holidays abroad etc. But I began to see how much of our time we had to trade in order to have these modest things. Plus I also knew that we had a very long way to go on our current plan before we were debt and mortgage free.
Surely there had to be another way?
So I began to look around on the internet to see if I could find a way to replace my earned income so that I could stay at home and have more quality time to support the family – my husband is disabled so I am also his carer.
I tried mlm at first but my experience was fairly typical and despite spending £3000 on buying company leads at the end of 18 months all I had to show was a crumbling downline and a sense of failure.
I hated trying to pitch my opportunity to my friends and family and the whole process just didn’t feel right for me. It seemed that only the people at the top ever made any money and the company set all the rules.
I was reading Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad series of books at this time and I began to relate to what he said about business being about creating an asset. By now I had a business degree so knew quite a lot about how to structure a business and how to generate a profit.
Of course, when surfing around online I found all the ‘get-rich quick’ scams, the ‘auto-pilot income’ programmes and the surveys etc.
But nothing seemed to fit. I still my teaching skills and I suppose unconsciously I was looking for some way to utilise them and make money at the same time.
I watched the movie The Secret and this helped me to re-focus and be more clear about what I was looking for. I set up my first MySpace profile as a way of finding people who might be able to help or guide me.
The law of attraction in action!
Very soon I connected with a woman who could relate to my story as she had gone through similar experiences.
Mari Ann then went on to tell me about a training and mentoring programme that she had joined and about what a difference this had made to her own online business.
I clicked on her link which took me to a site that was the answer to my prayers. Here Dennis Karganilla had put together an amazing programme all about the different aspects of working online.
Dennis was sharing how to use social networking sites effectively, how to promote yourself and your business positively, how to incorporate the law of attraction into your business and so on.
It took me about a nano-second to decide to join and once again this seemingly small decision has proved to be another major turning point in my life.
From lecturer to mentor, not such a big step really
With help from Dennis, Mike Dillard and other members of their programmes I began to see a bigger picture.
I started to see that working online wasn’t necessarily about joining an opportunity or simply going with the crowd and doing what everyone else was doing.
The internet provides a platform for infinite possibilities.
And for me it wasn’t about using my time to recruit people to someone else’s business. I wanted to create my own business and show people that there were other alternatives to mlm.
Supanova Superstars was born
And that is how my own online business, Supanova Superstars was born.
I had already encountered so many people who had tried to work online with little or no success but I realised that this was not their fault.
There are some things that all online businesses have in common – the first is that you have to recruit people or build a list in some way and the other is that you have to sell something – either a tangible product or information or even an asset.
The vast majority of people who try to run a home based business are coming from an employee mind-set and so they have little real grasp of how to recruit or sell. The most obvious mistake they make is to use their product or opportunity to try to attract people.
Social networking helped me to find this niche in which I could usefully bring my knowledge and skills. So I put Supanova together as a way of sharing my knowledge and skills to show people a real alternative to mlm.
The shocking truth
The shocking truth is that nobody can make you rich – except yourself.
Wealth creation does not come from a product, a business opportunity, a ‘sure-fire’ system, finding the right mentor, having the right training programme etc.
Creating wealth only comes from your own skills and abilities to take the actions that result in wealth coming to you rather than moving away from you.
Now I spend my time at home working online a few hours a day. I have replaced more than my earned income and I get massive pleasure from teaching other people how to do the same.
Building my own online business has really helped me re-connect with my passion for teaching.
And I just love working with people to help them become successful online whether they are in mlm, affiliate marketing or are promoting their own goods and services. Everyone needs to attract customers and make sales and that is what I teach.
Are you interested?
If you are interested and would like to find out more you can go over to:
where you will find all my contact details.
Remember, if you try this alone it’s tough to say the least but if you join a team it’s so much easier because Together Everyone Achieves More – just ask some of the Supanova Superstars!
follow narbundi at http://twitter.com