Events of the WYTC and affiliated
911 Truth Researcher Elias Davidsson Lecture in Skipton
The Narrowboat Pub - Thursday October 25th at 7.30pm
Researcher and independent scholar in international law and human rights
Elias Davidsson will be giving a lecture in Skipton. The event, organised by the West Yorkshire Truth Campaign, will be held at the The Narrowboat Pub, 38 Victoria Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 1JE on Thursday October 25th at 7.30pm.
"On 11 September 2001 approximately 3,000 people were killed in the United States in what was variously designated as a terrorist attack, an act of war or a crime against humanity. These events were used to justify two wars, increased militarization and a grave assault on both international law and human rights. Contrary to popular belief, the US authorities have not positively identified the perpetrators, their accomplices and the tools of murder. Yet, the victims and society as a whole are entitled, under human rights law, to know the truth on the events of 9/11."
In his lecture,
Davidsson will outline the moral and legal foundations for the right to the truth, the obligations of states to thoroughly investigate mass murder and will illustrate the extent to which US authorities violated their international obligations to establish the truth on these events. His empirical approach, devoid of speculation, provides powerful conceptual tools to those who are committed to defend democracy and the rule of civilized law at both the domestic and international level.
His articles in the fields of international law and human rights have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, International Journal of Human Rights, Florida Journal of International Law and International Legal Theory (published by the American Society of International Law).
Elias was born in Palestine in 1941. His parents were born in Germany but had to emigrate to Palestine due to the Nazi persecution of Jews. Elias lived his first years Baq'aa, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace side by side. He currently lives in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign proudly presents:
Webster G. Tarpley UK Tour.
From the Gunpowder Plot to 9/11;
400 years of False Flag Terrorism
Thursday 8th November, 2007
Leeds Metropolitan University (Civic Quarter Campus)
Lecture Theatre B2,
Lesley Silver Building,
Calverley Street,
WYTC monthly meeting;
Just Church, Gt. Horton Rd, Bradford, Thurs 11th Oct, 2007
All are free to attend. We commence at 7.15, discussing all on the agenda and latest news attendees feel is relevant.
Egokiller TV @ Doctor Wu's
First Sunday every Month: Egokiller TV (showing film, as yet undecided) also featuring Egokiller live set.
Doctor Wu's, 35 Call Lane, Leeds, LS1 7BT
Cost : FREE
Sunday 6th May 2007, and 1st Sunday of every month thereafter
WYTC on tour! - for more information and future events
Click here for WYTC posters and banners
h3>Past Events
The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign has now held a number of events, at various locations throughout the North (Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Skipton, and further) and we would like to thank everyone that came down, showed interest and lent support to our group and aims. We have now hosted key minds and speakers, such as Cythia McKinney, Annie Machon, David Shayler, Andrew Johnson, Willie Rodriguez, Noel Glynn and Ian Crane (Chair of 911 Truth Campaign Britain & Ireland). Each event has been so well, and respectfully attended that they have far exceeded all expectations (not to do down in any way the promotional efforts of all involved) and provided us with some truely positive experiences which will drive us on to bigger and greater things. Many thanks to William, David and Annie for their candid, lucid and highly credible and authoritative insights, and for the films we have been able to present, such as 'Ludicrous Diversions', and those David has been working on ’Short Changed’ and 'Mind The Gap'. And many, many thanks to all who attended, we love everyone of you.
Kind regards, The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign.
William Rodriguez
9/11 Survivor - Last Man Out
30th November 2006, Skipton & 14th Febuary 2007, Bradford, willie's wonderful web-site
William Rodriguez, is a native of Puerto Rico, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of New Jersey. On September 11, 2001, and for nineteen years previously, Rodriguez was employed as a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City.
During the attacks on September 11, 2001 Rodriguez pulled fifteen people to safety and, as the only person with a master key on site he also bravely led fire-fighters up the stairwells of the North Tower, unlocking doors as they ascended, and thereby aided the successful evacuation of hundreds of those who survived. He was honoured at the White House five times for his heroic efforts.
Rodriguez looked forward to his appearance at a closed-door hearing of the 9/11 Commission. "Up to that moment, I was thinking that they were going to do the right thing." He states that he began changing his mind as he saw how the commission did its work, and also when the American media edited out his testimonies about hearing bombs in the buildings, whilst the Spanish media did report it unedited.
He has since become involved with the 9/11 Truth Movement and alleges governmental involvement and cover-up regarding the attacks. In October 2004, he and fellow campaigners filed a civil lawsuit directed against George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld and others using an act of law designed to fight organised crime and conspiracy.
Media coverage
Chris Gorman of the Craven Herald
Chris Gorman's report of Rodriguez's visit
On BBC's Yorkshire News Programme, 'Look North' - 14th Feb '07
In Skipton - 30th Nov 2006
In Bradford - 14th Feb, 2007
In Burnley
Click here for full contact information for Last Man Out UK & Ireland Tour
Cynthia McKinney
Confronting Empire
The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign proudly hosted Cynthia at Leeds Metropolitan University, 9th Sept 2007.
In 1992 Cynthia made history when she became the first African American woman to represent Georgia in the US House of Representatives.
Cynthia speaks out against the loss of fundamental freedoms under the Bush administration. She became one of the first Members of Congress to demand a thorough investigation into the events of Sept 11th 2001, asking the question: 'What did the administration know and when did it know it about the events of 9/11?'
Cynthia McKinney grills Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the Pentagon's missing trillions, DynCorp's slave trade, and the 9/11 wargames.
House Hearing on FY06 Dept. of Defense Budget, March 11, 2005.
Ian R. Crane
Chair of the 911 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland)
23rd Jan 07, Bradford, 25th Jan 07 Skipton
In Bradford.
Footage of Ian Crane, Bradford 23rd Jan '07
Ian has spent 25 years in the international Oilfield Services and Telecommunications industries, and has devoted the past four years to researching the events of 9/11. The research he has thus far conducted is staggering in its breadth and integrity, and his style is both concise and understandable. We are proud to have him as Chair. Many thanks Ian.
David Shayler & Annie Machon
Footage from the events we have staged with Dave & Annie can be viewed here:
Dave & Annie at Leeds Weds 20th Sept '06
Dave & Annie at Leeds Tues 17th Oct '06
Leeds Truth Festival; Fri 11th - Sun 13th May 2007, featuring talks by Tony Gosling, Joseph Skelton, Anthony Beckett, Andrew Johnson, Ian Crane, Annie Machon - For Further Details & Future Events
I'd like to meet:
Anyone and everyone who values liberty and equality shall be fraternised. There is much to consider and discuss. We meet in Bradford at the Just Church on Gt Horton Rd (opposite Bradford University's Richmond Building), all are welcome to attend. Next meeting: Leeds, Barakas, Hyde Park, Wed 29th Aug, 7.30pm
Affiliated web-sites and links:
West Yorkshire Truth Campaign Forum
Wake Up To The Illusion
simon ralli
9/11 Truth Manchester
9/11 Truth Bristol
9/11 Truth Totnes
9/11 Truth Oxford
9/11 Truth Glasgow
9/11 Truth Cumbria
9/11 Truth Uckfield
9/11 Truth Peterborough
9/11 Truth Lancaster
9/11 Truth Ipswich
9/11 Truth Norwich
The Irish Truth Campaign
Click image for link to West Yorkshire Truth Campaign Forum
Click image for link to Manchester Truth Campaign Forum
Egokiller - New EP
'Loose Changed'
Suspect Nation - Channel 4 documentary
George Orwell's 1984
9/11 Press For Truth
An excellent documentary about the families of the victims of 9/11 and their fight to uncover and expose the truth about what happened that day.
TerrorStorm (Alex Jones)
From the great mind that brought you documentaries such as "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State" and "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" comes a new movie to awaken the masses.
TerrorStorm goes into documented cases of government-sponsored terror before exposing the 7/7 bombings as an orchestrated event and brings another update on the current state of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
This video is copyrighted but is allowed for non-profit, educational distribution. If you like this film or any other, please visit the website's shop for this and other great documentary films. Alex Jones encourages all activists and concerned citizens to copy this film and distribute it freely amongst your friends, family, collegues, country-men, species, to ensure word of the 9/11 cover-up is put out, and one day exposed.
9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)
Why for the first time in history did three steel-framed skyscrapers collapse completely to the ground due to fire? This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. Essential viewing.
Mind The Gap (David Shayler's 7/7/05 exposé)
MI5 whistleblower David Shayler presents new evidence to demand London bombings enquiry.
A very detailed and well evidenced documentary which draws very serious questions about the official government account of the London bombings.
Pentagon stike: Where is the plane? Where are the videos?
Video and photographs from mainstream news sources calling into question the official government story that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757. This controversy remains, in part because the government has refused to release any of the many video tapes in its possession that would show what really happened. Why?
Photographs from 9/11 and simple diagrams: basic and undeniable laws of physics
This segment uses photographs from 9/11 and simple diagrams together with the basic and undeniable laws of physics and chemistry to demonstrate that the official story of 9/11 cannot possibly be true.
Loose Change 2nd Edition
Perhaps the most important film of a generation - Loose Change (2nd Edition).
Also, of great importance to MySpace users, 'Outfoxed', the film highlighting Murdoch's corrupt empire can be seen at;
Annie Machon - 'Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers'
Webster G Tarpley - '9/11 Synthetic Terror' & 'The Unauthorised Biography of George Bush'
David Ray Griffin - 'The New Pearl Harbour' & '9/11 Commission Report, Ommissions and Distortions'
Jim Marrs - 'Rule By Secrecy' & 'Inside Job'
Simon 'Ralli' Robinson - 'The Yogi Footballer', a fictional novel for kids on exposing 9/11 truth, written by WYTruth group member Simon Robinson.
John Leonard and Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - 'The War on Freedom'
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - 'The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry'
George Orwell - '1984' & 'Animal Farm', Aldous Huxley - 'Brave New World', Margaret Atwood - 'Handmaid's Tale', Kenyon Gibson - 'Hemp For Victory', Philippe Sands - 'Lawless World'
Michael Meacher MP, William Rodriguez (9/11 towers survivor), Scott Ritter (UN weapons inspector), Andreas Von Buelow (German Government Minister), Max Cleland (original 9/11 Commission member who resigned), Venezuelan P.M. Hugo Chavez, Annie Machon (ex-MI5), David Shayler (ex-MI5), Webster G Tarpley (journalist/historian), Alex Jones (journalist/broadcaster), Prof. David Ray Griffin (author of ’A New Pearl Harbour’), Prof. Steven Jones and 75 US academics, hundreds of the bereaved family members, and, according to a 2004 Zogby International Poll, a majority of New Yorkers. As well as many others in a growing global movement.
Help Raise Money
for Disabled
9/11 First Responders
direct link From dz of 9/11Blogger A few weeks ago we posted a blog entry by Jon Gold entitled If You Want Something Done Right.... In that entry Jon called for all of us to chip in to help out disabled first responders. I wanted to reiterate the need for us all to help support those who are currently without help from the deadly dust generated from the destruction of the twin towers and WTC7. So far we have raised just over $1,400 of the $5,000 goal. With the help of the community we can most assuredly meet, and then beat, this goal by the February 3rd deadline. I am asking for the help of everyone in the community in spreading this donation drive across the web, through workplaces, and onto the street - we all should agree that those disabled and unable to work from 9/11 deserve our help. The money raised from this fund raiser will be split between the Feal Good Foundation and the Gear Up Foundation . The donations will be given on behalf of those who contribute to this fund raiser, not on behalf of this website, or by it's organizer Jon Gold. Money will be collected until the deadline of February 3rd, at which point the money will be donated - whether we have met the goal of $5,000 or not. If you would feel more comfortable donating directly to the organizations instead please do so via the links above, but please email Jon Gold a receipt of your donation so that we might include it in our grand total. By clicking on the ' Copy' tab in the ChipIn widget above you can get the html necessary to paste this fund raiser onto your personal blog, myspace pages, and elsewhere. Likewise you can spread the direct link of this article as well. If you have the ability to help this cause succeed please do. Finally, please help us out and digg this article . Please chip in if you can, and please help us spread word of this fund raiser.
The typical anti-truth campaigner, moron;
Ugly Rumours - 'War!'
Help get this single to number 1
Tony Blair and STOP THE WAR COALITION's single 'WAR (What Is It Good For)' has reached number 6 in the UK charts within a few days of its release. The record features our beloved Prime Minister and his old university band, Ugly Rumours.The track is being released to highlight the 4th anniversary of the war in Iraq which falls on March 19th.
If you want to show your support for Peace you can buy the song by texting the word "PEACE1" to 78789. (you will be sent a text with instructions on how you can download the track). The song costs £1.50 with all profits going to the STOP THE WAR COALITION. If you want to know more you can go to
or email -
[email protected]Jay Mankita - 'They Lied'
N.W.O. ‘They Lied‘
Add to My Profile | More Videos
RizMC - 'Post 9:11 Blues'
Immortal Technique, Mos Def & Eminem - 'Bin Laden'