Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! profile picture

Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey! I think I'm a good guy, I'm smart, funny and a little bit nuts. That is OK though considering the pressures of society. Anyway my main interest are the environment, sustainable energy, animals, plants, nature, reading, movies and comedy.I have a scooter and it kicks royal ass. I tend to be a non-conformist and calls things as I see them. People sometimes have a hard time accepting that, but it doesn't stop me from being honest. I am very perceptive regarding environmental, social and political issues and I read and research those things as much as I can. I hate war and I also hate propaganda.650,000 Iraqi civilians dead. IS THAT FAIR??? WHO ARE THE TERRORISTS?Canadians! Sign this petition to stop the tax breaks for the oil patch!!

My Interests

Working with kids, sports, Art, Music, Movies, Pool, The Environment and Gardening.SCOOTER!! My Derbi Atlantis is sweet.I love going for walks, skates or doing anything fun and new.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet like minded individuals. People who love the environment, people who are musical, artistic, spiritual and don't forget friendly. I love comedy so the funnier you are the better. I want to shake David Suzuki's hand because by making environmental issues public, he is helping everyone in our society. I would also like to thank Dave Chapelle and Micheal Moore for fighting the mainstream media and getting people to think independently.People who I wouldn't like to meet are people who strictly follow fundamentalist mindsets, such as religious people who only stick to their own. I don't believe in "tribal" mindsets and would prefer to meet more open minded individuals. I don't believe that my god is better than your god so if that is what you believe, then take a hike jack. I like meeting people who think independently, so if you have your own opinions and don't always follow the crowd then you should contact me.


Blues, classical, jazz, positive hip hop. Good rock. I love music that is filled with emotion but sometimes I just have to listen to a good hard rock song.


HARD EVIDENCE ... 3 Top UFO Documentaries 31 Dec 2006

3 Top UFO Documentaries 31 Dec 2006 a Nightmare for Pseudo SkepticsHARD & SOLID UFO-OVNI EVIDENCE !Media is finally waking up ;Listen to the end, there is a supprise of Nato General Wilfried de of

Prof Steve Jones - Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Alex Jones interviews Steven Earl Jones - a professor of physics at Brigham Young University who conducts research in nuclear fusion and solar energy. Currently, Jones is investigating the hypothesis that the World Trade Center Twin Towers and WTC 7 were brought down by pre-positioned cutter charges.2nd June 2006Professor Steven E. Jones is a Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, co-chair of S9/11T and the creator of its home page and its forumSee http://www.st911.org 1/ I love well made films like the Johnny Cash movie. That was great. I like independent movies, documentaries (Micheal Moore, The corporation, etc.), I like movies about people who over came a whole bunch of negative stuff in their lives and made it. I hate product placements in movies, Propaganda in films, or cheesy shitty horror movies.I always enjoy nature shows and scientific movies. Myspace Backgrounds


Nature shows, Star Trek the next generation, Documentaries, and shows that make you think. I don't like tv anymore. Too crazy. What's up with this whole "Your a big man!!" TV that is coming out now. Get over it man, gender roles should be removed from television. My dad isn't a big, hairy, and mean beast with exceptional mechanical skills and he is still the best man that I know. I sometimes feel that TV now a days is teaching too many negative lessons and it makes me feel bad to watch it, so I try to avoid it as much as possible.


I love a good fiction book like Stephen King or Dean Koontz. I like biographies and just finished reading Einstein's. I like spiritual books and I just read a crazy one last year called, "The secret life of plants". It was nuts. Also i just read a book called, "Mutant Message" and it was pretty good. I also like to read scientific books and political novels.


My dad, David Suzuki, Dave Chapelle, my Grandma Gagné, Micheal Moore, Will Allen and my sister Roxane.Gangstas Paradise Remix

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Bob Marley

Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Tue, 01 May 2007 09:24:00 PST

War In Iraq

Please check out this emotion filled letter from a angry soldier. Please Repost! From an Angry Soldier --------------------------------------...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:52:00 PST

Electric vehicles

Please read this  Wikipedia article about  the history of electric vehicles. By the way for all of you who don't know the first electric vehicles came out Between 1832 and 1839. So the car c...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:50:00 PST

Some good sources of information

Want some good information? Visit these links! lated&search= amp;NR
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:24:00 PST

Media and climate change

The story says, "Could have something to do with global warming".Just like what Al Gore said, they try to make us confused about if climate change is happening or not by creating doubt.
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:45:00 PST

You don't want cancer? Read this.

Just read a bullentin posting that stated that soda causes cancers because the older the pop is the more benzene it creates. Well I figured I would type this to give info for anybody who gives any kin...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:36:00 PST


Well my search for more information regarding my surroundings has of course brought me more bad news, and of course caused me to feel more pain then I would prefer to feel.That is the cost of not rema...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:44:00 PST

Man of steel

Fuck off to all of those people who have ever said bad shit about me. I'm a strong and good person. Trying to make a difference in my life and also trying to do the right thing for all of us most of ...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:40:00 PST

Control this bitch!

From the time your born till the time you die your exsistance is almost set up for you. Your parents try to teach you what is right or wrong according to your financial level. Like if you live in a mi...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:44:00 PST

Funny videos

Here are some links to some funny videos regarding organics and factory meat producing farms. The starwars one is quite funny. Here are the websites.  ...
Posted by Green energy NOW- PEACE NOW! on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:25:00 PST