Lyric LaCeile, Music Journalist, Biographer profile picture

Lyric LaCeile, Music Journalist, Biographer

My Beautiful Life With The In-Crowd--- were you there...?? Media Ho's ...Adulation Junkies...Savants

About Me

HI AND WELCOME to my lovely lovely world..Step on in, relax, and take a little trip, take a little trip into LyricLand.......Always magical, blessed and charmed, laced with enough loss and tragic circumstance to give some meat to my efforts,here it is.
SHORT ATTENTION SPAN"S VERSION: I write biographies for paying musicians;I am an Independent Music Journalist, working with Unsigned Magazine,StokeOnTrent,Staffordshire,England; I am in process of finishing three books: one on my parents' brilliant career in music;one on the great musicians I promoted in the early 90's when you were in the 9th grade and yes I bathe in the blood of virgins to keep young; I do have publishers on and up my lovely ass;the third book is actually a series of Childrens' literature, based upon real-life with my muse, Miss Greta Gecko-- I work 19 hrs a day, sleep for 24, then back at love me til they figure that schedule out and so far,no one can hang with it!
....FOR THOSE WITH ENOUGH FOCUS TO READ ON,.... IF YOU JUST WANT TO FILL UP YOUR PAGES,DON'T BOTHER WITH ME, please, this is for musicians,press,film, and recording labels primarily--If you request me,and then don't leave a personal comment, 'delete'...Just good ole' ettiquette. Looking for hot older women to support you? Get LOST. Get very lost. The content herein is truthful and the result of a remarkable life lead with enthusiasm, not fantasy or wishful thinking. I've been asked.
~~ Willkommen, alle Musiker und Künstler von Germany.I morgens ein Bandfürsprecher, gefallen so verlangen mich, wenn Sie mehr über dieses erlernen möchten."BENVENUTO AL MIO SALOTTO DI MUSICA E DI POESIA. SE SIETE INTERESSATI NEGLI AMICI DI QUALIA, SIETE VENUTO AL GIUSTO POSTO!!"
~~~~~~UNITED KINGDOM: Please join up in our alternate myspace LYRIC LACEILE's and AMY VAUGHAN'S UK FEATURED ARTIST site on myspace, where unsigned artists from the United Kingdom are showcased with their tunes/video/slide show/in-depth interview/biog/banner/web addy/etc.featured. A sampling of the artists who have agreed to appear on our site include ROMANCE of Seattle,our very special 'guest artists';the ever-delightful MARTIN GORDON (with a legacy including his time w/Radio Stars,Jet,John's Children);the massive psychedelia and mega-trippy vibes of'BIG DWARF; quirky chanteuse, 'VASHTI'; the inimitable 'littlebigman'; an encore of phenomenal folk singer/songwriter VINNIE JAMES and much more..
TO JOIN OUR UK SITE: To visit or To join, go to my top friends and tap on LYRIC LACEILE, she'll take you there with a smile-See you there!
TO THE POINT: If you need assistance with your press kit bio and/or profile,and some of you could really use a bit of 'sleek'...stop here. You're in the right place. {request actual files via email for a taste of my style, actual bios that landed musicians great gigs and a few recording deals}~~~I have partnered with an extremely talented and brilliant writer, Amy Vaughan , Freelance Journalist/Editor/Publicist Board Member, Media Tank( Member, Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. That should nail it! She is awesome and I am very fortunate to know her- Amy has been gracious enough to assist with the management and the creative aspects of both this site and our United Kingdom Featured Artists site, composing some of the most professional bios and interviews I've ever read!. If you like the approach and word-age, request our services and you'll have a mock-up within a few hrs. We aren't paid til' you're absolutely thrilled....ok??
WHY AM I HERE??-See below. This whole thing started with a successful stab at locating some old pals, now its like this...
I'm a writer, a poet,a journalist, a columnist/reviewer/interviewer for a hot and very popular underground magazine in Britain, UNSIGNED MAGAZINE. The editor is totally brilliant,the layout is stellar, the bands featured are creme de la creme, so go out and subscribe to it or buy it if you live in the UK. Support your brethren, dig? Besides, I"M in it starting in 2007's first issue, and you don't want to miss THAT~
To those reading from Deep Ellum, if you have a single memory that invokes beauty, melancholy, brilliance, delight,horror,disgust,mortification,twisted recollection,etc(from 1987-1991 ONLY) and feel like contributing to the book WRITE ME!! ----
JAZZ LOVERS, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU...I'm from jazz royalty.My amazing dad and mom were and are jazz purists who left a legacy that still shouts volumes.I still get telephone calls or requests for their music to this day, with stories of how deeply their music and their talent affected so many for so long.Dad's a Hall-of-Famer(Even tho' he was a jazz guy, he was inducted post-mortem into the Country & Western Hall of Fame,Nashville) and Grammy winner,in Heaven,My mom is retired, tall, thin, elegant, stunning and still fabulous. They played sessions with Mel Torme;Sinatra (apparently I was conceived the night mom was invited and attended one of his infamous parties) ;Jack Jones;Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys;Opened for three years in Waikiki for Comedian Lenny Bruce;Billie Holiday fired her keyboard player right in the middle of a gig there, and hired my pop right out of the audience on his rehearsal break, and she HATED being called "Lady Day", stating that it was like someone was calling a dog 'Lady, Lady, come here Lady'....and I quote...; Leon Russell met Dad while recording with Sinatra of all people,Leon ended up giving Dad one of his Steinway Grands;The great Joe Venuti;Barney Kessel; Tommy Alsup(guy who lost the fated coin toss with Buddy Holly and won, thus living now);Cedar Walton; McCoy Tyner;Med Flory and SuperSax;Roy Harte and Harry Babison for all you old school jazz daddios from 50-60's Hollywood-they owned "DRUM CITY"; In Jan. 07 I heard from a great jazz drummer/friend, Johnny Johnson, found me while 'googling' still blows me away to get a call like that, about my dad, what a great influence he was, how his talent affected this person and that person, etc.and my mom's influences vocally on his wife's career as a Dick and Kiz Harp,pals of mom and dad's of the famed 90th Floor here in Dallas , great pals who opened up their unique club to legendary jamm sessions.Jack Ruby had a few funky clubs that strippers Candy Barr and Bubbles Cash would prance their wares in-Dad somehow was coaxed into supplying the bump n' grind grooves....Dexter Gordon roamed our hallways...I grew up on the canals of Venice with my dad and neighbors Marty Balin, Joe Ely and Jim Morrison all jamming with dad or manning his couches.As a precocious toddler, I spent alot of time on "The Addams Family" filming set, daddy knew Ted Cassidy(Lurch)and "My Favorite Martian" set, dad jammed with one of the recurring character's dads. Lotta fun.A rather hard-to-imagine childhood, in the most beautiful way...
I spent my summers as a West Coast Post-Warhol princess with the rich hippies and artists of Mill Valley and Sausalito. Golden Gate park concerts featured Grace Slick and Country Joe, flowers in my hair, dancing amongst the real Summer of Love. 'Monterey Pop' was a reality for me, went with my dad. You never knew what luminaries would be wandering about our hallways or gracing our couches. Your freak flag could always fly at our house.
I'm still remarkably well-preserved, stay out of the sun, in great shape with no wrinkles or road-weary look!! My life has been richly blessed, and I have God to thank for that, and that I am still breathing! Rather miraculous. I've died three times, and probably a few more that I don't care to recall.
Always surrounded by constant inspiration, I felt the desire to become a writer at age 8 at a New Years' party at author Henry Miller's home, encouraged by the man himself, surrounded by MENSA freaks.What a night, what a life!In retrospect, I started writing creative stories at age 3 about aliens like "Crepple Sepelrus", a character I invented,drew and created stories around. My muse, an alien.. LATER ON.....After ten years of touring and recording with my dad, my gorgeous mom went on to work at Warner Bros/Reprise in the golden years with famed A & R GIANT, Dave Hassinger.The Grateful Dead were one of Dave's mastermind signings.That worked out well for everyone...Hassinger was a mastermind for finding great talent...lots of free vinyl for 'moi'.Following that never-again period in time, Mom worked for Terry Melcher, singer and actress Doris Day's son, as well as Tim Barker, son of actress Susan Hayward.The other day a pal was hanging out with me, spotted this small photo of Count Basie dancing with Babette, a darling family pal--....
MUCH LATER ON....I took time out for 12 yrs to raise two amazing sons, 25 and 20 -- Both accomplished artists and musicians.
Flash way~forward to 1988-After three years in Deep Ellum as an underground writer/band supporter and booker/promoter/biographer,I died an early death as a band manager and booking agent, please, don't ask me to help you in that capacity, I did a great job at it, just got tired of babysittting grown-ups--- I was asked to become a staff writer for the largest Media-buying company in the world, Western International Media, West Hollywood.(This company was sold to IPG in 1995)I had the pleasure of working with Mr. David Nelson (Ozzie and Harriet Nelson's son and Rick Nelson's brother for those living under a rock)whose offices, Casablanca Productions, were next door to Western Int.Media. Western Media's intimate group of 700 bought the spot time for 65% of the world's television and radio. Film/Radio/Television/Motion Pics .I doubled as a Script treatment specialist*(Notably, for Mr. Quinn Redeker, co-author of "The Deerhunter", starring Robert DeNiro). Foot model (no foot freaks please!);Casting assistant;etc.Limos,VIP 'everything',carte blanche to the hippest clubs & restaurants, glowing in the limelight was just part of the ride, hell its just fun to download the memories! BEST MOMENT AT DISNEY STUDIOS was having a smoke across from Robert Redford, a gracious gent who happened to have a light just when I needed one.
NOW, BUT NOT FOR LONG: I came back to Dallas,family needed me here, back on the airwaves I went.(Traffic and Weather girlie for several local radio stations)Burnt out on that after 2 years......Now I'm finishing the book on local talent, then I AM OUT OF HERE...
DEEP THOUGHTS:It has been conjectured that I am a muse,yet you would only recognize that if you knew what to look for~~n'est pas? For any and all performers in need, I am a MUSICIAN'S LIASON. If one wonders what that might actually mean,I am your advocate.Write me for more details ~~~~
BOTTOM LINE: If you are highly creative, manic, love your board, enjoy reptiles and/or are def 'not a pinata', (you know, break it open,lotta sweet candy falls out,nothing left inside--NOT INTERESTED--NO FLUFF ALOUD HERE)then make yourself KNOWN!!
No fuckwitts;No darkness..
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WHAT ABOUT BOB?: I have the "What About Bob" philosopy on people: With some, you have a 'good connection'. Others, its more like they are just 'temporarily disconnected', and for the rest,well, they are just 'off the hook'
... ..
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My Interests

~~I'M THRILLED WHEN I COME ACROSS ANYONE WHO HAS ACTUALLY WRITTEN a good song or a deep personal directional effort in indie film!~That would be my motivation here....
Surfing Forum | Surf Pictures
I absolutely love people who aren't narcissistic, self-absorbed, self-centered, co-dependents with anti-social personality disorders that no psychotropic subtance could possibly reverse-How positively 'boulevard'...that is SO fun to say!!...Give me the mavericks, the iconoclasts, those who dare to be wierd and not give a s--t what anyone else thinks. THEY are the ones who taste the milk n' honey of what life has to offer. My entire life has been so inundated and soaked in the limelight,with fabulous, talented people(I'm not a recluse, just taking a break from manic-driven outings and night-prowlings)...that now,I just mellow out and write,enjoy my little golden crested pet gecko 'Greta Garbo Gecko', who is basically alot more groovy than most of our species, inspiring,(I've written a darling series of "Greta Aventures" for children, and adults who haven't lost their 'inner-infant') amusing, always agrees with me, doesn't steal my make-up or clothing, hog the remote, etc. ,and the best part, sleeps when I sleep.~~~Poker, aaahhh.. I am a formidable player, can stand up with the best of em', notably those who prefer 'Organic', a vehement version for serious card playas only, invented by the infamous Dr.Deep of San Francisco~NOTE: ONE WEEKEND I WON 225,000 DOLLARS IN POKER CHIPS ON ONE HAND, WITH A FULL HOUSE. THE ONLY CHICK PLAYING. TOO BAD IT WASN'T REAL MONEY. I'm writing my parents' biography,(my father passed on 10 yrs ago,very difficult to find anyone alive from his gallery of talent, Musicians' Union helpful for those still with us, taking a longggggg time to do this~~ Playing my Steinberger bass guitar~ Pilates keeps me lovely, hot and sexy ~ Parasailing, falling from mid-air in general~lucid dreaming, free trips out-of-body~ Take me to Abiza, the Aegean Sea, or Malta,.~ I love the Pacific Northwest and hope to live there forever one day. There is a serenity up there you just can't find anywhere else, and a perfect climate with views to die for. Portugal and SaoPaolo...some of the most beautiful people on earth, the most entrancing music. Whisper to me in Portuguese, I sit and listen quietly to the hypnotic rythyms of the beautiful local music... ~ Going to all ports of Mexico including the Mexican Riviera and seedy Tijuana/Rosarita Beach.. by air, by car, on foot~The Virgin Islands, my toes in the warm coral-white sands~Lovely Bristol, UK;Southern Coast of England;London;Liverpool; Marseilles, France with a good friend~Moto x sports~Snowboarding and falling on my ass~snakes, spiders & other cute little or not-so-little reptiles~Exotics Expos. PS: If you're a titty dancer, Exotic Expos are not where you shop for dancewear,mental floss and fuck-me pumps....

I'd like to meet:

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LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING MANY MORE RECORD LABEL HEADS;MUSIC PUBLISHERS; SERIOUS WRITERS;VISIONARIES;POETS;VIBERS:More women in the music industry as well as female musicians, artists and writers...FYI:: An organisation out of Chicago, Illinois by the name of W IN E (Women In Entertainment)has emerged and must be checked out not only for its cultural diversity but for the broad spectrum it encompasses in the music industry. Men of substance are very welcome here too...Cultural diversity is as necessary an element to me as breathing...
THOSE WITH GOOD TASTE please continue to grace my pages~~~NETWORKING WITH MY FRIENDS....(DAHLING


I found this incredible website where Les Pauls and Paul Reed Smiths are created by expert Luthiers overseas for 200 to 400 dollars, as opposed to 2,000 to 5,000 dollars...Write to me in my regular email addy and I'll send you the link and some pics of some KILLER guitars that sound and look identical to the real deal....

JAZZ/LOUNGE/AVANTE GARDE SECTION: My dad, the finest jazz/blues/anything -you -dream -of pianist,composer ever, 'Hall of Famer', Grammy-Toting 'PeeWee Lynn'/My beautiful mom, Blues-singer, Bobbi Martinelli/ALI FARKA TOURE/Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra/Fela Kuti/Joshua Redman/The great Afel Bocoum/Salif Keita/Rootsy Camara/MaxxVaxx/Marcus Williams/Eric Satie/Golden Death Music/ Sun Ra/MOH/Arturo Sanduval/Dexter Gordon/ Teddy Edwards/CreateAVibe /Horace Silver/ Eric Dolphy/Dizzy Gillespie/Miles Davis (The "So What" era is my favorite)/Wes Montgomery/Freddie Hubbard/ /Dick and Kiz Harp of the 90th Floor in Dallas/Serge Gainsbourg/Lee Morgan /Nina Simone/Veruca Salt/Peggy Lee/ Astrud Gilberto/Diana Krall/Gomez/Stan Getz/Cal Jader/Doris Day/BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB//Tito Puente Jr. and Sr./Eddie Palmieri/Pancho Sanchez/Oscar Cartaya/Jorge Ben/Malo/LosLobos/Lee Lally/Mose Allison(Thanks Mose for the great birthday thing)Bill Evans/Don Randi Trio/Anita O'Day, forever and ever/Blossom Dearie/John Mayall/Jack Jones/Cassava, UK/Manic Hispanic/Cubanissimo/The Iguanas/Marty and Elaine of the old Dresden Room days(love to you both, I know you read this stuff..***ROCK & GLAM & EXPERIMENTAL & PUNK, ET AL...... AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.....NEW YORK DOLLS--BEST MOMENT OF 2004, WITH YOU SYLVAIN SYLVAIN, LOVED THE HAT, THE INTERVIEW AND YOUR LAP! /Johnny Thunders/JOHN X /VOICES MADE ME DO IT, UK/BIG dwarf/The Hussys/Mad COW/Joe public/Romance,L.A./The Glib/The Action/Venice Underground/T4 Project/Paul Roessler /The New Humans/Dollsquad with Joey Backseat/Alfa 9, UK//DANIELLE DAX/The Ramsays,15-yr old kids rockin out,UK/The Schla La Las of London, fucking amazing/ZEITMAHL/The Soho Dolls/Joe Public*Garage;Tropical;Western Swing!/Art of Noise/Billy Bates,Middle Eastern Bluegrass, can you dig that?From Glasgow,Scotland!/BEQQA?,young girl and her Dad doing arrangements,guitars(she plays well!)and vocals, of Sweden/The Fixx/KNON FM RADIO/Tamra Spivey and LUCID NATION/The Ettes/Mondo Topless/ZOFKA!Tres elegance/Punx in Parkas/Gazer/NESS//Fublic Dick/Kira Roessler/The Council/KIEV/SO HUMAN-(UK)/Public Enemy/The Vapids/Third of Never/The Diabollocks/ROLLERCOASTER, UK/The Strays(*touring with The Buzzcocks currently,17 dates announced)/The Frank Popp Ensemble,France/NWA/The Evidents/T- Bone Burnett(glad to get to know you)/Speedlimit and the Violations(Marvin,you are the man, and I am here for you)/Fabulous Disaster/ist,starring Kenton Hall, John Barrow of UK,sax player from The Clash,Bananarama/Cypress Hill/TMA polargrass:Norwegian Bluegrass by Tore Morten Andreassen(can you dig that,Norway producing great Bluegrass!)//Cucumber/Amanda Ghost/All Mod Cons On X/Naked Rythym/Stephen Grimm/DEAD PIXELS,LONDON/THE DAVE KUSWORTH BAND!! ENTRANCING!/THE DECOUNTABLES,CO.DURHAM,UK/Scram c baby of Amsterdam/Weeds of Eden/MAXITIT//Nothing Error,Medford, Ore./ANDY FONDA-UK, PHENOMENAL, give them a listen!/Million Year Sound Wave/Paul Blaccard/Punk Rock Dinosaurs/The Fondas UK starring Andy Fonda, 'oi!!', guys)/The Diabollocks, yeah to Sharny!/The Priscillas, UK/One Track Minds, garage glam sensation, London/Culture Inc/Gil Rose/La Family(France)/Thrill Kill Kult-a bit of love to you Levi!/LUV RADIO/Nick Cave/The Vibrators/the Lady, hey, sign this band if you're industry and you suddenly give a shit that someone has real talent!!/France Gall- everyone loves a French Pop Goddess/The Trudy (UK)-damn, the girl can sing, the band can play, arrangements are tight-They are featured on my UK site this week, have a listen!/Bardot A-Go-Go//The Vogues, Brussels,Belgium/Gutter Sluts/Romance/Cucumber of Melborne/Gaijin a Go-Go, Brooklyn(Soooo groovy!!)/Holly Golightly/THE SCRUBS,UK--Industry, you don't deserve them, simply too talented for you, but sign them anyway/NORM(FUNK METAL),from France!/Emmanuelle/The English Prices of Bristol,UK/Smile When you Dial, UK/Swing Out Sister, UK/RigorMortis/Loco Gringos/Gore Gore Girls/Ofra Haza/Sheila Chandra/FatboySlim, UK /JULIAN COPE UK/TELEX of France/MC5/THE GERMS,LosAngeles/Lithium X-Mas!! DJ Ridlen's band/Burnin' Rain/Fields of the Nephillem//Echo and the Bunnymen, UK/The Bob Crewe Generation/13th FLOOR ELEVATORS/LIME SPIDERS/Sameer("Lucky, no time for love), ALL THINGS 'BOLLYWOOD'/The Muffs/Hate Bombs/Tchaikovsky/Suzi Quatro/EXENE CERVANKA/The A Barbies/DENMARK POP-PUNKSTERS 'NO IDENTITY'-15- YEAR OLDS TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!//Transvision Vamp/Jakes' Grounded /Iggy Pop/Bach/Killer Barbies/CHROME/The Doors/My pal Carl Rucker,and the Butts Band-the next incarnation of The Doors/THE DICTATORS/Brahms/KORLA PANDIT/The Leftovers /Buzzcocks/Beethoven/TEENAGE HEAD/Hoodoo Gurus///Lou Reed/The Stooges/StitchMC(Tim,Deadboy,make it happen)/Chopin/The Zombies/Chesterfield Kings/Ocean Blue/Vivaldi/Tony Bennett/Limetone//The Pandoras with Julie Patchouli/Liszt/Lovebugs/The Verve/Dolls from Mars / THE VELVET UNDERGROUND/Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Deadboys/Sonic Youth /REDD KROSS/Black Flag(HEY KIRA!) /Del Rubio Triplets/Big Mama Thornton/NecroTonz, (hey nekkie!)/ Frank Zappa/Cream/Sonic Youth/Telex/FUGAZI/The Knockouts/The Black Hollies/The Dark Marbles/The Ravens/Mod Fun/The Anderson Council//Bush Tetras/Romeo Void/My Chemical Romance/Radio Stars/Mahalia Jackson/Oingo Boingo/Talking Heads/The Clash/PIL/Wall of Voodoo/ /HoundDog Taylor/Muddy Waters//Todd Rundgren (LIARS most of all, because, what the fuck, they tell the truth!)& NAZZ / English Beat/THE UNDERTONES/ STAN RIDGEWAY/PIETRA WEXSTUN//DRYWALL//Pursuit of Happiness/ Peter Murphy*Hello to guitarist Pete and Eddie);//The Fifth Dimension (HI, DARREN!!)//NINA HAGEN,and progeny Julliard Graduate Carl, god I miss you!!I miss the Whitley Heights jamms too/Wall of Voodoo/ The Fondas, Detroit/Claude Debussy/The Mark Austin Band/ Carl Rucker/Paganini/Martin Gordon/Sparks/Jet/John's Children/ Pizzacata Five/ Hate Bombs/ Patti Smith(Gloria-In Excelsis Deo)/The Mooney Suzuki/The Defilers/Dvorak/Lovebugs/Santana/ Grip Weeds/POP LEVI/Sugarcubes/Crosby, Stills and Nash / Johnny Thunders/Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers/The Vindicators/The Great Jaboo/ The Pretty Things/Course of Empire/ Leila Kay/A Guy Called Gerald/ The Insomniacs/ The Friggs.....DJ MartydeSade's 'Mind Over Madelyn', a long-lost treasure he was never able to recover.... )/ ANYTHING SCORED BY THOMAS NEWMAN:(Shawshank Redemption/White Oleander/American Beauty)He's fucking genius!!


I REALLY LOVE THE PRE-HAYES CODE FILMS, give me a glass of LeRomanee Conti and 'ROMAN SCANDALS'(done in the late 20's with Eddie Cantor in a euphoric state traipsing from one opium den to another) and I am one happy girlie.----"Queen Kelly", by Eric Von Stroheim, an unfinished work starring Gloria Swanson,aborted for its sado-masochistic content. "GILDA", with Rita Hayworth;I AM CUBA" , (four didactic stories depicting the decadence and poverty of pre-Castro Cuba including the sensual and amazingly acrobatic black and white cinematography, directed by Sergei Urusevsky)------DARIO ARGENTO'S Suspiria/Opera/Trauma/Phantom of the Opera/Phenomena....Surrealist, Artistic genius. I phased out-nearly left you out, George Romero, such a genius of messy moments. I just love him. The Italians posess extreme style when it comes to costumes, effects, music (Ennio Morricone for example)beautiful actors, scenic cinematography, and general 'grooviness'...For an American, the best horror guy in my book for cheesy gore is Herchell Gordon Lewis' : Blood Feast; Gore-Gore Girls!; She-Devils on Wheels /Gruesome Twosome(featuring 'Napoleon the Cat')/ Vintage JAMES COBURN: "DUFFY"/THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST,/OUR MAN FLYNT;/IN LIKE FLYNT/ RUN LOLA RUN... (HOW ABOUT THE FUCKING AMAZING SOUNDTRACK!!)/ What about Bob?/The Life Aquatic/Beyond The Valley of The Dolls/ Creature From The Black Lagoon/May/All things RUSS MEYER//Sex and Lucia/ Box of Moonlight/Benny and Joon/Iron-Jawed Angels/BARBARELLA/ Napoleon Dynamite/ Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels/ Grand Hotel/ MOON OVER PARADOR// Tod Browning's 'Dracula'/Dracula's Daughters/200 Motels/GIDDEN'S MASTERPIECE WITH THE ROYAL WINNEPEG BALLET, "DRACULA: DIARY OF A VIRGIN"/Bram Stoker's Drac/Lost In Translation/Tank Girl/Welcome to Collinwood/ Pieces of April; Faces (Cassavettes);KICKED IN THE HEAD; The Imposters//Modesty Blaise/ 8 1/2`~~~~ Candy-Stripe Nurses/ The Eye(Cantonese, horror)/ WILD IN THE STREETS//PETER SELLERS IN 'I Love You, Alice B. Toklas'// PETER SELLERS IN 'THE PARTY'/ 'CANDY' with James Coburn;John Astin;Anita Pallenberg/200 Cigarettes/Anything by Jean-luc Godard//Men of Honor/'The Hunger'with David Bowie,Catherine Denueve, featuring 'Bauhaus'/ Saving Silverman/The Wedding Crashers/ I Eat Your Skin/ Suicide Kings;/America's Sweethearts/ LUCIO FULCHI'S psychedelia, Lizard in a Woman's Skin/The Cool and the Crazy/Buena Vista Social Club Documentary(just accept it as a movie, ok)/THE PRODUCERS,WITH ZERO MOSTEL/Dream with the Fishes/ Jacobs Ladder/Something the Lord Made/ HAPPY, TEXAS/ Drop-Dead Gorgeous/ Lakawanna Blues/Flirting with Disaster, fucking hilarious/ Night and Fog/ Le Dolce Vita; "I Keep Your Vice in a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key" =GIALLO= ITALIAN MYSTERY 70's style) /Lina Wertmuller's "Swept Away" and "Seven Beauties"/"Diabolical Dr. Z//The Trip// .......As the legendary Greta Garbo stated with conviction, "I Vant to be alone"...~~~~~UNLESS YOU'RE PHENOMENALLY INTERESTING....


Whenever I have time, which is rare, or when I want to, I tune in to Sundance Channel/All things IFC//'Weeds'-Genji Kohan is a fucking brilliant writer/'HUFF', stunning artistic favor to television/Geeking out to the Science Sundance Channel & National Geographic Channel/Sopranos/Bewitched starring Paul Lynde//Six Feet Under, 1, 2, 3rd seasons/Late night vintage GSN show, "Match Game" featuring drunk-happy host Gene Rayburn, inebriated contestants and extremely loaded panel TV LAND freak-when I get the chance to watch it, (this one isn't ever run)60's one-hit one-season sexy "Honey West", starring Anne Francis/"Dick Van Dyke","Mary Tyler Moore","Sea Hunt","The Munsters";"My Favorite Martian"//'Gentle Ben'/'Sea Hunt'from the sixties, with Lloyd Bridges/ Original Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons/Speed Racer toons/Lyle, Lyle Crocodile:HBO Original Musical/The Courtship of Eddie's Father/Live surgeries, before trendiness schtooped it all, love the mess/Mary Tyler Moore/Original "Thunderbirds" by Gerry Anderson, screw the lame attempts from Southpark, I apologise NEVER. .... GUILTY PLEASURES: Nip/Tuck with the Redgraves; Lots and lots of football, GREEN BAY... Laughing out loud with "Arena Football', or as I see it, 'bumpercar football'/Scrubs/Will and Grace. As a writer of comedy I admire Genji Kohan,daughter to the chief writer of Will and Grace, creator and writer of WEEDS- BEST OF ALL: Deadliest Catch,on History Channel-most dangerous gig in the world, catching Opilio Crab in the chilled and turbulent Bering Sea. Its fucking do it right or ya die, man...


Get my banner code How Not To Make It In The Pop World/Anna Karenina-Tolstoy/All things "Charles Bukowski/Anything from the Bard/Bill Fitzhugh/Baudelaire/Diane de Prima/Kerouac(the less arrogant shit)/How to Talk Dirty and Influence People,Lenny Bruce/Anne Rice early stuff/Dina Mullock Kraink/Antoine de Exupery/Voltaire's works/Codex Magica/Smithsonian Magazine/I'm more of a non-fiction chick, just love the Classics and the Beats plus I'm too fucking busy writing three books and endless bios for bands to read right now...


God. My dad, who braved a horrible battle with cancer after a lifetime of bringing joy and a smile to others all around him;Growing up, I saw him do amazing things,work with the best in the biz, yet turn away so many opportunities that would have brought him enormous prosperity and in my own head it was so frustrating, but never in his! Not til' a few years of his passing, (and we were extremely close), did it come to light why and what his purpose here on earth really was. To move, to inspire, to bring a smile to a dreary life, to share his beauty with so many.
My mom, bravest woman I have ever known!Thor Heyerdall(made it across the Atlantic on a wooden raft about 30 yrs ago);The great John Peel, RIP; Dr.Vivien Thomas; Tabitha, my dearest friend in life;Tamra Spivey; Naval Chief Master Diver Carl Brashear; Anchor Person Denise Ames of The Rustam Report;Jessica Savitch;El Che,and I still think you're out there; I'm anti-war but for the men and women who brave it in that quagmire that is what it is; Kelly Kellam, war hero;);Marvin aka Speed Limit/

My Blog


Voices Made Me Do It", Stoke On Trent, England:These boys have been up for 30 HOURS on our UK site......Yes, 30 hours....They have had a record660 HITS in those brief 30 HOURS.....Not one single artis...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:18:00 PST

Critics of Sofia Coppola shut up! Marie reigns supreme

First of all....Nothing can top Norma Shearer and Tyrone Power in the lavish production of "Marie". Secondly, I feel that many people are missing the entire point of Sofia's efforts here. I atten...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 05:56:00 PST

NEW-Q-LER or Nuclear????

O'Reilly Factor vs. Bush.....Is THIS for REAL??         Discussing the most important threat to the free world and many nations and unable to pronounce the name...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 03:13:00 PST

Management or SICK LACK OF IT for Jazz Artists

Well it is a sad state of affairs indeed when a brilliant jazz artist cannot even locate decent Artist Management. I am weeping over it, just heard from a darling and highly gifted jazz artist in Bali...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:29:00 PST

For Those Who Love the X-Games, History Made Tonite!

I confess, without embarassment or reservation, that I live for the X-Games. I have been involved in one level or another since its inception. Day Two, in L.A., Travis Pastrana made X-Games history o...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 11:25:00 PST

Jim Morrison's time with me and Daddy

Jim and Dad and Me Long ago in sixty-four, a blonde haired blue-eyed babe adored, Enigmatic, child-like, he, Jim Morrison took care of me. Jim and Dad they used to jamm, we lived next door on Venice B...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 05:37:00 PST


I have been given the highest honor from a gifted member of the literary community, Willie Illegal, the "NBA". That would translate to "nigga by association",  which I take to mean acceptance and...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:42:00 PST


All bands from the United Kingdom, welcome to my other site devoted exclusively to you!! Just go to my top 24,  click on my 'twin' with the pink hair, Lyric LaCeile. I feature a different artist ...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:47:00 PST


I am sick and fucking tired of the harassment that has been shoveled out to Julie Patchouli from her former band mates, except for Kim-Julie erected a beautiful website in memoriam of Paula Pierce. Sh...
Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 09:56:00 PST

Pietra Wexstun and Stan Ridgeway !!!

Posted by I Am the REAL LYRIC on Tue, 09 May 2006 01:20:00 PST