If every American house hold changed just ONE roll of toilet paper made with virgin wood to ONE recycled post consumer roll, half a MILLION trees would still be standing. Are we are destroying the Earth so we can wipe our asses...????
Have you heard the DECLARATION
In the spirit of the 1959 Uprising and in memory of all the courageous Tibetans who sacrificed their lives for Tibet’s independence and continue to resist China's tyrannical rule, we declare the commencement of the Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement.
On Average, Each home using Solar Energy reduces greenhouse gases by:
Saving 400 Trees and Removing 24 cars from the road.
The VeriChip human implantable RFID chip was cleared for medical use in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration in October 2004. VeriChip currently has a market capitalization of about $20 MILLION and 2006 sales of more than $27 MILLION.
Ministers are planning to implant "machine-readable" microchips under the skin of thousands of offenders as part of an expansion of the electronic tagging scheme that would create more space in British jails.
Just because the forest is being cut down in somebody else’s backyard, doesn’t mean you can’t help stop it…
Right now, a bipartisan bill – the Legal Timber Protection Act (H.R. 1497) is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would protect old-growth trees and plants from Brazil to Indonesia from being illegally cut down and exported on to American soil.
Click the Pic and Sign because... you can, because these trees are what YOU breathe!
E. Pluribus Unum (One out of many)
Urge the United Nations to adopt a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare!Note: your signature will be one more toward the goal of 10 MILLION signatures on the "Animals Matter to Me" petition, making it the most ambitious global initiative on animal welfare that has ever been attempted!
If every American household makes the switch to use cold water for Four out of Five loads of Laundry, together we'll save $6.7 BILLION per year and keep nearly 50 MILLION tons of carbon out of the atmosphere – the equivalent of removing 10 MILLION cars from the road!
Take the pledge and pass it on
After decades of brutal dictatorship, the people of Burma are rising. In the resent past, hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters, led by Buddhist monks, have flooded the streets of Rangoon. But, the military started shooting monks and journalists.
This is a true emergency. Avaaz.org and MoveOn.org have launched a petition demanding Burmese generals negotiate rather than crush the demonstrators. They're focused on getting United Nations Security Council members--particularly China's Hu Jintao--to intervene. Thousands of people from all over the world are adding their names every hour -- will you sign?
Please sign our petition HERE and urge the NMFS to approve and implement a science-based plan to once and for all end overfishing of red snapper:
Nearly 2 million patients get an infection while in hospital every year and almost 100,000 of them die.
As the last in the best-selling children's book series of all time, the printing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel will use more sustainable paper than any previous book.* Sustainable paper. Of the 16,700 tons of paper used in the first printing of the final book, 65% was certified by the the Forest Stewardship Council as sustainably harvested. * Setting an example for the publishing industry. U.S. book publishers use 20 million trees per year, so moving to greener paper has a big IMPACT.
If 10,000 Muggles buy a copy of Deathly Hallows over another non-sustainably produced, similarly sized book, we'll save 441 trees.
The majority of the 100 MILLION pigs killed in the U.S. for their flesh each year spend their lives in cramped metal pens inside filthy sheds eating chemicals to make them hugely fat.
Just so humans can eat them, does that seem right to you??? On any level???
Waste is an environmental problem, which affects us all. The success of recycling and waste reduction initiatives is one area where we can actually improve the well being of our environment. Simple.
Refugees International (RI) urges nations from around the world, especially those initially involved in the Iraq conflict, to support infrastructure building projects in the countries hosting the bulk of Iraqi refugees such as Syria and Jordan. It is noted that there are an estimated 2.4 million Iraqi refugees with nearly 1.5 million of those being hosted in Syria and nearly 750,000 in Jordan. The degree to which these people have access to basic needs varies but RI makes it clear that more needs to be done and that the burden of care should not be the sole duty of their host country.
Dolphins Being Slaughtered in Japan
During drive hunts, fishermen panic and confuse migrating pods of dolphins and other small whales with loud banging, then herd them, by the hundreds, into shallow coves, and then butcher them one by one. Every year, some 20,000 small cetaceans of several species, some of which are endangered, including bottlenose dolphins, striped dolphins, spotted dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, short-finned pilot whales, white-sided dolphins, and false killer whales, are killed or taken in the drives, sometimes illegally. The hunts have been universally condemned by marine experts around the world as brutal, inhumane, and unsustainable, but pleas to stop them have fallen on deaf ears. Therefore, we, marine scientists and zoo and aquarium professionals, are asking for your support to bring this unconscionable practice to an end. HELP please; _______________________________________________________
Last year Americans spent nearly $11 BILLION on over 8 BILLION gallons of bottled water, and then tossed over 22 BILLION empty plastic bottles in the trash. In bottle production alone, the more than 70 MILLION bottles of water consumed each day in the U.S. drain 1.5 MILLION barrels of oil over the course of one year. MAKE AN IMPACT AND BUY A GLASS OR ALUMINUM BOTTLE AND FILL IT UP!!! CHECK OUT; www.kleankanteen.com)MLS Stainless Steel Thermos Bottle, 1 liter ($22.16; www.mls-group.com)Sigg resin coated aluminum sport bottle, 25 ounces ($19.99; www.mysigg.com)Platypus #5 polypropylene 2+collapsible water bottle, 2.4 liters ($9.95; www.rei.com)Nalgene HDPE Loop-Top Bottle, 16 ounces ($4.53; www.nalgene-outdoor.com)
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) recently determined that the Iraq war costs $720 MILLION per day, $500,000 per minute - enough to provide homes for nearly 6,500 families, or health care for 423,529 children in just one day.
4.5 MILLION kids have asthma. 14 MILLION school days are missed each year because air is so bad kids can't go outside.
Want to do something about it?
That's right. Go to www.adoptthesky.org where you can adopt a square mile of sky over the US and sign the petition for cleaner air. This if free, takes a few minutes and is Fun!!!!!! This an Earthjustice Project
Horses Are being Slaughtered Inhumanely for Meat
Please call your US Representative today and urge them to co-sponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. You can reach your federal legislators by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. This is not right, not humane and must end. You can help. Please be apart of the change, help end the suffering of these beautiful creatures.
One tree will absorb 650 pounds of carbon over its 40-year lifetime, which is roughly the amount the average automobile emits every time it travels 740 miles. HEY GO PLANT A TREE!!!!!
Carbon dioxide emissions from personal vehicles in the United States Alone equaled 314 MILLION metric TONS in 2004. That much carbon could fill a coal train 55,000 miles long—long enough to circle the Earth twice. It Is More NOW!!
Baby calves are taken from their mothers just hours after birth and shipped away to live in cramped, filthy crates with barely enough room to move.
This shocking scenario is a sad reality for the young calves, all 12,000 THOUSAND of them, at Mendes Calf Ranch in Tipton, California.
Calves live by themselves in crates so small they can’t even turn around or lie down naturally. They must contort their bodies simply to move around in the small space, which is often covered with their own excrement.
Such confinement violates California’s animal cruelty laws, which is why the Animal Legal Defense Fund has filed a lawsuit against Mendes Calf Ranch.
But there is something YOU can do to Free Baby Mendes – and the up to 12,000 THOUSAND other calves that Mendes confines every day of the year. Sign the petition.
Land O’Lakes and Challenge Dairy are two of the major dairy producers who use milk from calves who were confined at Mendes Calf Ranch Their suppliers ship calves to Mendes, where the calves are unnaturally isolated in crates, while their mothers’ milk is taken.
It’s time, NOW, to let dairy corporations like Land O’Lakes and Challenge Dairy know that these practices are unnecessary, inhumane, illegal, and unacceptable.
Speak Up, PLEASE!!!!
The Great Barrier Reef will become "functionally EXTINCT" within decades at the current rate of global warming.
Every year over 360 MILLION animals are transported in the EU. The transport of livestock often takes several days and travels across Europe. Sheep from Great Britain, for instance, are brought through the Netherlands, France and Italy to Greece. A 60-hour journey. During the several day voyage the animals get neither water nor food. In order to be able to transport as many animals as possible at once, they are crammed into transporters that have up to three floors. Consequently the height of the compartments is so low that the animals can't even lift their heads. They are forced to stay in this position for several days. Broken legs, ulcerated wounds and even dead animals are a tolerated part of this routine.
This is out of control and so sad. Please think before you eat that leg of lamb, really stop and think... make a choice and help to end the suffering.
In a video on his website, Sen. John McCain states 'Ronald Reagan was an environmentalist.' Given that this is the same Ronald Reagan who said, 'trees cause more pollution than automobiles do,' I am forced to disagree with the Senator from Arizona.
PLEASE, make sure you know where people stand, and raise your voice, ask them... You can send Sen. McCain that message by clicking the link below, and read on to learn more about his record on forests.
Media coverage of the ongoing genocide in Darfur has been woefully inadequate. The Center for American Progress found that during June 2005, CNN, FOX News, NBC/MSNBC, ABC, and CBS ran 50 times as many stories about Michael Jackson and 12 times as many stories about Tom Cruise as they did about the genocide in Darfur.
I LOVE YOU because you are reading this right now, thank you.
A New Organization called NOT ON OUR WATCH, headed by George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, Jerry Weintraub and David Pressman, has announced a $1 MILLION donation to Save the Children to assist more than 70,000 displaced women and children living in temporary camps in West Darfur, Sudan and in eastern Chad.
They are dying... According to entomologists at Cornell University, upwards of 90% of wild honey bees have disappeared since 1990. The reason for the decline are many; loss of habitat, use of chemical pesticedes, pollution, climate change, and commercial exploitation.
A 22-year study found that organic corn and soy crops use 30% less fossil fuel energy than non-organic.
Congress is considering $118 MILLION in funding to develop the first of a series of new nuclear bombs.
Union of Concerned Scientists Action Network [email protected]
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a vital mating area for and an astounding number of migratory birds. Yet ExxonMobil, along with other oil companies and their high-priced lobbyists, continue to push for destructive drilling in this special place.
If you fill up at EXXON you are supporting this...
HELP BECAUSE YOU CAN! Just use www.goodsearch.com as your search engine (it's powered by Yahoo) and every time you do a search, they donate a penny.
The southernmost tip of mainland Canada has disappeared and it may not return. The Point Pelee sand spit, which in 2000 stretched as much as a kilometre into Lake Erie, vanished this winter, along with a viewing platform and about 10 metres of vegetation. It's the longest time -- about five months -- the tip has been gone and now storms and erosion are attacking the park's trails and Carolinian forest.
California is the twelfth largest source of climate change emissions in the world.
Can organic farming fight climate change? Yes. And we're not just talking about food miles. Research from the Rodale Institute shows that sustainably-farmed soil absorbs 30% more carbon than conventional agriculture, and switching our farmland to organic would cut greenhouse emissions by 10% in the US (20% in Canada and most of the rest of the world). Organic farming could be a major tool in the fight against our global climate change.
It takes 25 gallons of H2O to produce a pound of wheat vs. 2,500 gallons for 1 pound of meat. Hmmmmmmm
APPLE has agreed to peel toxic chemicals like Brominated Fire Retardants (BFRs) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), out of their product line by 2008. Apple's new commitment to environmental transparency and the phase out of the worst chemicals in its product range are genuine steps forward.
Do you know what you are putting in your body???
This destructive practice of coal mining has been facilitated by the Bush administration's disregard of a Reagan-era regulation, known as the "stream buffer zone rule." This rule prohibits any mining activities to take place within 100 feet of a stream unless it can be proven that water quality and quantity will not be adversely impacted. According to the Office of Surface Mining, the Bush administration has blatantly disregarded this rule by approving the destruction of 535 miles of streams since taking office.
Keeping your tires properly inflated saves gas and cash
* Cleaner air. Proper inflation can keep 383 lbs of CO2 out of the air each year.
* More money in your pocket. Improve gas mileage by about 3%, and save up to 7 cents per gallon.
* Longer-lasting tires. Extend the life of your tires by as much as 15%.
* Safer driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says underinflated tires result in 660 deaths each year.
If 10,000 people keep their tires properly inflated, we'll avert the CO2 created by about 352 cars in a year! HEY GO CHECK YOUR TIRE PRESSURE
How far do you have to walk to get water?
12 Feet? 12 Yards? OR 12 Miles?
Be Grateful if it is less than 12 miles, like her.
During his time in office, President Roosevelt protected 230 MILLION acres of land as national forests, national parks, and wildlife preserves, and this remains one of his greatest legacies - It's time another president took Roosevelt's lead, and determined a long term preservation strategy for what remains wild in the U.S. Don't you think?
Who do you like for president? Take a minute right now to ask him or her to go the distance for our forests:Right Here
USDA IGNORES PUBLIC REJECTION OF PROPOSAL TO ALLOW 38 NON-ORGANIC INGREDIENTS & TOXIC FISH OIL IN FOODS LABELED AS "USDA ORGANIC" Basically ignoring more than ten thousand emails and letters from consumers and farmers opposing the latest industry-sponsored attack on organic standards, the USDA has approved a proposal allowing 38 new non-organic ingredients to be allowed in products bearing the "USDA Organic" seal. But the agency says this may just be interim approval, and has offered to extend the public comment period another 60 days (the original public comment period was only 7 days). The USDA's controversial proposal will result in the following:* Anheuser Busch will be allowed to sell its "Organic Wild Hops Beer" without using any organic hops at all. * Sausages, brats, and breakfast links labeled as "USDA Organic" will be allowed to contain intestines from factory farmed animals raised on chemically grown feed, synthetic hormones, slaughterhouse waste, and antibiotics. * Products labeled as "USDA Organic" and containing fish oil may contain toxins such as PCBs and mercury.There is a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for IMPACT. Learn more and take action: HERE NOW!!!
Right NOW Solar energy could generate more than enough electricity to power the entire United States. The cost of solar panels has declined dramatically in recent years and solar power installations worldwide nearly doubled between 2002 and 2004.
GO SOLAR!!!!!!!!!
Farm Animal Cruelty Is Out of Control
Please take one second and help out a problem you helped create.
The EPA says that we had (in the United States) 8,000 landfills in 1988 to 1,654 in 2005. Yet we produce MORE trash than we did in 1988. So quite frankly, where the hell is that trash going? The United States produces 285 MILLION tons of solid waste every year, which is nearly 1 ton (2000 pounds!) of waste per American per year. That means 570,000,000,000 BILLION pounds of waste per year from the US alone.
Now, some of that is recycled, but most of it is not. So are we not recycling enough of our waste-- or are we simply creating too much waste? BOTH!!!!
The World Health Organization states 1.5 MILLION children die a year due to being bottle fed with formula. That's one kid dying every 20 seconds of every day just because of 'unsafe feeding'. There is nothing to take the place of Mothers milk, no matter what the corporate company that makes formula states.
Endangered Steller sea lions are fighting to survive in the waters of the Bering Sea, Alaska. They're in a battle with factory trawlers, who are snatching up fish and tearing up ocean habitats that Stellers depend on for survival. Without enough food and ocean safe havens, the Steller sea lion population has declined dramatically. While the sea lions fight off starvation, the government is dragging its feet on implementing Endangered Species Act protections.
Take Action Tell the National Marine Fisheries Service to give maximum protection to these magnificent creatures. PLEASE Take 2 minutes out of your day to help. JUST CLICK HERE
By the end of the century, climate change will bring water scarcity to between 1.1 and 3.2 BILLION people as temperatures rise by 2 to 3 Celsius (3.6 to 4.8 Fahrenheit), a leaked draft of an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report said. An additional 200 MILLION to 600 MILLION people across the world would face food shortages in another 70 years, while coastal flooding would hit another 7 MILLION homes.
"The message is that every region of the earth will have exposure," stated Dr Graeme Pearman.
There are only 5,000 to 7,400 Tigers left in the world.
Americans use approximately 31.5 MILLION TONS of printing and writing paper each year, an amount requiring over 535 MILLION trees and more than 12 BILLION gallons of oil to produce.
* More paper products are now recovered than sent to landfills in the US, yet 65 percent of used printing and writing paper still ends up in the waste stream.
* The pulp and paper industry ranks first in use of industrial process water, third in toxic chemical releases, and fourth in emissions of the air pollutants known to impair respiratory health.
* Simple changes in our paper use and purchasing practices can help limit the depletion of forests and loss of habitat, reduce pollution and decrease the stress on our landfills. To this end, Green Seal recommends papers with at least 30 percent post-consumer recycled content and the use of chlorine-free production methods.
Please choose the most environmentally-friendly papers for your daily needs- it IS up to You...
The United Nations published a report on livestock and the environment with a stunning conclusion: "The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global." It turns out that raising animals for food is a primary cause of land degradation, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and not least of all, global warming.
The demonic "think tank", the American Enterprise Institute, funded by ExxonMobil Corporation, offered Scientists and Economists $10,000 Cash each plus travel expenses to get into the media to undermine the evidence presented in the IPCC Report released today. Surprisingly, AEI is also the "think tank" that drew up the plans for the Bush Administration to send the 21,500 additional U.S. troops into Iraq last month...
If you wanna save a little CO2, use the airport lavatory, not the one on the plane, since the fuel used for every mile-high flush could run a car for 6 miles.
A Red Cross and Red Crescent study in 2000 said 25 MILLION people had left their homes because of environmental stress, roughly as many as the refugees from armed conflict.
More than 2 million tons of non-biodegradable kitty litter made from strip-mined clay end up in landfills every year. HEY TRY BIODEGRADABLE!!!!!!
American bison skull heap.
In the 1820's there were an estimated 80 MILLION Buffalo roaming free across America. By 1890, only 70 years later, there were as few as 500.
Industry Statistics indicate that over 80% of all inkjet and laser cartridges sold in the United States are thrown away and end up in landfills. Here are some startling statistics: • Every year over 300 million cartridges are thrown away. In terms of weight, it's the equivalent to 30,500 African elephants! • Stacked end to end, cartridges thrown away in one year would cover a distance of over 24,000 miles-enough to circle the earth. • Approximately 90% of these printing cartridges are recyclable but only 20% are being recycled. Excess ink and toner can filter into our water supply! • Two and a half ounces of oil are used for every ink jet cartridge produced. • Three and a half quarts of oil are used for every laser cartridge produced. • In the next seven years, if all the laser and ink jet cartridges are saved from landfills, a bridge can be built from the Earth to the Moon - 223,000 miles! RECYCLE YOUR CARTRIDGES TODAY, VISIT THE WEBSITE: PLANET GREEN INC
The Endangered Humpback Whale numbers only 2,500 THOUSAND World Wide and are still being brutally and illegally hunted.
More than 319,000 harp seals will be clubbed or shot to death this year in Canada. 96% of them will be less than 3 months old, and some may even be skinned alive.
* Fact: Covering less than 2 percent of the Earth's total surface area, the world's rainforests are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals.
* Fact: Temperate rainforests used to exist on almost every continent in the world, but today only 50 percent – 75 MILLION acres – of these forests remain worldwide.
* Fact: A typical four square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies.
Junk mail is more than a nuisance: unsolicited mail has a tremendous negative impact on the environment. At least 100 MILLION trees are destroyed each year to produce junk mail, and 28 billion gallons of water are used to produce the paper. All of these resources are wasted to produce items many people don't even look at: about half of all junk mail is thrown out unopened or unread, and the rate of response to junk mail is less than 2 percent.
The result is that more than 4 MILLION tons of paper is wasted every year.
Before tossing out junk mail, call the company’s toll-free 1 (800) service number and ask that your address be REMOVED from the mailing list. It only takes a moment and will make a Big Impact.
Do you know what a chemical trail is? You might want to find out!
Durango Chemtrails
Did you know that the US government authorizes the commercial fishing industry to kill nearly 10 THOUSAND sea turtles each year? And that each and every one of the turtles is either listed as endangered or threatened?
The critically endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle has been reduced from more than 100,000 nesting females to fewer than 3,000 over the past 25 years, mostly because of longlining and plastic bags which turtles mistake for their favorite food jelly fish. Go Here to help directly ________________________________________________________
Polar bears live only in the Arctic and are totally dependent on the sea ice for all of their essential needs. The rapid warming of the Arctic and melting of the sea ice poses an overwhelming threat to polar bears, which could become THE FIRST MAMMAL TO LOSE 100% OF THEIR HABITAT to Global Warming!
TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Without protection, in the "foreseeable future" for the polar bear is less than 45 years.
Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate critical habitat the ensure the survival of polar bears @ Care2.com
...........NOW YOU KNOW.........
"BE the change you wish to see in the world"
~Mahatma Gandhi