With faithful disciples from as far a field as the dry lands of Igualada (Catalonia) to the coldwet streets of North West England, in the past two years FoE (Freedom of Expression) havegrafted a reputation for delivering outstanding live sets, leaving gig promoters stumped aboutwhat to put on the bill listing.Audiences across the country enraptured, the uncategorisable FoE now as well as touring the UKand Europe are proud to present FOEISM Live - a night of collaborative musical excellence,headlined by F.o.E., recounting raw yet earnest tales of life, love and sociopolitics blendedwith the finest dj’s and freestyle guest musicians ’ Foeism Live ’ will be a night to remember!FoE a talented collection of musicians who scale diverse musical heights and refuse to stick toa songs script, bring you the sort of night live music experiences were made for. Their newresidency at the Django’s Riff on Wood St in Liverpool on the 2nd Thursday of every month willsee them in their element.Experience FOEISM Live at Django’s Riff Wood St Liverpool -
[email protected] for details bookings and guest list.