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The 9/11 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland)
One Voice
The campaign recognises that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. The campaign does not endorse any one presentation of the evidence or individual. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11. The greatest challenge is lack of public awareness and debate of this evidence and promoting this awareness and debate is our primary purpose.
We call on people from the media to support us
We call on politicians to support us
We call on people from security, intelligence and law enforcement communities to support us
We call on people from the business community to support us
We call for support from around the world and provided we share the same vision, we will support you in turn
We call on all people to be true to thyself, to love oneself and each other.
Speak your own truth and free others to speak theirs.
Your support can be as small as publicly supporting the need to reinvestigate 9/11..please sign our petition.
We seek to work across any political, social or religious divides: for all divisions are artificial and temporary. We seek tolerance, debate and diversity across the movement. We aim to be a welcoming, open and transparent movement that unites rather than divides and works for peace, transparency, disclosure, accountability, justice, reconciliation and truth and global transformation.
We will act respectfully both within and beyond the campaign. We promote only non-violent and legal campaigning and will work for legal justice for any one who, out of conscious, breaks the law in acts of non-violent, civil disobedience or in efforts to uncover the truth or who is disadavantaged at work due to their beliefs.
Hate breeds hate, tolerance breeds tolerance, love breeds love.
Who we are and what we do
We are who and what we say we are. We are transparent and can show how we came to be where we are now. We are a loose network of campaigners that has grown rapidly since January 2004. Autonomous local groups and clusters of campaigners have formed organically and work independently from the 'centre'. The 'centre' is a nebulous and undefined group of key campaigners who have been involved in the campaign's growth and continue to manage the British 9/11 Truth Campaign website and key events. The 'centre' is currently represented by Annie Machon, Chair and Stefan Souppouris, Secretary.
Thank you for visiting our profile. If you would like to get involved with raising awareness of 9/11, please contact us via this page or our website here , alternatively, visit the relevant link on the left hand side of this page. Please note that groups do exist that are yet to have an internet presence, so please go to the events section at for more information.
If you are wondering what all the fuss is about and you are unaware of the numerous problems with the official version of events, please read on. The video clips provided in the narrative below are purposefully short and you should be able to finish in less than an hour, this takes into account watching the video clips in full (which is recommended). We would also recommend watching some or all of the full documentaries that are listed on the left hand side of the page.
The following images were taken during and after the fire at the Madrid Windsor Tower, which burned at temperatures of 800 celcius and for over 18 hours (AFP). The core of this building did not fail and the building remained standing.
Below are images of a government building in Caracas, Venezuela which burned for 17 hours in October 2004. This building is Venezuela's highest skyscraper and suffered the destruction of the top twenty of its fifty floors yet the building still did not collapse.
Yet, here are images of World Trade Centre 7, a 47 story steel framed building, which having suffered fires only on a few floors on September 11, 2001, collapsed symetrically at virtually free fall speed and neatly into its own footprint - achievable only using carefully placed explosives.
Please bear in mind the following facts;
- NO STEEL FRAMED HIGH RISE BUILDING HAS EVER COLLAPSED DUE TO FIRE. this can explain it (click image to view)
The term "pull" is used in the controlled demolition industry to refer to the bringing down of a building using explosives. This would certainly explain the various features of the collapse.
This kind of project would require weeks, at the very least, to plan and to place the charges in a manner that would result in the neat pile we can witness above. This specialist skill can only be carried out by a small number of controlled demolition companies and, all things considered, it is completely unreasonable to suggest that this is the work of Al-Qaeda alone.
One of the arguments that critics of the official account often face when trying to encourage others to research the alternative theories of the events of 9/11 is the suggestion that the conspiracy is just too large: it would require too many people involved to ensure that it remained a secret. This is not necessarily the case, primarily due to the compartmentalization of the various governmental departments, the military and intelligence. Those that are not privy to the real agenda, will merely continue to do their jobs in the belief they are doing what is right, whilst the key decision makers and propagandists will have been carefully placed in those positions in order to carry out the real agenda and help maintain the public myth.In the case of the unprecedented, sudden collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, and whilst it so obviously implicates obvious involvement outside of Al-Qaeda, many people may still refuse to take their research any further due to the main question that this raises and the subsequent "can of worms" that is opened - for example, how would a group of people be able to place the large amount of explosives required for such a demolition weeks before the attacks and all whilst out of the sight of security?So which company was responsible for the security of the World Trade Center complex leading up to 9/11?The company was responsible for installing the “security-description plan†which was the layout of the electronic security system—at the World Trade Center. Another of Stratesec’s biggest contracts, between 1995 and 1998, was providing electronic security for Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport. Their work included maintaining the airfield access systems and the CCTV (closed circuit television) systems.The building was also no ordinary building in terms of its occupants. At the time of its destruction, it exclusively housed government agencies and financial institutions. Amongst others, it contained offices of the IRS, U.S. Secret Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission and the CIA . Also, on the 23rd floor was the then-Mayor Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management and its emergency command center. This floor had received 15 million dollars worth of renovations, to include independent and secure air and water supplies and bullet and bomb resistant windows designed to withstand 200 MPH winds. This command centre, having been set up to deal with such an attack, was abandoned in favour of a different headquarters on the day of the attacks.Building 7 fell suddenly at 5:20pm on September 11th, 2001 at near free fall speed and into a neat pile. NEVER IN HISTORY has this type of collapse been attributable to anything other than a controlled demolition. Numerous witnesses reported having heard large explosions before and during the collapse. The lease-owner of the building admitted to it having been "pulled".Is it reasonable to ignore this unprecendented collapse because we cannot immediately answer the subsequent questions that this raises?Should we merely disregard the admission of the building's demolition from its leaseholder, Larry Silverstein?Are we to just accept the commission's decision not to interview the company responsible for security, especially in light of the fact that the board included the brother of the President George W Bush, who himself was one of those that benefitted most from the attacks?
But what does building 7 matter? Wasn't Osama seen admitting to the attacks in that videotape?
Ah, the videotape...(click image to view)
..anyone else smelling a rat yet?
No? Oh, of course, there was the independent commission.
It is also important to consider that Dick Cheney and George Bush agreed to testify in front of the Commission only if they were together in a closed-door session with a select few members of the team, that they not be under oath and that no stenographer was present, thereby preventing official records from being kept. They also requested that the enquiry be limited. These conditions were met, however, this kind of behaviour seems somewhat peculiar for a government with nothing to hide.
The amount of key areas of enquiry that were either ignored or glossed over is startling. Please take some time view the rest of this page and other links, where you will find a mass of evidence, eyewitness testimony and video footage that completely contradicts the official version of events.
The following is a short video which highlights some of the many problems with the 9/11 Commission Report...
So who, if not only Osama, had a motive for the attacks? (click below to view the document)
But a US government would surely never consider attacking it's own population for geostrategic purposes...
Thankfully, none of these events occurred due to Kennedy's refusal of the plan. However, the very existence of this document, and the types of operations suggested, should act as a warning to us all that this kind of thinking has existed in US government and only requires a co-willing administration for it to come into force. In the case of 9/11, there is extremely strong evidence that suggests that this administration have assisted in carrying out such an atrocity.
I don't believe in "conspiracy theories"
9/11 Truth should not be dismissed as mere ..conspiracy theorist.. talk. Those that fall for ad-hominem attacks or refuse to consider alternative theories for fear of being labelled a "conspiracy theorist" ought to consider their own logic. The definition of "conspiracy" is "an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act". Of course, our newspapers are filled with such theories, some accurate and some not so, but we tend to discuss them on a regular basis. That, therefore, makes most of us "conspiracy theorists". The test for a "conspiracy theory" is it's ability to stand up to the facts. Unfortunately, due to the psychological block mentioned above and it's manipulation by governments and the mainstream media, many people will refuse to consider the facts, whilst disregarding the messenger as deluded. We musn't forget, Iran-Contra was initially "conspiracy theory". After further investigation, it became conspiracy "fact".
President John F. Kennedy made a speech called “The President and the Press†in which he talked about the necessity of openness in government and the corrosive effects of secrecy. Kennedy’s words are eerily applicable to today’s political crisis.
Incidentally, the American voters’ “choice†in 2004 was between two privileged sons who had attended the same Ivy League University and belonged to the same secret society, Skull and Bones. Again, this is fact and George W Bush and John Kerry both openly admit to being members but will refuse to discuss what goes on there, due to their sworn oath. It is worth noting that the president's father, George Bush senior, is also a Skull and Bonesman. He, himself, a former US President and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), appears to be involved in something about which he feels the need to keep quiet.
We know that organisations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group, at which political, media, banking, industrial and monarchical elite meet frequently to discuss foreign policy, are deciding our collective future in secret and without any accountability to us, their public and employer. Surely, it must be a priority for us to take steps to ensure that today's environment of private corporate politics is ceased in favour of complete transparency. How can we say that we live in a democracy when such a closed-door system is in place?
Bringing about a new, truly independent investigation into what really happened on September 11th, 2001 can and should be the catalyst for this change. It will not happen though, unless we pull together and demand it.
Whilst this page concentrates on the collapse of Building 7, there truly is a mass of evidence that contradicts the official version of the events of 9/11 and and which exposes the Official Commission Report as nothing more than a document of falsifications, distortions and key omissions. The purpose of this page is to provide some basic political perspective and some facts about 9/11 that have not been forthcoming from our so called "free media", thereby encouraging others to conduct their own research - rather than take the words of our media, governments, or indeed us, as the "gospel" truth.
The influence of corporations and governments on our mainsream media is again too comprehensive a topic to cover in this profile but, rest assured, the suggestion that we have a "free media" is another unfortunate myth. This is reflected in the growing numbers that are now turning their backs towards to the corporate media in favour of alternative sources that are free from commercial pressure and which are, therefore, truly independent.
With regards 9/11, you only need to type "9/11 Truth" into a search engine to have instant access to many videos, articles, study papers and so forth. Whilst there is great information out there, beware of the disinformation also. I would suggest that you start by watching the video below, "911 Mysteries: Part 1" and then watch some of the videos listed in the left-hand column of this page. From there, you can go off and do your own research.
We would recommend studying the following areas in particular;
- The unexplained collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.
- Evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks from various sources and why various public officials were advised not to fly that morning.
- The stand down of NORAD (North American Air Defense).
- The various War games conducted on the morning of 9/11.
- Refusal from FBI headquarters of requests from local FBI officers to investigate alleged hijackers who were training at US flight schools.
- The various alleged hijackers that have turned up alive and well in various locations throughout the world.
- The ignored testimonies of the numerous eyewitness testimonies -- including many from responders -- that heard explosions in the buildings.
- The many conflicts of interest of members of the 9/11 Commission, in particular, Executive Director Philip Zelikov, who was responsible for choosing the Commission's lines of enquiry.
- The FBI's admission that they have "no hard evidence" linking September 11th to Osama Bin Laden.
- Why a record number of 'put' options (speculation that the stock of a company will fall) were placed on American and United Airlines in the days preceding September 11th, when this is suggestive of prior inside knowledge.
- The links between the CIA and the Pakistan ISI and why the ISI Director General Mahmud Ahmad -- who was in Washington meeting with top US officials at time of the attacks -- instructed Ahmad Umar Sheikh to hotwire $100,000 to the 9/11 lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta.
These are just recommended starting points, but you may find yourself going in other directions with your study. You will possibly agree with some theories but not be so convinced by others. It is important to approach all information we receive with a healthy dose of skepticism but please approach this topic with an open mind. The break down of a long held paradigm is something which our minds will naturally resist and many psychological factors such as cognitive dissonance can prevent us from taking on board new information, often clouding our judgement.
In the absence of such an investigation and in the face of a redundant government and mainstream media, some individuals will naturally go off and do their own research. Of course, there will be many different areas of discussion and even conflicting theories but this is a cumulative argument and not based on any one piece of evidence or any one theory. As much as mainstream media articles like to build up and shoot down weak, or ..strawman.. arguments, any serious 9/11 researcher will conclude that, when taken in totality, the evidence overwhelmingly supports, at the very least, the need for a new investigation.
Incidentally, it appears that the mainstream media in the UK have recently started a co-ordinated campaign to discredit the Truth Movement with articles appearing almost simultaneously in various national newspapers. In addition a documentary hit-piece called 9/11: The Conspiracy Files, was aired on BBC Television on Sunday 18th February 2007, and claimed to be a fair and unbiased representation of the 9/11 Truth Movement's main arguments and an accurate analysis of those arguments. Instead, the programme was an obvious and calculated attempt at discrediting the movement and dissuading anybody that hasn't already done so from looking into the real facts of 9/11. Of course, who would want to be labelled as a religious fanatic that can't handle reality and who finds it comforting that parts of the US Government appear to be happy to kill 3,000 of its own people for the purposes of domestic control and foreign adventurism?
If this psychological and emotional blackmail wasn't enough, in some cases the producers use already debunked evidence in the form of computer simulations as proof that these claims are baseless. This is unforgiveable for a broadcaster with such worldwide influence, and especially in light of the vitally important nature of the subject matter and the potential consequences of such baseless conclusions.
9/11: The Conspiracy Files was aimed primarily at those who haven't up to now looked into the facts of 9/11, those that have already made up their mind and those with little or no internet access or just a general distrust of the internet.
The programme will in many of those cases have succeeded in preventing any further curiousity on the viewers part, merely solidifying what that viewer had already thought. Subsequently, there will be no further requirement on the part of the viewer to invest any more of their time ot have to deal with this disturbing issue and the individual will rest safe in the knowledge that anybobdy who question's 9/11 has psychological problems and that our govenrments never conspire to do harm. This is, of course, intended..but both assertions are completely lacking in foundation to anybody that has been involved with the movement they claim to represent. So, job done, BBC, and all without addressing the real facts.
The human mind is complex and susceptible to careful choice and placing of words and we need to start becoming more aware of them. Techniques are, as a matter of course, used in advertising and the media to plant a subconscious impression or feeling in the viewer. This is an incredibly complex topic, however, in recent years Derren Brown, has repeatedly demonstrated such techniques on national television, conitinually fooling those who are even aware of such techniques ..
We could go on, but for a more detailed analysis of 9/11: The Conspiracy Files, you can go here .
It is worth remembering that your UK TV license is a TAX. It is paid to the government and then passed on to the BBC..(click the image below to view the BBC article)
The 9/11 Truth Movement, whilst the media attempts to paint it as some kind of religious cult, is made up of some of the most intelligent and caring people in society who have merely spent some time checking out the facts and have discovered the numerous key questions that have yet to be answered. In essence, as much as we think we do, we will never have our own opinion if we accept everyhing presented by our mainstream media. And if we aren't prepared to look at the facts ourselves, how do we possibly have the authority to confidently declare that all of those who have and are of a different opinion are wrong?
The truth is, we don't know the full truth. We know we've been lied to, that there are many problems with the official account and that we know we need another investigation as a matter of urgency in order that we can finally establish the truth.
Individually, we must do the research. Only then will we each truly understand what the 9/11 Truth Movement is about, why it is growing at such a rate and why the media are afraid of this issue. If you still don't agree, at least you'll have done the research and you have an informed opinion.
You may feel overwhelmed by your findings. Whilst this is, by it's very nature a frightening issue, more and more people are taking this leap day by day. There are many people here on MySpace and in other forums who will try and help to answer any questions you have. There are many wonderful people in the truth community, all with the shared ideology of a more compassionate, peaceful future.
Please watch the 30 minute video below and then have a think about the next step...
For more detailed analysis of events leading up to and during the collapse of the towers, video "9/11 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions" (go to video colun on left of page)is a great place to start.
We can either bury our heads in the sand and face the consequences, or we can get educated, get together and get active.
Can we afford to allow 9/11 to become another Reichstag fire?
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain
Rollover thumbnails to view to play
9/11 Documentaries
History of False Flag Operations
7/7 - The London Bombings
Geopolitics and The Middle East
The Federal Reserve Banking System
Please consider turning the television off just for a while, getting educated about 9/11 and joining the growing global Truth movement. This is too big an issue to ignore.
If you are in the UK, you can hook up with the existing local groups via these links...
Official 9/11 Truth Campaign (UK and Ireland)Website
Unofficial Forum
9/11 Truth Bristol
West Yorkshire Truth
Leeds Truth
9/11 Truth Totnes
9/11 Truth Cumbria
9/11 Truth Glasgow
9/11 Truth Skipton
9/11 Truth Brighton
9/11 Truth Oxford
9/11 Truth Ireland
If you are located in Europe, please visit this link for details of groups and websites..
9/11 Truth Europe
Here is a selection of the numerous international sites available..
Click on the links to go to the Amazon UK product page