Joey Backseat profile picture

Joey Backseat

You know, my bite suits you...

About Me

Check out my band DollSquad @
.. width="425" height="350" ....
"Rock n Roll boys and Rock n Roll GIRLS are the only people I wanna be with...I wanna hang with Mick and Keith, play a guitar with my teeth..."

If you 'don't accept bands' as YOUR friends then please do NOT ADD ME because we won't have anything in common! Thank you./
I am in an all girl 'doo pop punk' band called DollSquad! Have a squizz and a listen here:
Below is some artwork my friend Terry Stephens has made of me...he's good ;) there is more artwork that other talented artists have made of me in the 'photos' section....
The photographer for this artwork is the renowned Anita Frank of Melbourne
You're mamma wouldn't like me but your daddy sure will ;) But then, appearances can be bullshit...I am somewhat Machiavellian, frank and to the point. I think that IF YOU DON'T TAKE LIFE BY THE HORNS AND PULL IT TIGHT AND CLOSE YOU WILL NEVER MASTER IT OR LIVE IT RICHLY, YOU WILL JUST EXIST THROUGH IT ALWAYS WONDERING WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN!...........well, I don't ever wanna wonder - I wanna enjoy it - right NOW because there are only so many 'tomorrows'!
I do nice things for people I think are my friends only to find SOME do not reciprocate because they were never really my friends at all....
If you want to be my friend this is basically what you need to know about me:
I love: girls in the garage playing rock n roll everywhere, girls who have vinyl record collections. I love girls in bands and girl d-janes who are passionate about sixties subcultures like mod, psyche, freakbeat, soul etc... I love girls who have heard of The Zeros and Australian girls who know from which Australian city The Hard Ons come from...These are the kinda girls I wanna meet and be in a band with....when I am on tour I love reading a rock n roll venue's guest book messages when they consist of comments about ROCK N ROLL and not lame arsed girlie comments about how 'nice' the showers are or how great the food is! YAWN!!
I also love books on American pop culture from the 50s and 60s.
I don't eat meat but don't like snobish vegitarians who think they are better than meat eaters just cos they don't do Vitamin B12....
I love Russ Meyer's retro trash cornball films.
I love photographers like David Bailey and Robert Morley and John Cowan and Ronald Traeger and Melbourne's own lady photographer's Anita Frank ( )
and MELYNDA Photography -
both Anita and Melynda have taken photos of me and my band and they are among the most professional, intuitive and original photographers I have ever worked with.
I idolise Jean Shrimpton, Bettie Page, Peggy Moffitt, Tura Satana, the 60's Cher and Verushka,
I think the following BLONDES are the untold; Robert Redford, Arch Hall Jnr, Michael York, Terence Stamp, Hardy Kruger and John Phillip Law...
...and the following BRUNETTES are also untold; Alain Delon, Dee Dee Ramone, Richard Gere, Terence Stamp, Al Pacino, Adrian Brody, Ronnie Van Zant, Jeff Beck, and even Ashton Kutcher! But, Klaasje van der Wal (Shocking Blue) is the hottest going around forever to the max.
I love vintage cheesecake and pin up artwork especially by Varga and Oliva,
I wish I went to THIS school, and yeah! I'd call him SIR!!!
I love early modern and classic contemporary architecture and design and you can see some pics of my pad in the photos if you wanna...
I love all of the B to Z grade 50's and 60's American & European & Australian movies.
I would rather watch them than any 'mainstream' stuff made about so called reality tv (which I absolutely loathe) or fat chicks with diaries who think trapping a man is their main purpose in life or remakes of the classic 'Stepford Wives' or 'Bewitched' or 'Hairspray' etc etc etc.
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
***Wanna see me do the go-go thing?
Go to
and check it out...***


I am also an artist
I paint in aquarelles in my spare time. Aquarelle pencil is the same medium Varga used! Check out my art in the photos section baby!
Von Dutch is my hero...I'm also pretty handy with the pinstriping brush...yep, I pinstriped MY dunny! So, ummmm cars anyone?
what decade does your personality live in?
quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd
You are a Mod. Yeah baby.
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Shangri La's
Which 60's Girl Group Should You Be A Member Of?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Chariot card. The Chariot has the energy to succeed. Their ambition and drive leads them into competition, and they often come out the victor. The fast-paced energy of the chariot is met with the ability to control and lead. The Charioteer's leadership is not authoritarian but rather an attempt to bring their team to victory. The Charioteer can be obedient to those who have proven themselves in a position of leadership. Physical prowess and activity are important to the meaning of this card. Travel is found here as a journey of personal growth. Moving from one point to another in attempt to find a better place may be taken both literally and as a metaphor for the inner self. Image from: Dorothy Simpson Krause.
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and, if I was living in the 50's....
You're Lili St. Cyr!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
You're the Hipster Intellecticus. Call yourself what you will (beatnik, philosophy major, liberal arts student), you're still hip and you still dig Kerouac.
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Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you

Fender Strat
You are a Fender Stratocaster. You are the orignal rock and roll guitar.
What sort of Mod are you?
High-Fashion Mod-Mary Quant devotee. You hang out a lot at the boutiques on Carnaby and are friends with Penelope Tree. Probably are dating a rock star.
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and if I was a fairytale...
What Fairytale Romance Are You?~Cinderella~You'll go to the ends of the earth for your loved one. With help from your friends that is.You have a magical romance.
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What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.
You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.
Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.
For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing. Inside the Room of Your Soul
You Failed 8th Grade Spanish
Sorry, you only got 4/8 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Spanish?
What song by The Who are you?
Baba O'Riley
"Don't cry. Don't raise your eye. It's only teenage wasteland."
You're a classic. Everyone knows you and generally likes you. Although everyone knows you by a different name.
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Which Man In A Dress are YOU?
~Mick Jagger~
The occasion: a free concert. The reason: to look pretty. It's all good when it's in the name of fashion, and Jagger was certainly fashionable!
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What sort of groovy sixties chick are you? Loads of far out pics, man!
Mod baby! You live off coffee, beat poetry, & Andy Warhol paintings. You've probably got the soup one in your manhatten loft apartment.
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Which Grease Girl Are You? (pictures)
You're the tough, wild girl Betty Rizzo, who always manages to pull through when she gets into trouble.
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Your Mood Ring is Light Blue
Emotions mixed
Cool Mood Ring Generator

My Interests

My fave quote comes from Jamie of Unspoken Things (Adelaide's premier psyche organ player):
"The only difference between music from 1966 and 1972 is the width of the flares"

If you prefer the VICE CREEM'S 'won't you be my girl' to JET's 'are you gonna be my girl' I wanna meet YOU!

"I AM A SUCKA FOR MOPTOPS" and this here a good example from Germany. HOT!

I love playwriters TOM STOPPARD and HAROLD PINTER but PIRANDELLO'S 'Six Characters In Search Of an Author' and WILLIAM'S 'The Glass Menagerie' are probably my most favourite plays of all time'....

I was into hanging on the telephone and sixties pantsuits long before I was allowed out on the town....

Joey and the DollSquad gig rider?


I'd like to meet:

I mentioned above of course...including the Ronettes,
The Crystals, The Dixie Cups, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas,
The Shirelles and Phil Spector - I got my bullet bra on right now...
Jewellers; Bertel Gardberg, Elis Kauppi, Börje Rajalin and Eero Rislakki, and I wanna meet people around right now who also share my dream of meeting these people!!
Here are some people that I have met that I think are pretty cool folk...

Having trouble recognising the faces?
1. Radio Birdman's Rob Younger and Deniz Tek
2. Jim Keays (Master's Apprentices)
3. Russell Morris
4. Shag!!!
5. Glen Wheatley (Master's Apprentices)
6. Damo from Long Gone Loser
7. The one and only...Niagara!!!!
8. Normie Rowe
9. Tina Total Babe, Bobbyteen, Trashwoman, Top Tenner!
10. Fuzztones!!!
/So, enough about me already....what turns your wheels? IF we have things in common just add me. You're welcome!!


You know it sugar... 60's garage punk laced with a hint of psyche a double shot of freakbeat and a spinkle of mod rock. Followed by a generous helping of 77 punk rock but not the 'oi oi' kind...I'm more like sliding towards The Undertones,
Buzzcocks, Ramones, The Saints, Pointed Sticks, Radio Birdman and Stiv Bators...and for treats the girls....Nikki and the Corvettes, Joan Jett, Suzi Q and the magical girl group sounds of the sixties....

as Audun from Los Aarones said... "hey, you cant just sit around listening to The Ramones all day..." ;)

I never stop rockin'...not even in the bath, baby!
This pic taken by the amazing Anita Frank of Melbourne:

I love much of the music from that sixties era too but there is too much other 'good' music to ignore so I'm no 'purist' when it comes to my record collection!



if it ISN'T B to Z grade or cult from '55 to '79 don't invite me!

But if I watch the box...

Mostly, pre 1975 thanks! I dont like computer generated graphics bring back the artists now!



no time for passive crap like modern day tv
60's flicks and sitcoms etc now that's O.K.


they go somethin' like this in part...

.. /



Paul Weller, Bowie, Keith Relf, Brian Jones,
Mariska Veres, Ronnie Spector,
(early) Tina Turner, PP Arnold, Mary Quant,
Paco Rabanne, Lux, Mary Quant, Bettie Page, Genya Ravan, PJ Sloane,
Tura Satana, Von Dutch, Mouse, Robt. Williams, Paula Pierce, Olivia, Cuthbert Heath (Lloyd's Underwriter 1900's)and my fellow namesake
Joey Ramone of course! Kirby J and Gaudron J (respectively Male and Female Australian High Court Judges who sat on the MABO decision among countless others) and of course Lord Denning of the House of Lords for being a rebellious, cranky Dickensian man who I think played Devil's advocate just for the hell of it most times - but I hated his judgments in respect to freedom fighters in the artiface called the UK!!/
AND Dad who was also ONE;) !!!

My Blog

The Wicker Man & Johnny Ramone?

The Wicker Man has been remade...and while I do like Nicholas Cage in nearly all his work...watching this remake left me with the same question that comes to mind  whenever I watch a re...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 05:54:00 PST

Bella Freud? Who's she!

The rebirth of Biba  - 30 January 2007 Below is a picture of Bella Freud I found while surfing the net looking for Biba. quote: "BIBA, the life-style department store that became synonymous wi...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:51:00 PST


'They' said no because of this:"LONDON - Britain's Prince Harry will not be sent with his unit to Iraq, Britain's top general said Wednesday, citing specific threats to the third in line to the throne...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:58:00 PST

Nick Vivid: My R&R Soul Brother!

Nick Vivid is Dollster of the month..but more than that when I interviewed him for his Dollster expose I found out that he feels exactly how I do about music and about, well life pretty much! I also u...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:40:00 PST

Why people dont 'rate' band songs on myspace...

Do we know why we are here? I know why I am seek out and connect with like minded people and bands, swap music, discuss recording methods, get my music on myspace etc...and I...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

Ive been tagged!!

Six weird habits/things/or nasty things you like to do.The first player of this game starts with the topic "Six weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:30:00 PST

Hey you! contribute to book on touring!

The Ramones said it now you can prove it: TINB (Touring Is Never Boring) Here is what my good friend Demonseed is upto: did i ever send you my book idea. you can do the cover if it ever comes out and ...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:24:00 PST


Hey groovers! At the moment "Time Will Come" by originl sixties garage punkers Tol-Puddle Martyrs is sitting at #22 on Neil Young's site! If you visit Neil Young's site and p...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:38:00 PST

Cavegurls Review!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Joey- I know your busy BUT... You have been requested as an upcoming Go-Go Gurl of thee Month for our gang! We NEED a Gurl like you to represent us. Someone who lives & breathes the "Garage" l...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 06:08:00 PST


hell yeah! name an Aussie all-girl band of four that goes on a Euro tour and then,  mid tour three of the girls leave the band and the one girl that started the band in the first place gets toget...
Posted by Joey Backseat on Mon, 22 May 2006 12:36:00 PST