Merseyside STWC profile picture

Merseyside STWC


About Me

Merseyside Stop the War Coalition is part of the National Stop the War Coalition which was formed on September 21st, 2001 at a public meeting of over 2,000 people in London. The platform statement above was ratified at public meetings held in October 2001 in London.1. The aim of the Coalition should be very simple: to stop the war currently declared by the United States and its allies against 'terrorism'. We condemn the attacks on New York and we feel the greatest compassion for those who lost their life on 11th September 2001. But any war will simply add to the numbers of innocent dead, cause untold suffering, political and economic instability on a global scale, increase racism and result in attacks on civil liberties. The aims of the campaign would be best expressed in the name Stop the War Coalition.2. Supporters of the Coalition, whether organisations or individuals, will of course be free to develop their own analyses and organise their own actions. But there will be many important occasions when united initiatives around broad stop the war slogans can mobilise the greatest numbers.3. The Coalition shall elect a steering committee which reflects the breadth of those involved to carry forward the aims and objectives. Local groups should have regular, open and inclusive meetings.4. We call on all peace activists and organisations, trade unionists, campaigners and labour movement organisations to join with us in building a mass movement that can stop the drive to war.5. We are committed to opposing any racist backlash generated by this war. We will fight to stop the erosion of civil rights.

My Interests


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My Blog

Press Release

11.3.2007Press ReleaseMerseyside Stop the War Coalition would like to express our condolencesto the family of Sergeant Major Michael Smith who sadly died inAfghanistan last Thursday. Yet again another...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:55:00 PST

Press Release

11.3.2007Press ReleaseMerseyside Stop the War Coalition would like to express our condolencesto the family of Sergeant Major Michael Smith who sadly died inAfghanistan last Thursday. Yet again another...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:55:00 PST

Our Busiest Year Yet

2006 OUR BUSIEST YEAR YET This has been our busiest year yet, set out below is a list of what we've done in 2006, as well as this other groups affiliated to Merseyside Stop the War Coalition, such as ...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 03:46:00 PST

Saddam's verdict

The smugness and self congratulatory arrogance displayed by the British media over the decision by Iraq's show trail court to hang Saddam disgusts me. Our country has no right to act so morally superi...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:11:00 PST

Cease Fire Campaign

Dear friends, I just took an action on the internet calling for a stop to the war in Iraq, and I thought you might be interested&From the Ceasefire Campaign:Dear friends, This week the American people...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:03:00 PST

Thinking of joining the army?

New research by the British Medical Association reveals that 650,000 Iraqi civilians have died as a result of our illegal and immoral invasion. Also given the comments of General Sir Richard Dannatt t...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:26:00 PST

The Veil

Government minister after government minister shamefully lined up over the last few weeks to attack Muslim women's right to wear the veil (naqib). The whole thing started with comments by Jack Stra...
Posted by Merseyside STWC on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:00:00 PST