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no reply....
bloody socialists
anyway:- potentially our newest peace-not-war coordinator in Australia:-
bulletin from
Planetary Citizen
15 Oct 2007 16:21
Subject: Total Oil's involvement with Burmese regime
Body: received & passing on....
There's been barrels of actions against Total Oil's involvement with the Burmese regime in the last couple of weeks: three die-ins at Total's head office in London, plus blockades at Total Service Stations in Cardiff, Oxford, St Albans and Bradford. Total has been targeted because it is the biggest corporate investor in Burma, providing the dictatorship with a third of its export revenue since 1992. What you've seen on the news is just a glimpse of what this vicious, highly militarised regime does to its population. There's bound to be a Total Service Station near you... * See
link code for dirty list of companies still trading with the junta Body:
mobilisation plans in comments
it is important, more important than ever now to represent for PEACE, peace is more than the absence of war... the "anti-war" movement may have run aground and the powers that be always knew this would be a difficult line to sustain politically as the situation inevitabley became more complex...
(but...) the revolution will involve sound systems
but what is there left for those millions of people who unified under the obvious and simple slogan "Don't Attack Iraq"? do they just have to go back home and forget about it? try and ignore the daily stories of carnage as our soldiers come home in bodybags while parliament adamently refuses to debate even strategy? even if you were or are pro war you can see this is not a good situation...
for those who have given up and "gone home" who are maybe having a reasonable summer and persuading themselves things maybe "aren't so bad bear in mind the rumours that republicans only way to stay in power maybe to kick off something with Iran next year... bear in mind that there are signs of potential economic collapse, the revolution may be at hand and if the goodies are all depressed it will be a baddies revolution
get out there and be active, even just being strong and good inside and good to your community is something
(pay attention...) bring a radio

My Interests


Member Since: 1/27/2007
Band Members: Collectively (but not exclusively) representing, the Cogers Society, Revolutionation, CreativeForum (formerly ECF), Peace-Not-War, bare linkage and respect for C421, E4E, Rhythms of Resistance, St George's rainbows, Synergy just, Small World, Sunrise, Reclaim Glastonbury'007, 24th of February mobilisation crews particularly


OR POST IN... campaigns blog

- worried about the illuminati?

We are not politicians, we do not want power, we do not want to "take over", but we have a power, individually, internally, every single one of us - thus it is our responsibility to DO SOMETHING - surely??

We've seen the lies of the media for which they have not been punished and in which they continue and the way the governments of the world are handing control of our lives to a banking system that is not even interested in us, unless we don't keep up with our repayments..

the ecological crisis is clearly a case of our economic system coming into conflict with our environmental system, the economic system believes it can "win" and refuses to change significantly, a natural phenomenon for a stable system, which it has been for 400 years more or less - the wise ones know, however, that if there is to be a battle, the environmental system will "win" in the end - even if it has to kill every last one of us... it has been a stable system for several billion years.

but we can't seem to seriously address any of this as our (UK) government is proceeding with George Orwell's (real name blair) "1984" as it's official policy document, with doublethinking politicians the norm, police state in paper if not yet in practise (unless you're muslim) removal of right to trial by jury, admission of hearsay as evidence, double jeopardy and enough modifications to the legal system to effectively tear up the magna carta and end common law (read "freedom") whilst putting the world more and more irretrevabley into Orwell's, "Permanent State of War" - which seems to be "what the market wants"

Why is this happening? Marxist, Anarchist and Conspiracy theories abound but they seem to leave their followers in a state of "too much information" and thereby incapacited while the rest of the population is repelled, by this, from having any involvement with any kind of "movement" at all. This latter phenomenom a result also of a concerted and longterm effort by the lying portion of the media to persuade the general population, and even the activists themselves, that activists are all self-righteous, useless, hypocritical scum who are even worse than the politicians..

"the people"'s response has been so shallow and negligible that, come judgement day, Tony Blair might end up being the most noble man in the country because almost every other citizen seems to absolve themselves of responsibility on an almost daily basis. How long can we persist with this fantasy?...

be part of the 10blok soun system

Where are the people? Where is the response? There are plenty of possibilities yet having ducked the responsibility as "too much" - how can anyone take that on? - collectively, the people end up destroying the world, their habitat, and use their leaders as the excuse, the scapegoats to blame it on, without seeing that, if the world dies, this excuse wont amount to a whole pile of anything...

So we go about our day to day business, sniff our coke, drink our wine, smoke our ganga, whatever it is that gets us off, a bit of religion, a bit of tv, all the while actively destroying the world and blaming someone else for it. This must change.

Does anyone remember the 15th of february 2003? Were you there? Do you remember the feeling of coming together for something positive?

it is a significant success for the warmongers that many do not remember this date which is the most historic date of this millenium so far when the whole world united in multiple simultaneous marches for peace

Now that was very specific, "don't attack Iraq", we had a banner to march under that time has proved to be right, and we DID unify, worldwide.

This proposal is to get that unity again, in a more solid and lasting form, without the need for a specific banner, for a more abstract concept of "peace" in general. Of course various specifics can be represented, within and via that process, democracy can be reclaimed, issues can be raised and, generally, voices can be heard, campaigns can be promoted - but foundationally it has to be about something more nebulous than an emancipation movement or stopping a war... that kind of gathering is necassarily limited in time... and there is a dissapointment, hearing Martin Luther talk, the vibration, the energy - that it has to come to an end - There is something there we need to harness for all time for all humanity, not just for a specific event or to change a specific set of conditions or to stop a specific war.

This is the philosophy of "continuous revolution"

click this

Influences: .... .... Subject: Fwd: Urgent network Tara support phoenix


HIT THE "NOW" BUTTON to get a better idea of what is happening

to embed, view source, ctrl f, "find", the word "worldclock"

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Record Label: PEACE.FM
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

devil proof videos

yo tiger!! post here
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 04:17:00 PST

london activism nov 2007

international solidarity requested for uk stop the war coalitions, "dont attack iran", day of action, 24th of novemberplus, "world against war", conference, major, LONDONfor both see
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:04:00 PST

need band

london uk wide who prefer gigging to rehearsing
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:54:00 PST

coming up

the banking system is in crisis, world markets are tumbling, hubberts peak (peak oil) has been passed and oil is now over 90 dollars a barrel with no sign of coming down in the long term so i hope all...
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:33:00 PST

reply to world citizen

planetary citizen writes:-...
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 04:13:00 PST

IRAN - underground news

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Posted by rEvolutioNation on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:34:00 PST

edinburgh schoolkids against war 8th - TOMORROW!

LATE TO POST THIS... please befriend myspace belowhi there,On 8th September School students Against War will be running a anti-war street event on East Market Street Edinburgh. This is hopefully going...
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:12:00 PST

what is Tara?

tara is an ancient irish burial site - older than the valley of the kings in egypt  - through which those that build roads are intending on pushing the M3the government has agreed to this an...
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:37:00 PST

Tara, ancient site in Ireland, to be destroyed

..>..>Subject:   Fwd: Urgent network Tara support phoenix From:   "phoenix" Date:   Thu, June 28, 2007 4:04 pm To:   [email protected] Priority: &...
Posted by rEvolutioNation on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 02:00:00 PST


Posted by rEvolutioNation on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:58:00 PST