My Name is Sara, I created this page to be a resource and raise awareness (I am an advocate of Save The Tiger Fund, not an employee). The Best view of this page is thruMozilla Firefox .
"The Tiger is the sentinel. The Tiger is the great symbol that keeps this quality of the natural world alive. Therefore, people like myself will fight for it till the last day I'm alive."
Valmik Thapar
Indian Tigers in Thailand
Map of Tiger Population
The Amur (or Heilong) River is at the center of a 600,000 square-mile watershed that is home to the largest contiguous forest left on earth
"When the Buying Stops, the Killing Can Too!"
Online Videos by
Sign Petition To STOP Tiger Farming
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Report Tiger Crimes in India
Batik Artistry by Janet Searfoss
Searfoss Batiks
"Tiger Strength" Batik by Janet Searfoss
Great Smoky Mountains
Conservationists, those who respect and love animals, anyone willing to help inform others of the plight of Tigers.
Bandhavgarh National Park, India
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Aliens, A Beautiful Mind, An Inconvenient Truth:
Before Sunset, The Blue Lagoon, Brokedown Palace, Carlitos Way, Cast Away, City of Angels, The Constant Gardener, The Dark Crystal, Elizabeth, Fight Club, Gladiator, The Godfather(s):
Gone With The Wind, Glory, Gorillas in the Mist:
Gremlins, House of Flying Daggers, The Howling, Kill Bill, The Labyrinth, The Last of the Mohicans, The Life of David Gale, March of the Penguins:
Medicine Man, My Girl, Nausicaa:
The Neverending Story, Princess Mononoke:
Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Sense & Sensibility, Seven, Silver Bullet, Spirited Away, Stand By Me, Titanic, What Dreams May Come, ...
"Take into account that great love and
great achievements involve great risk."
Dalai Lama