There were many people he had learned of, whom he was told he may encounter on his journey. The first, a holy man who goes by the name of Reverend Al Green whom would give him the gift of soul and l.o.v.e., an old sage they called Johnny Cash who would give him the gift of insight and teach him to fear not death but life, A young rebel they named Joe Strummer who would offer the gift of political awareness and teach him that anger can be power,A temptress born Norma Jean Known to her victims as Marilyn Monroe, whom would teach him that beauty runs deeper than the skin we are born in, an elderly couple they called Charles and Ray Eames, who would teach him the important effect of surroundings on his quality of life. and finally a gentle giant called John of the Bohnam who who taught him how to beat the seven shades of shit out of a pig skin and make it sound fresh out of heaven.