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Save The Tiger

Unscrupulously killed to supply the lucrative black market for skins, organs and bones that are clai

About Me

Program of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Save The Tiger Fund's trans-boundary approach focuses on strategic solutions with an emphasis on engaging local people as partners in this conservation effort. In such landscapes, where humans dominate, the quality of life depends on people’s capacity to respect and manage their environment. Tigers are at the top of these intricate ecosystems, and securing their survival is a significant step to ensure the ecological integrity and survival of all living things, including humans.
Save The Tiger’s Fund
Conservation Strategy
Executive Summary

Wild Tigers are in a precarious state. Our best approximation concludes that tiger habitats throughout India, Indochina, and Southeast Asia are now 40% less than what we estimated in 1995. As the Economic Tigers of Asia leap onto the world stage, wild Tiger populations in those countries are in steep decline; today Tigers occupy a mere 7% of their historical range and the threats are mounting, rather than diminishing. Setting Priorities for the Conservation and Recovery of Wild Tigers:
2005 – 2015
The Technical Assessment - Executive SummaryThis landmark study is commissioned by the Save The Tiger Fund and produced by some of the worlds leading tiger scientists at World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society, the Smithsonians National Zoological Park and Save The Tiger Fund.
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Tiger - Being extremely fast and powerful, its very name has
been derived from classical Greek root for 'arrow'.

From Time Immemorial, the Tiger has been an object of great awe, reverence and superstition. It has an overpowering presence and its strength and ferocity are proverbial. It is deeply interwoven in the folklore and mythology of a number of countries where it is also a symbol of bravery. In India, it is closely associated with a feared Hindu Goddess, Durga, the slayer of demons.Once hunted in the name of sport, the Tiger is now hunted illegally for profit and for traditional medicines. Human encroachment - for farming, human resettlement, mining, industrialisation and logging, and land lost by dams for irrigation and electricity - is pushing this amazing creature to the edge of extinction.It is feared that within the next two decades the Tiger's population may be reduced to a level lower than required for the genetic diversity essential for survival of the species.Unless the conscience of the world is stirred by the plight of this beautiful animal and its governments show genuine commitment to preventing its extinction, the Tiger may soon fade to just a memory.
From "The Vanishing Tiger", Vivek R. Sinha
"I personally do not believe in wildlife management – wildlife manage themselves. We can only manage humans. We can only communicate with humans, by telling them what they should do to provide a healthy environment for wildlife."
Mohamad Azlan, WWF Malaysia

Save India's Tigers
Save China's Tigers
"The fundamental philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is harmony and balance between nature and humans. Now there is no balance, because humans take too much from nature."
Cao Dan, WWF's TCM Program

Click Here To Feed a “Big Cat”

"Sadness of Gaia" by Josephine Wall
The Earth Goddess looks on sadly, aware that our human weaknesses will mean many years of education to prevent the ruin of our precious world.
The contents of her wings symbolize all the creatures that need protection. As always "Gaia" will be there to listen and to comfort, bringing with her the rainbow of hope.
The clouds are gathering around our world but she knows she must be strong and work to rectify mans errors, in the belief that he will one day understand that our precious earth deserves our protection.
Let us hope that one day soon "Gaia" will look upon the earth and be satisfied that her lessons have been learnt!

My Interests

My Name is Sara, I created this page to be a resource and raise awareness (I am an advocate of Save The Tiger Fund, not an employee). The Best view of this page is thruMozilla Firefox .

"The Tiger is the sentinel. The Tiger is the great symbol that keeps this quality of the natural world alive. Therefore, people like myself will fight for it till the last day I'm alive."
Valmik Thapar

Indian Tigers in Thailand

Map of Tiger Population

The Amur (or Heilong) River is at the center of a 600,000 square-mile watershed that is home to the largest contiguous forest left on earth

"When the Buying Stops, the Killing Can Too!"

Online Videos by

Sign Petition To STOP Tiger Farming

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

International Fund for Animal Welfare

Report Tiger Crimes in India

Batik Artistry by Janet Searfoss
Searfoss Batiks

"Tiger Strength" Batik by Janet Searfoss

Great Smoky Mountains

I'd like to meet:

Conservationists, those who respect and love animals, anyone willing to help inform others of the plight of Tigers.

Bandhavgarh National Park, India

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Aliens, A Beautiful Mind, An Inconvenient Truth:

Before Sunset, The Blue Lagoon, Brokedown Palace, Carlitos Way, Cast Away, City of Angels, The Constant Gardener, The Dark Crystal, Elizabeth, Fight Club, Gladiator, The Godfather(s):

Gone With The Wind, Glory, Gorillas in the Mist:

Gremlins, House of Flying Daggers, The Howling, Kill Bill, The Labyrinth, The Last of the Mohicans, The Life of David Gale, March of the Penguins:

Medicine Man, My Girl, Nausicaa:

The Neverending Story, Princess Mononoke:

Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Sense & Sensibility, Seven, Silver Bullet, Spirited Away, Stand By Me, Titanic, What Dreams May Come, ...



"Take into account that great love and
great achievements involve great risk."
Dalai Lama

My Blog

Petition Chinese Government to STOP Tiger Farming

..>..>..>..>..>..>Animal Action Alert ..> ..>..>..>..> ..> Save The Tigers From being farmed in China for their parts. Sign our petition below and ask you...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:07:00 PST

Tigers by the Tail

Tigers by the TailHaving staged a comeback, one of China's most prized animals is under threat yet again...>China Daily-ReutersHot Commodity:  A Siberian Tiger and her cub on a reserve in northea...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 10:38:00 PST

World's Tigers on "Catastrophic" Path to Extinction

World's tigers on "catastrophic" path to extinctionFri Jun 8, 2007 2:01PM EDTBy Nita Bhalla NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The world's wild tigers are on a "catastrophic" path to extinction as numbers continu...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:14:00 PST

Thousands Ask China to Keep Tiger Trade Ban - CATT Alert 49

    More than 15,000 people have given "face" to the growing international call for China to keep its tiger trade ban firmly in place for the sake of wild tigers.  Photos submitted by t...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:40:00 PST

Urge Your Representative to Support Haley's Act!

H.R. 1947/Haley's ActProhibits Public From Direct Contact with Big CatsSponsor(s):  Rep. Nancy Boyda (D-KS)ASPCA Position:  SupportAction Needed:  Email your representative today and u...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Thu, 10 May 2007 11:14:00 PST

Tiger Mosaic - Add Your Photo! - Help End the Tiger Trade

..>..>..>..>..>Help End the Tiger Trade The tiger is one of the most revered, feared and yet popular species on Earth. It is perhaps the most powerful symbol for all of our pla...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:24:00 PST

Corruption Makes China Trade Too Risky for Tigers - CATT Alert 48

A front page story in today's Washington Post illustrates a sobering reason why China's proposed limited legal trade in farmed tiger products poses grave danger to wild tigers. The story entitled "...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST

New Report Tells China 'Keep Ban, Stop Farming' - CATT Alert 47

Where China's 1993 tiger-trade ban may have granted a stay ofexecution for wild tigers, lifting that ban would be a "deathsentence."These are the findings of a report entitled Taming the Tiger Trade,r...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:41:00 PST

Tiger and Orangutan Babies Playmates at Indonesian Zoo

Two Sumatran tiger cub sleep with two baby orangutans in a nursery room at the Taman Safari ... Tiger, Orangutan Babies Playmates at Zoo By NINIEK KARMINI, Associa...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 02:10:00 PST

Three White Tiger Cubs Debut at Buenos Aires Zoo

Three White Tiger Cubs Debut at Buenos Aires Zoo  APBety, a female white tiger, holds one of her three 45 days-old cubs at the Buenos Aires Zoo. ...
Posted by Save The Tiger on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:52:00 PST