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Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE!


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UK ARTISTS "LIVE" is..... A musician-supported site for the great unsigned artists of the UK, with an elegant platform offering unsigned acts an opportunity to express themselves via professionally-composed personal introductions and interviews by our seasoned staff of journalists, to educate the reader-listener on the genre presented.
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Lyric LaCeile and Amy Vaughan present "THE TONIC", from Croydon, UK !

The Tonic are a positively brilliant quintet with a heavy influence from the 1960’s Mods scene, now based in Croydon, South London. With recent placement as one of the top, most sought -after unsigned bands in the south of England, these guys have a lot to be happy about these days! With a signing contract awaiting their approval, the sky is the limit for THE TONIC…..Doing “Oasis” covers in the early days, now they have progressed into something which I feel has much more strength and staying power than “Oasis” !!! With infusions of punk (think, Dead Milkmen, The Damned), mod (think, “The Mods”, Ohio) and indie, (think, The Smithereens), these dedicated musicians began playing various charity gigs, with an ideal reception! The crowds adored them, and in time, vision was no longer shared by various musicians in the original line-up, not an uncommon thing-which was to elevate to the London circuit, with regular gigs….

With the new line up, THE TONIC reached an entirely new level, the quality of the songwriting became more complex, thanks to songwriters Dave Fleckney and Paul Coveney, offering a more enhanced song structure….The band toured all the relevant London venues ; grabbed some rave reviews with many new followers, and supporting legendary giffer punk band ‘Long Tall Shorty’ on more than one occasion. The Tonic are currently getting air-play on Mod Radio UK, Radio Sunlight, 'The Indie Hour' on Sheffield Live, Radio Rejects, Radio Boudaki, Radio Unsigned and also American Indie Stations Ace Radio and RSU Radio. The band are taking a break from gigging to record, then independently release their debut album, being regularly played on many online and local radio stations…I’m truly enamored of their music, biting wit and earthy charm.
The Tonic are: Justin Cress: Lead vox
Paul Coveney: Rhythm guitar
Luke Edmonds: Lead Guitar
Dave Fleckney: Bassist/Songwriter

Lyric : Dave, many artists begin early on and yet others have been late to bloom in the discovery of their talents. It is not uncommon to hear of a child hearing future songs in his head, or playing various household items as if they were instruments. Others developed their talents later in life. You?
Dave: I think for most of us music was something we didn’t take seriously until quite late. Justin, Paul and I originally formed the band when we were 21 and 22 just because we knew each other, we were into the same sort of music and we knew we could all do a different job in a band so we thought ‘let’s have a go!’ and we started rehearsing down my shed!
Luke: I think I’ll have to disagree with ya there mate. For me it was as soon as I could save up for an instrument I wanted to play. At 13 I went and got a job on the local market setting up and taking down the stools to earn as much money as I could to but a guitar as my folks couldn’t afford it. Until I got it my ole' dears’ broom got a beating as I’d mime to all my favorite tracks!
Lyric: I love that, Luke! I preface this next question with the fact that growing up with jazz legends for parents, exposed to amazing an range of music at an early age, from the womb, really, either in person via jam sessions or on records, Miles Davis’ tune, “So What” grabbed my attention at age 9. I always love to ask the artist what piece of music became a part of their souls forever, and why, as it is quite revealing into the direction that their music often takes? Yours???
Dave: If I had to name one track it would be ‘Live Forever’ by Oasis. It came out when I was about 13 or 14, it was the start of Britpop and it really caught my imagination. That was the first time I knew I wanted to be in a band.
Justin: Couldn't name one track. 60's music is in my blood due to being around it for as long as I can remember, going to see The Searchers, Swinging Blue Jeans, Merseybeats, and many others, live at 60's themed festivals with my parents,waking up every Saturday morning to sounds of the sixties on BBC radio2,from when I was a young age, shaped my taste in music, and wow, what a great upbringing to have as a budding lead vocalist!
Lyric: I can see that. The music of the 60’s in the States, both the Brit Invasion, (I prefer my term, the ‘Brit Infusion’!), and our locals like Janis Joplin; Cream; Country Joe; Sweetwater; Mamas and The Papas, we embraced this music with all our hearts. Luke?
Luke: ‘Voodoo Child’ by Hendrix! I know it’s a more obvious choice, but being the youngest in the band I was probably the last to be introduced.
Lyric: Let us not forget, Luke, and our readers, that England gave Hendrix his initial exposure, opportunity, and embraced him, so England should feel as if they rather ‘own’ his legacy in a fashion….He remains a constant enigma in the States, guitarists try and try to emulate his music and they just cannot do it, so never worry that it is ‘obvious’ !!!Great choice….
Luke: I remember the day my dad played it to be on vinyl I spent the rest of the week listening to it so much and trying to work out all the parts! That was the day I knew I wanted to play guitar.
Lyric: Now really, the very first song ever, that one stays with an artist, often inspiring them to become a musician just as it did for you, Luke. However, with your upbringing you were obviously exposed to good music as well…. Any music lessons as a child, and is anyone in your immediate family musically inclined Dave ??
Dave: Our drummer Gav is the only one who’s done his grades and stuff as a ‘proper musician’. The rest of us revel in the fact that we’re self-taught. We have a kind of DIY punk-rock attitude. I think all the best bands are like that.
Lyric: The ‘self-taught’ method is highly admirable to me, as my father ended up a Grammy winner/Hall of Famer, never read a single note!. He played a 5,000 song repertoire by ear. I don’t mean to gloat on my dad, just making a point here, I really have a great respect for all musicians who learn from ear to instrument !!
Lyric : So, Justin, what enticed you to feel that you could sing, in other words, how did you discover your ‘voice’ ?
Justin: I can't play any instrument, even a tambourine is beyond my capabilities, I just seem to have a knack for writing lyrics. As for discovering my voice, singing in the bath I suppose, and on the terraces at Selhurst Park.
Lyric to Luke: First off, what guitar are you playing on “Peacock Feathers”?
Luke: Its a ‘Westfield Les Paul’.
Lyric: Ahh….Go to their site, readers and guitarists, you have to see this Les Paul…..You’ll see why I had to ask that question!
Lyric to Luke: You’ve got this marvelous Pat DiNizio vibe happening, again, not placing you in a box here, not at all, yet, do you feel he’s influenced you in any fashion?
Luke: I have to be honest I’d never heard of Pat until now, but after doing some research I agree there are some similarities. Generally things that influence me are albums or tracks I’ve heard recently, the mood of the song when Dave and Paul first play it to me or an idea/style I’ve been wanting to try.
Lyric to Dave: Your songwriting process would you say that it is more of a gradual thing, or do you find that words and lyrics wake you up in the middle of the night, grabbing that pad of paper and pen….?
Dave: We have a mixture of song writing techniques. We used to purely jam, and everyone would make up their own parts on the spot, including Justin who’d instantly come up with the lyrics!
Lyric: The improv thing. Very ‘jazz’-ish there!!
Dave: We wrote some great songs like that but now Paul and I have taken over the songwriting duties. It’s more of an arduous task with us, we can work all evening trying to get a certain part right and we’re making slightly more sophisticated arrangements. Paul and I were quite pleased with ourselves when we wrote Kaleidoscope 'cos it's got ten chords in it, we thought, 'Now we're proper song-writers!'...not that it matters though, a three chord pop song is always better than any over-blown, prog-rock style self-indulgence!
Lyric: I totally concur there….yeah, that ten chords in “Kaleidoscope”, you should be extremely pleased with yourselves~ So, Dave, do you view yourself as more of an iconoclast , a malcontent or do you simply verbalise your view of your purpose on earth, etc??
Dave: erm, Iconoclasts and Malcontents?? Well, neither, I’m Catholic, I think the others are C of E! Seriously, I don't know about a purpose but we do hope the band takes off and the music might be remembered by somebody after we're gone.
Lyric to Dave: Well, darling, either way, the music projects that of iconoclastic artists who SHOULD be remembered! Luke?
Luke: I think we take the punk approach with this one, I think the message we would like to spread to plant earth is: Fuck the government, Fuck Gorden Brown and Fuck the oppression of good honest working people............ Punk rant over!
Lyric: YES LUKE , good rant !!! I love that you can just be direct and honest about it all…..Sounds like my rant a bit, the good ole’ ‘Fuck Clear Channel -Fuck The RIAA -Fuck The Record Industry As A Whole -Fuck Anyone Who Makes It Hard For A Band To Be Heard -Fuck Anyone Who Makes It Hard For A Band To Make A Living’ !!
Lyric: So Dave, what’s up with the situation , the requirement of a drummer, as in, have you located one yet?
Dave: As it stands the current drummer Gav is staying with the band, though this is subject to change next time he decides to do a disappearing act!
Lyric: Uh-oh, we can’t have that, can we?! Gav, now you be a good one and stay put, will you? You’re a killer drummer….What is up with the signing of a label, major or indie? Who initially approached you, did they hear your demo and contact you or hear you ‘live’ at a venue?

Lyric: So Dave, would you say that your family supportive of your musical career, and have you any sibs?
Dave: Well my Uncle (Len Fleckney) is drummer for legendary Mod/Giffer-Punk band ‘Long Tall Shorty’. They’re a huge influence on us and we’ve gigged with them a couple of times. Also my brother Jon was a guitarist and founding member of The Tonic.
Lyric: Lon Tall Shorty!!! O my gawd….they are legendary! No wonder you got into music. Justin?
Justin: My wife and kids, and my Mum and Dad are our biggest fans.
Lyric: They are the first to matter most, aren’t they?! Luke?
Luke : Yeah I agree with Justin, family and friends have helped us out a lot.
Lyric: Often it can be so the other direction, I’ve heard many times of great musicians that have absolutely zero support from their loved ones….So, deep question here for ya! I love to ask this one, as it gives me and others reading great insight into your motivation in life….. What disturbs you most about the human condition? For instance, do you detest laziness, apathy, bullies, whiners without solutions, that sort of thing or do you just find it all to be unimportant to your musical process?
Dave: I wish I could say that we were the type of people that lay awake at night contemplating the state of the human condition and that this was the inspiration for our music. I’m afraid we’re just not that deep, and nor is our music! It’s only rock ‘n’ roll but we like it!
Lyric: Its damned great rock ‘n’ roll, and WE like it too!!! Luke?
Luke: I think again, I (and the guys) take the punk approach with once again, the message spread around the earth, “Fuck the government, Fuck Gorden Brown and Fuck the oppression of good honest working people”!!!............ Punk rant over this time, promise!
Lyric: What is up with the signing of a label, major or indie? Can you mention who initially approached you, did they hear your demo and contact you or hear you ‘live’ at a venue or is this a private matter at this time?
Dave: We’re not really part of the student-ish NME crowd and labels haven’t exactly been throwing contracts at us! We’ve been offered deals before that were so much in the label’s favour, that it’s scandalous!
Lyric: Agreed. Why do you think that I won’t write for “Spin”, “Blender”, “Rolling Stone” or “NME” ? They’re juvenile, and they all cater to the same untalented bands and I cannot get on board with that at all…I’ve also worked for many majors and indie record labels in Hollywood, I know that drill I can tell you….
Dave: You’ve got to be so careful not to sign the first bit of paper that’s put in front of you. It’s a jungle out there but we’re hoping to sign a deal with a really small record label that’s being set up as we speak.
Lyric: Yep. You best have an entertainment barrister read all legal papers that are placed before you. Don’t trust your own ability to interpret ‘legalese’….Well its all hush hush for now, lets not jinx it.!
Dave: Right. It will be run by music enthusiasts and we’re confident we won’t get ripped off!!
Lyric to Justin : Tell us how your air-play came about on Mod Radio UK, American Indie Stations Ace Radio and RSU Radio.?? Did you submit your material, do reveal all !
Justin: Well, we have worked really hard to put the music out there on as many radio stations as possible. It's an uphill task to say the least! Mod radio UK were really receptive.
Lyric: As well they SHOULD be !!
Justin: A few of our tunes charted highly in their monthly charts and it was great to see our songs above some of our favourite bands like ‘The Kinks’ and ‘The Small Faces’!!
Lyric: I’m not surprised by that honour. It isn’t hard to see that you all have what it takes.
Justin: Even though we realise our music isn't particularly suited to the American audience we sent some demos out and got on the play-lists of a few American, indie and college stations which was great.
Lyric: I totally disagree with that, Justin! I think you will find a great reception from indie labels, radio and venues here for your music. You have some very strong tunes, namely, “History” , “Heroine”, and “Peacock Feathers” are all songs that would do well on radio here as well. I’ve worked in radio for over 10 years, for venues booking for seven years and I know from whence I speak….So, Dave , share with us your muse(s) when songwriting??
Dave: I suppose I'd say my and probably most of the bands main inspiration is the city, London and the forgotten corner of it called ‘Croydon’. I reckon more of our songs are written about what it's like to live here than any other subject.
Lyric to Justin : I vehemently disagree with the bloke who wrote you up, a good writer I might add, “Peacock Feathers', an early Who-esque with punk edges number”. Personally, I detest putting anyone's originality into a box, but if I must, that tune has more of an early Smithereens energy without the sappy 'love lost' lyrics happening there…nothing 'punk' about it. It's a feel-good tune, like a Troggs song ! Your tunes “No Good Reason” and "The Jam" have a distinct "Croydon" sound…now those are punk songs to be proud of….!
Justin: I think The Troggs are a good shout for an influence on 'Peacock Feathers'. We were really getting into Mod culture and sound at the time and this has a 1960's ‘beat music’ feel to it. As you say 'The Jam' (named not after the seminal mod revival band but simply after the fact it came straight from a jam session!) is a more raw punky tune. I think when you're starting out it helps for people to pigeon-hole you so they can make sense of what you are, which is fine with us. I would say that 60's Mod, Punk and Britpop are our main inspirations. The Jam are the stand-out band among our influences. So I guess the 'Croydon Sound' is New-Mod-revival!!
Lyric: Fun question, if on tour, Paul, what creature comfort would you absolutely have to have with you?
Paul: Ketchup, I can't live without's gotta be Heinz though!
Lyric : Heinz! Priceless…. So Paul, where would you like to see yourselves in a year? In the long haul ?
Paul: In a year we expect to have our album independently released and we'll be out promoting it. Hopefully we'll sign for a label that's as ambitious as us. Longer term we'd just love to our music reach more people.
Lyric: Yes, just make it more on YOUR terms, and you’ll do well. Justin, tell us how your air-play came about on Mod Radio UK, American Indie Stations Ace Radio and RSU Radio??
Justin: Well, we have worked really hard to put the music out there on as many radio stations as possible. It's an uphill task to say the least! Mod radio UK were really receptive, a few of our tunes charted highly in their monthly charts and it was great to see our songs above some of our favourite bands like The Kinks and The Small Faces!! Even though we realise our music isn't particularly suited to the American audience we sent some demos out and got on the play-lists of a few American, Indie and College stations which was great.
Lyric: Paul you can speak for everyone here, there is no question that you are firmly committed musicians ~is it difficult for you to have to juggle day gigs and families?
Paul: We are firmly committed to the band but unfortunately we do have to juggle work and things in every day life. It's not easy but hopefully it'll all come good and the band will be our full time job. The Tonic are good enough to do really well. We know we're better than most of the bands out there!
Lyric: YES YOU ARE one of the finest bands I’ve come across in some time, and not just blowing smoke up your arse !!! We only feature the best of the best here….What do you do to unwind? Paul, you can speak for the band on that one!
Paul: After rehearsals, we all like to have a beer and a fag and listen to our favourite bands. We're all pretty laid back anyway so we don't need to do anything specific to unwind.
Lyric: What is your favourite 'twisted kick' ??
Paul: Sex, drugs & Rock 'n' Roll...we're trying to cut back on the drugs though!
Justin: I've been to rehab with my Kebab addiction, I've recently had a few relapses though.
Lyric: (laughing)Well, Justin, I’m a Kebab freak myself. Hey, I have a feeling it’s a helluva lot safer than a drug spree, yeah?! You’ve been highly entertaining to hang with , and we are excited to feature you. My insight tells me great things are in your future….
"Kaleidascope, sound track to summer 2007!" London Calling, Rock
"Great music" Mod Radio UK
"The next Oasis!" The Croydon Advertiser
"Strong 90's Indie sound. 'Bad Times' is awesome!" Match Box Recordings
"These boys deliver a refreshing, no frills sound"
"The Smiths and Morrisey are touchstones here." The Dublin Castle
"There's a Mod revival going on in the shape of The Tonic!!" Wired Magazine
"The best band in the world!" Dave's mum!
ANNOUNCEMENT! NOTE: Always note any changes in your appearance dates. We have contacted each act to notify you personally of the newly scheduled dates after February 2, 2008. WE strive for a constant calendar, and try our best to accomodate all artists' timing to the best of our abilities! Thank you very much for your patience and your kind support of our site!
©COPYRIGHT NOTICE To the ARTISTS featured here (and to any and all lurking barristers/entertainment lawyers): For copyright purposes, all music featured here is with the artists' permission. Music is deleted from our systems following performance for the artists' protection. All artists have the option of making their music download-able on this site, unless we are notified, that feature will not be offered. All interviews are submitted upon approval by said Artist. Starting in February, unless previous agreement is made, all features will be 10 days in length,

My Interests


Member Since: 6/2/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: THE TONIC are: Justin Cresss, lead vox; Paul Coveney, rhythm guitar; Luke Edmonds, lead guitar; David Fleckney, bass; Gavin, skins

UK Featured Artists “LIVE” Calendar, REVISED, 2008

April 17th-May 3rd- We present special guests, "PALE HOLLOW", delicious Indie Pop artists
May 12-21st: Lyric, —THE TONIC, UK
May21st-May 30—OPEN
May 31st- June 9th-OPEN
June 11th-20 Lyric, -Freedom of Expression, taking hiphop to another stratospshere!
June 22-June 30th,-AMY, Special Guest
June 27th-July 6th-Lyric, UK-Tyler Durden
July 1st-July 10th-OPEN
July 26th-August 5th, Lyric, UK-TABLOID
August 15th-August 24th-AMY, UK artist pending
August 25th-September 3rd- -Lyric, Smoke Fairies
September 4th-13th- -OPEN
September 14th-23rd-AMY, Special Guest pending
September 24th-October 3rd -OPEN
October 4th-13th,- AMY, UK artist pending
October 23-Nov 1st, - Amy,Special Guest
November 2-November 11th- Amy, UK artist pending
November 12th-21st, -OPEN
November 22-December 1st -Lyric, UK-Eugene Machine
December 2-December 11th- AMY, UK artist pending
December 12th-22cd-Lyric, UK, RIPPED
December 23-January- 5th, Rotation of the Year In Features!!!
ASCAP BILL , JUST IN: Sign the Bill - Spread the Word
"The signatures that we collect on this Bill of Rights for Songwriters and Composers will be shared with key legislators in Washington, as well as numerous other leaders both inside and outside the music industry," said ASCAP CEO John A. LoFrumento. "Now is the time to ensure that everyone who has a stake in determining the future of music, both as an art and as an industry, recognizes the importance of protecting creators' rights."Those who wish to add their support to the Bill can sign it electronically.ASCAP encourages its members to help spread the word! Share the URL www. ascap. com/rights and encourage everyone you know to sign their support!

OUR SERVICES From UK ARTISTS "LIVE" , privately and not via myspace, include but are not limited to:
*Professional Press Releases
* Personal consultation regarding your music's placement in film and television.
* Bio services for your press presentation kits.
* Creating your myspace profile bio format and layout .
**Fees are available upon request, via email, made affordable to YOU, the struggling artist, and a few of our many happy artists' testimonials are listed below. With all services, we offer professional in-depth interview after familiarising ourselves with your direction, goal, personalities and much more.
DISCLAIMER: This is a service outside of myspace. We work with individual artists who request our services via email
MEET the UK Artists "LIVE" staff: Lyric LaCeile, Los Angeles and Dallas , Amy Vaughan, Philadelphia, Jack Parsons, London, England.
LYRIC LaCEILE Oi !!!! Welcome! Intrigued following a visit to England ages ago, my dream (Lyric) to showcase artists came to fruition here in February, 2006. The site became an underground phenomena so we added more staff. A descendant of a great jazz legacy , a Grammy-winning /Hall-Of Famer pianist/composer father and mom, gorgeous jazz/blues singer, Lyric knew at age eight what her purpose in life was, when renowned author Henry Miller remarked to her at one of his legendary parties, "You really should write". With three years as an on-air presenter/personality for six major radio stations, and writing for over two decades for such publications as "Alternative Press"/"Radioactive"/'Underground Journals'/'Buddy Blues Mag'/'JAM'/'Document/Detour/Beyond, etc. and other fashion and frenzied music scene-driven publications, with a four-year stint in West Hollywood in the mid-90's as a Script Treatment Specialist with Western International Media, and honored by the opportunity to work with such amazing writers as Mr. Quinn Redeker, co-author of Oscar-winning "The Deerhunter", Mr. David Nelson, of the 50's American pop culture show, 'Ozzie and Harriet' she is a full-time journalist, writing fantasy stories for children. See our additional services in INFLUENCES.

AMY VAUGHAN Amy is a board Member with, a media reform/media justice organization based in Philadelphia ,PA in the US, and an associate member of Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, (, Lyric and Amy’s UK Featured Artists “LIVE” Freelance Writer/Editor/Media Relations; Member, National Association of Black Journalists ( Member, Black Theater Network ( She's worked extensively with international touring/recording artists such as John Young Band and many others. She's extremely modest on her accomplishments so it is up to us to BLOW HER HORN FOR HER!!!

JACK PARSONS Jack joined us in September of 2007, and will be interviewing some of our featured artists based directly in England. You're in for a definite treat with Jack's aptitude on the London music scene, with a healthy injection of wry humor. We are thrilled to have this young man's clever and witty approach , with his artful word-smithing and great finesse with the artist, now a student at Aberystwyth University and head of "Good Blades Media". Having covered everything from the NME Rave Tour to a tasty visit with The Horrors, his biting humor in everything from music to politics is most welcome and a tremendous shot in the lifeblood of this site!!

We hear on a daily basis from record labels and promoters, venues and managers worldwide that if a band would make a proper presentation it would convey to them an earnest effort on behalf of the artists that they are dead-on serious about their image.
I, Lyric LaCeile, inquired of my mother, a great jazz singer and long-time assistant A & R with the KINGPIN of A & R at Warner Bros/Reprise with Dave Hassinger, in the halcyon years of Warner Brothers, (just GOOGLE HIM! He signed everyone from Sinatra/Grateful Dead/The Association/Tiny Tim/Harpers Bizarre/Joni Mitchell--she used the facilities to record there Carole King, James Taylor, it goes on and on) Mom, You had to read bios and listen on the reel to reel demos back then , what did you throw into the trash first ?
It was stunningly simple, she said in crystal recollection: I read the first two lines and the last paragraph, if it didn't catch me then, it wasn't gonna! As for the tunes, the first four bars had to grab me, otherwise, the tapes joined the other garbage in the landfill !
We have many thrilled musicians from THIS SITE who will emphasise the import of having this service. All of my artists report that the eloquence and passion, the in-depth soul-searching I made them do while creating a mirror of their music via words, and that I captured the spirit and essence of their music made them wonder why they hadn't done it sooner...If your bio does not do you justice, let us help you~~
THINK ABOUT THE IMPRESSION YOU LEAVE INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS!! Increase your exposure by presenting proper presentation to clubs and record labels so that they will take you seriously. Act now!
Recording Artist JOHN MICHAELS: ..I need all the help, direction, and input I can get at this point to get myself to the next level so I would love to have you do the profile and the press kit bio. I have great faith in your ability without viewing any testimonials and I will be happy to explain why I feel that way in my next longer email. I look forward to working with you. The pleasure will be mine as well... (AFTER READING LYRIC"S WORK) WOW!!!!. You have really had an interesting life and I love your writing. I know that my bio couldn't be in better hands. I'm so glad that you're the one doing itand thanks for all your help! (AFTER BIO COMPLETION) I found it fun and entertaining and I think it's pretty darn cool, so good job well done my dear!!.
DENNIS JENNINGS, COMPOSER: You have done fine; I am more than happy with what you have written. I needed a subjective effervescent emotional view of my music and life and you have provided it. I have appreciated your effort immensely. I realize it is very difficult to write about a somewhat technical artist as myself, but you have done what I could not do. A musician cannot write or even comprehend how ones compositions and performances effect listeners and what conceptual and emotional references are drawn out.
FORMER MCA RECORDING ARTISTS, CYCLEFLY, NOW, "MAKO", International Frontman Declan: Its all good , great in fact thanks! The bio is great its been really cool working with you!!
DANA & ALLYSA, Founders of the successful New York-based garage band festival, CAVESTOMP: Salut! Somebody asked why I'm not doin' any promotional things at the present............The Real Lyric works and promotes enough for everyone! I love your recommendations, vive la Lyric! au revoir!"
MARVIN aka SPEED LIMIT, national touring musician and recording artist: When Lyric tells you to listen to something, I listen. A forgotten hero of my early youth was an elderly gentleman Ralph J. Gleason* who had the fabulous ability to own a youthful ear. Younger but just as wise to aural information Lyric recognizes and searches out music which might cure the world with rhythm and melody new old experienced thrashing articulate innocent sensual that touch and remember we are connected in a way only music can do and does.
Latest satisfied bio client, recording artist KRIS SEARLE, London: So I showed the bio to Rich and Tony and they LOVED it... the descriptive words (which I LOVE!!) Lyric, it is wonderful !

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up. THE WILDE, baby!
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AGENDAS and CONCERNS WITH THE STATE OF LIVE MUSIC in the UK UK MUSIC PETITION...Forward info to all concerned.!!! There is a UK government move to make it very difficult for musicians to perform live in small venues, or for schools, pubs and charities to raise money for causes through musical events.
The new legislation will inhibit the central role music -making has in our lives and communities. If you circulate this to your musician (and non-musician!) friends, all each person has to do is go to the government's petitions website below, give your name, email and address - it takes about 30 seconds. It could make a vital difference to the nurturing of community music making, and enabling young musicians to find their feet in the performing world.
The live music/licensing e-petition now has nearly 5,700 signatures. It currently stands at no.19 in the list of 1,702 petitions on the Number 10. This is good, especially in just under a month - and there are five more months in which people can sign. But the petition needs to do much better to make an impression on ministers, and to encourage DCMS to implement music-friendly amendments.

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It gives us immense pleasure to formally announce that the great sax player and author, Mr. John Barrow, will be offering excerpts from his book, How Not To Make It In The Pop World, as well as a few startling revelations about what you future mega-stars need to watch out for. His re-issue is out! Purchase his book here
There are many sites offering unsigned talent this or that, but not one of them has the wisdom and the wit of John Barrow! John's sagacity: &nbsp Just to keep on going. Right through my time in pop it was difficult to keep focused and plugging away through adversity. There were plenty of lows. I said in the book that the music business consists of 90% lows and 10% highs. Years ago I asked Rod Stewart's guitarist JIM CREGAN for advice on how to achieve success in the pop world. He said , "Practise like f**k!" was blunt......but true.

NOTE: VITAL INFORMATION TO BE NOTED on FFF-Live's site here: In the UK to bring changes to the 2003 Licencing Law (implemented Nov 2005) to remove the restriction on Live Music and dance that in effect make it illegal to Sing, Make Music or Dance in a venue or any public place without a licence anyone found guilty of this "Crime" can be imprisoned and/or fined up to £20,000.00 -troublesome and weird! Visit FFF-Live's site and vote against this madness!! Vote Here Further information here
WWW.SPOOF-NEWS.CO.UK is a riot of a site, check it out right away. They have taken humour to an entirely new level!
CHECK OUT THE FABULOUS FETISHWEAR TO THE ROCK demi-gods, with her publication debuting 2008! LENA LAMORAY
FAB PROMOTIONS AND THE JERICHO CLUB: FAB PROMOTIONS, an Oxford-based networking company, rises above the ‘average’, linking bands; dj’s; entertainers; recording labels; venues ; management and agents as well as event-planning. They truly do run Oxfords’ best independent music venue , The Jericho Tavern, which is at the foreground of Oxfords’ music scene. Oh, and Frankie's taste in music, well it is positively impeccable in our opinion! Info: [email protected] Please visit their site in our TOPS!!
PETE JONES!!! Hey all, Don't forget to pick up a copy of Unsigned Magazine in Stoke, Staffs, ISSUE 4 . I'm all over it. My American column; CD reviews and scintillating interviews such as Pete Jones of PIL, yes, ‘the’ PIL, talks with me in the summer issue on family, a brilliant career, battling the sods and working with the great John Lydon and more! Don't miss out!
OUR INFLUENCES --to name a few hundred: JOHN MICHAELS /Mark Matthews/Jonae/The Nouvelles/MOTHS/John Michaels/Mountain of Myrrh/John Barrow and Gaz Birtles/The Tonic/FOE/Modern Culture/Kris Searle/Tyler Durden/TABLOID/Smoke Fairies/Matt Seaburg/White Crow/Eugene Machine/Ottogomo/ Wes Sharp/ Vinnie James/Stitch!mc/Billy Bates/JOHN YOUNG BAND/The Pixons/Harlequin Jones/Jeff Roberts/MAKO /UnitopiaThe Shanners/The Straight A/Will Vaughan/Dream Aria/Maxfield/Attica State/Mad Cow/Laila Cohen/Studio 57/Unitopia//Krautopharm/Marco Paolo Buschini/Apartment 44/The Cedars/ENGLISH BEAT//ZOFKA!/Martin Gordon/ /John Young Band//Big Dwarf/The Beatles/Depeche Mode/Dusty Springfield/Chesterfield Kings/The FIXX/The Verve/PIL with PETE JONES/Massive Attack/ABC/Stone Roses/Peter Murphy//Ocean Blue/Fatboy Slim/Swing Out Sister/The Generation/Lush/The First Eleven/John Mayall/Vashti/Plan Nine/littlebigman/vOiCeS mAdE mE dO iT/Santa Mamba!/Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra~ /ist/THE SCRUBS,UK/The Priscillas/THE RAMSAYS/Andy Fonda/ The Retros/Daniela Bove/Kava Kava/Chocolate Fireguard Records/The Schla La Las/Danielle Dax/ /Rootsy of Bamakato, Mali/Team Supreme/Smile When You Dial/Nitzer Ebb(Bon Harris now in a project,Maven,in L.A./Gazer/Martin Gordon//Nick Cave/The Trudy/So Human/The English Prices/City of The Dead/The Healing/ Amanda Ghost/Radio Stars only with Martin Gordon/Holly Golightly/Mazzy Star/ Teenage Head/The Wolfgang Press/One Track Minds/Rise To Addiction/{AC/DC}/Guessmen/Infadels/John McLaughlin/ Muddy Waters / English Beat/Pursuit of Happiness/ NINA HAGEN, and I still love you, Carl!!/Claude Debussy/Carl Rucker/Paganini/ Sparks/Jet/ Pizzacata Five/ Hate Bombs/ Patti Smith(Gloria-In Excelsis Deo)/ The Mooney Suzuki/The Defilers/Dvorak/Lovebugs/Santana/ Grip Weeds/Sugarcubes/Crosby, Stills and Nash / /Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers/The Vindicators/ / The Pretty Things//A Guy Called Gerald/ The Insomniacs/ The Troggs/ANYTHING SCORED BY THOMAS NEWMAN:(Shawshank Redemption/White Oleander/American Beauty)He's fucking genius!!!
MOST OF ALL, My dad, the finest jazz/blues/ pianist,composer ever, 'Hall of Famer', Grammy-Toting 'PeeWee Lynn'/My beautiful mom, singer and model, Bobbi Martinelli/ /Joshua Redman/The great Malian genius, Ali Farka Toure!!/Eric Satie/Golden Death Music//RISQUE.

Sounds Like: THE TONIC !!! Like no one else, as IF !
Type of Label: None

My Blog

A beautiful tribute to musicians, from Susan Nieland

FROM SUSAN NIELAND: FOR THE MUSICIAN, A TRIBUTE WRITTEN BY SUSAN, OF MYSPACE:Being a musician is a vocation. Many people pray, but not all are monks. Many people cook, but not all are chefs. Many peo...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:31:00 PST


WE POST NASHVILLE STAR KEVIN MONTGOMERY "S UK TOUR SCHEDULE...he is touring with Tommy Alsup, a dear friend of our family who shared the stage many times with my beloved father!! Speaking of the UK ....
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:19:00 PST

Recording Bass Guitar

How do I record a bass guitar?Using a direct box is the most common way to record a bass. Coming out of the direct box into the console's preamp or an outboard preamp will give you the ability to get ...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:13:00 PST

Mental / Psychotic Christmas (Were all a bit barmy)

We're all plagued with some mental disorder, so we might as well have a sense of humor about it, right?! Well, at least I am, so feck it- CHRISTMAS CAROLS FOR THE DISTURBED ...we're all a bit 'barmy' ...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 07:52:00 PST

The Conditon of The Music Industry in the States

Last week's entry on the decline of the music business really struck a nerve with this column's readership. The outpouring of responses was surprising, as was the overall sameness of the themes. Most ...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 05:18:00 PST

KRIS SEARLE, Los Angeles Debut Album Release!

..> Contact: Dino Maddalone..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Dino M4 Recording Studio    Email: [email protected] 2367 208th Street Suite 7 T...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 02:59:00 PST


**Note:  Due to the volume of emails and songs we receive, If you do not read and follow these instructions, we will not pitch your song.**   **Only submit music for this project if it ...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:18:00 PST

Good advice from an unlikely source...

This is from TAXI, just overlook the 'if you belonged to TAXI' promos and read on.... "I just returned from the Durango Songwriters Expo, held about 40 miles South of Tucson, AZ. Yep, they still call ...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 05:33:00 PST

UK ARTISTS "LIVE" services and resources for the artists

Just a reminder to our friends and artists at UK Artists, "LIVE"! DON"T COMMIT PROFESSIONAL SUICIDE. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR IMAGE.  Our site and our company offers the following  to the artist...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:46:00 PST


Today, our account was PHISHED. This is a horrid thing that happens to many victims on myspace. We attempted to reset our password for HOURS, each time being 'thrown' out of the site to do so. Then th...
Posted by Lyric L. /AmyV. UK Featured Artists LIVE! on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:58:00 PST