.............NORTHERN SOUNDS 2008-NOYELLE-sous-LENS...............................
Annulation de John Bramwell, remplacé par Champion Kickboxer le Vendredi 4 Avril.
Pour la troisième année consécutive, MTP organise le programme d’échanges NORTHERN SOUNDS entre la scène musicale du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, de la province anglaise du Yorkshire et de la Belgique. Après le succès des deux premières éditions françaises du festival et de sa version anglaise, LES SONS DU NORD, à Sheffield fin 2007, 15 nouveaux groupes seront mis à l’honneur tout au long de l’année 2008. Sans pour autant oublier les 30 avec qui l’association a déjà collaboré dans le passé… A cette occasion, retrouvez également ces groupes sur la compilation NORTHERN SOUNDS 3 qui accompagnera la sortie du premier numéro de notre fanzine LES INCORONPTIBLES, disponible dès le 4 Avril 2008.MUSIC TRANSFER PROTOCOL
is a non-profit label/promotion organisation based in Lens, northern France, the main activity of which is to organise and support musical exchanges between local bands we like and bands from other countries.
Claiming to be the crossroads of Europe, Nord-Pas-de-Calais is only a few minutes from Belgium, Netherlands and United Kingdom - three neighbours with very amazing musical scenes.
Even so, only a few bands have managed to gain a reputation out of the region boarders. We've decided to set up an organisation to help our favourite bands in their promotion by giving them the opportunity to meet bands from other countries through musical exchanges. These exchanges include swapping gigs, compilation releases and musical workshops.NORTHERN SOUNDS was our very first project based on an exchange between North of France and English county of Yorkshire during the year 2006.
Les Meatles (Lens - France) - Substitute
Monkey Swallows The Universe (Sheffield - U.K) - Boodline
The Shovels (Hasselt - Belgium) - Business Man