From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) profile picture

From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Original MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider
I awoke one day knowing that I could make a difference; a change within myself and those around me. I realized that my people are in the mind state that they are in, because of there lack of knowledge. We've been dumbed down through many years of poor school systems and rap videos that lead us to believe that the only way out is music, drugs, or sports. The fast money from drugs have landed more BLACK MEN in jail then in needing homes, rasing there young. Leaving the responsibility of the family to the mother, and welfare.I believe all this can change over time but WE must first take action. We have to better educate ourselves to know that there is a better way. With the right tools we can end this cycle that we've been put in and rise above all to become that great leaders that WE ARE. With just a little effort you can take your life to a new place.I am following a specific Business Plan for building a six figure income within 12-24 months starting with less than $300 this plan is Totally Passive meaning that your money will work for you. If you dont believe me after you listen to the call i'll show you snapshots of my back office where im earning a growing $300 plus a month. And I am only in phase one of the plan. 641-715-3900 ext 20241# is the number listen and send me a message when your done so we can talk

My Interests

Im very interested in finding ways to help anyone looking for it, whatever the case maybe. Reading, learning, teaching, and playing chess are the interest that i enjoy the most

I'd like to meet:

I am interested in meeting everyone that is willing to make a change for themselves and those around them. Anyone that is willing to grow in their life spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Those with a purpose.


I really dont care for T.V. but i do watch Family Guy sometimes when i can catch it


I love to read so if you have some suggestions please let me know. The Science of Successs, A Black Mans Bible, Micro Trends,

My Blog

new updates!!!

thanks once again for taking the time out to read up on what going on in my passive world. balance for today is 229.38. As i write this i am doing my view and rating for the day. i'll be returnin...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:21:00 PST


thanks again for taking the time out to read my blog. balance of today is 178.98 i paid my subscription dews yesterday thats why the balance my be off if you've been keeping up. viewed and rated ...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 10:02:00 PST

todays updates

thanks again for taking the time out to stop by and check up on things. balance today is 153.78. i didnt view or rate any sites yet, but will do sometime today. i'll will be adding some...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:06:00 PST

Daily Updates

Thanks for taking the time out to check on my passive income stream. Balance as of today is $148.58. i havent done any viewing and rating for the day yet but before 1pm est. I will add ...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:18:00 PST

Update (its been a while)

Balance as of 6-19-08 is 123.38 I know is been awhile since i posted an update.  The site was down close to, two weeks due to server transfers. No one had the pleasure of viewing a...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST

just a little info

If you missed out on joining this program before they closed to new members, this is your chance to get in after all! Act now because this page will not be here indefinitely ... If you decide to sign ...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 03:49:00 PST


thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check on things. balance of june 2nd is 22.58. you might ask why, so i'll tell you. pay day is on the first of every month. i was able to use the $300 i e...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:33:00 PST


Thanks once again for your time. My total earning for May is $304.38.  Cash out is on the 1st of every money. I'll be adding a few extra dollars this month to accelarate ...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:44:00 PST

new updates

Sorry for not posting these last few days. V-Lane was switching servers so login and view and rating was not allowed. Non the less i still earned on those days. New balance as of today is $2...
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Sat, 31 May 2008 10:22:00 PST


thanks again for stopping by. new balance is 277.92. i just want you to remember that this is all passive income. 1% a day compounded!!! 
Posted by From the Streets to the Net (Switch Ur Hustle UP!) on Sun, 25 May 2008 05:34:00 PST