Get a scroller sign at!9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!
Q: What is a "False Flag"?
A: A False Flag is a Naval term that basically means flying false colours. Flying the flag of another country to make it appear that a specific act has been perpetrated by that country.
Q: Has the US Government ever planned or carried out False Flags in the past?
A: Check out the document below. Full document can be found -- HERE
The Northwoods Document is now a declassified; once Top Secret document, that details possible pretexts for initiating a war with Cuba in the 1960's. The Document outlines many scenarios such as taking a plane full of American Citizens, replacing it with a "Drone" and then blowing it up over Cuba in order to implement Cuba in attacking American citizens. Thus giving the go ahead for an invasion of Cuba. Many scenarios are discussed and I suggest you click the above link and read it for yourselves. President Kennedy was so outraged by the proposals that he imediately scrapped the idea. And we ALL know what happened to him? Don't we?
World Trade Centre 7
Was it controlled demolition?
MySpace Codes