Hi my name is James, thanks for stopping by! I was a struggling network marketer. Now I'm looking to meet others, who are like I was, so I can share the truth with those who need it.
I became interested in marketing two years ago after being diagnosed with a lung disease and could no longer work outside my home. I have always been able to support myself, my family and my lifestyle. As circumstances sometimes warrant, I needed a change and an Internet business seemed the sensible solution.
I was raised with a strong work ethic, so the thought of not working was not an option. So, I turned to network marketing.
What I found was an industry suffering from 97% failure rate, a numerical fact that was shocking, and unacceptable, to me.
Being a person of faith I remembered ( Genesis 29:20-28 ), where Jacob served seven years for the hand of Rachel. With that as my inspiration, despite the struggles I faced, I knew I could not give up.
The most important dreams and desires are worth working and waiting for. Movies and television have created the illusion that people have to wait only about an hour to solve their problem or get what we should not be trapped into thinking the same is true in life!
Patience is the hardest when we need it the most, but the reward of perserverance brings us to those who are actually willing to help.
I have met a group of good people that really know this industry and put me before themselves. They have made my success their priority.
They teach me how to give to those who are struggling as I had, and that has made all of the difference!
The Laws of attraction and reciprocity are very real and I would like to get to know you and share more!
Feel FREE to contact me, email [email protected] or on SKYPE (ID: jamespowell400 )
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