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World Unification

Live Love Unite (New & Improved Page Coming Soon!)

About Me

***You Are theWUN***
Y/Our Voice Forums @

If you want to really understand this page and the idea behind it, spend as much time as you need to right here, ask any questions you might have, and then please (please) get up and stand up for y/our rights on theWorldUnificationNetwork Brand New!
peace! and thanks,
Wondering where to get started?
Read below,
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Listen to the music...

...or shuffled
Download this playlist as a torrent from
theWorldUnificationNetwork NOW LIVE!!!
In the long run, the WUN is a movement to unite humanity, as the next step towards true personal freedom, greater equality, and a better way to distribute our planet's power and wealth. The idea is to stand up individually and demand the rights we we're born with as humans on Earth, to declare our individual vows of responsibility to our species and our planet, and to unite, using the incredible power of the internet to empower and give a voice to every individual on planet earth, bringing the power back to the people and moving towards a more perfect system by which to determine the future of our only home and species. A directly democratic network owned and operated equally among the people of earth can exist either alongside of (as a watchdog, ready to take control if neccessary) or in place of non-virtual (and non-equal) regional governments, and can/will help right our current course and bring peace of mind to our peoples. theWUN is just an idea, and one that still needs YOUR input, revision, and participation to grow and fullfill its mission, and it needs YOU to help us bring our message to everyone on earth so that someday we may see peace!. theWUN and it's myspace page are here to serve as a place to revise and rebuild the idea(s) behind our organization and mission, a message board on which to have insightful discourse on the way "things should be", and as an activism network to bring people together for common causes who's messages resonate throughout humanity. If we can build our membership, we as individuals working together have the potential to make a real change, so please check out the site, join, and then tell your friends.
let y/our WUN voice be heard at our global online community at
Read the Blogs, Current Bulletins UPDATED , Listen to the Music, Get a Banner, Browse/Add Some New Friends, Become a WUN leader, or Contribute your abilities to the movement!
On Facebook
Our other Myspace pages
the World Unification Network presents PEACEfest2008 a network of peaceful celebrations around the world from September 11-22, 2008

Be a part of it!

You say you want a revolution? a change must be made, but it has to come first in the hearts and minds of the people, we must unite in the struggles of life and the fight for our rights to be equal and all the while not give up the fight to stay peacefull, unveil the bride of the structure of power's dirty disguise, hidden in plain sight built on a pyramid of lies. its easy to see the truth will shine through the light if you look at it right and you open your eyes, When you're eyes are open and when your mind is open too, life will make you want to live it so much that others will see and open their eyes too, and when the eyes of the many are open, the power of the many will wrench the power from the few, to return to the many, to the peaceful, to the people, to YOU
the 2nd American Revolution

Unity Music Vibrations and the Rebel Music Network are for the promotion and distribution of the music of the people, for the people, and by the people - That'sYOU!

theWUN Graffiti Wall - An experimental public space for the use of all our friends. Login, Add Yourself, Say Something!

My Interests

Peace, Equality, Respect, Reason, Freedom, Justice, Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge ...

I'd like to meet:


About theWUN: theWUN turns one April 10, 2008! We've managed to grow from just 1 friend this time last year to almost 20,000 people and now utilize a prototype for our online democracy in our free forums @, the goal of the forum is to have a place where we the people can have a democratic voice on the internet and have it be heard by people all over the world, who can offer their point of views, opinions, and ideas, and the democratic process can help provide all of us with informed guidance and hopefully some answers for life's (and life on Earth's) problems...
theWUN was born on Myspace but continues to grow and take over the internet @

The Reason: Use theWUN to declare your rights as a human, those of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and also to acknowledge your responsibility to our only home and race (the human one).
We're the ones who believe their's got to be a better way,
its about time the people and the Earth have had their say

The Future: As time goes by and theWUN continues to grow, eventually we will be able to utilize the full potential of our home page, and as it grows it will evolve and change to best serve its purpose of bringing peace, unity, equality, and stability to our planet and peoples. (but we've still got 200,000,000+ potential friends right here on myspace!)
theWUN is just the seed of an idea, and it needs you, the people of Earth, to choose to give it life and energy, before it can become the deep rooted tree it was meant to be
Just click "Get Your Own" to put this chat anywhere on the internet!
The Top 40 below is a just a few of the people, causes, and ideas that theWUN is attempting to unite to bring radical positive change to our world... Leave some words above or below to speak to an ever growing conscious populous of over 16000 global citizens ready to start steering our one and only spaceship earth in the Right (capital R = logical) direction; and as quickly as possible! We're growing quickly and average about 46 (updated 1-April-2008) friends per day. Please browse and make some new friends while you're here.
the more prepared we are the less scared we are unite, cooperate and be the change you wish to see in truth freedom and democracy ( 2.0 )
Take a look at how many Friends you've already got, then use the network to spread intelligent, loving (not hating) ideas around our awesome planet!


saves lives


change the world
i recommend seeing these two, doing your own research, and making a more informed awakened opinion about what is really going on in the world - dcb


is worthless if you're shutting off your brain to watch it!

try these shows on for size (click to see last nights episode)

get cool tiles like these & more 4 free @


, read one
Heroes Anyone changing minds, kinds, and times with their words actions or rhymes. Renegades are the people with their own philosophies, they change the course of history, everyday people like you and me...
1 Friend: April 10, 2007
1111 Friends: June 9, 2007
11,111 friends: December 27, 2007
1,111,111 Friends: ?
1,111,111,111 Friends: ASAP (November 11, 2011 11:11am?)

HELP!!! theWUN needs your input and participation to grow, to give it life! put us in your top friends, put up a banner , make some WUN dollar bills , or send a msg with your own ideas!
If you believe in change
please let it show
make a contribution
so we can help, create, and grow

WUN FundRaising

Friends of theWUN Send a Message with your favorite profile picture, and your page will be up here!


(section filled up)

My Blog

Help us stay online for Year 2!!!

Hey Friends, Its time to renew our page, and running a non profit revolution in lieu of a real job has left me with, uh lets see, NO money.... I’m determined to make it through our first year w...
Posted by World Unification on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:31:00 PST

the original WUN

as we approach the 1st anniversary of the day I originally started the World Unification Network and its myspace page, i think back to what feels like a lifetime ago, but according to my calendar was ...
Posted by World Unification on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:05:00 PST

A message of hope...

originally posted December 5, 2007 7:59 PMattention all friendsin this last month of the year 2007 it is my intention to reach our goalof bringing theWUN’s message of hope for our future to our ...
Posted by World Unification on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 07:01:00 PST

Live Love Unite

Originally Posted April 18, 2007 2:39PMby DC13ignorance is the satan of our timelack of love is the only true crimefor love and truth are both divineHear itbrothers, sisters, all mankindour mother nee...
Posted by World Unification on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

Democracy 2.0: Handbook For A New Revolution (A Manifesto of Sorts)

Originally Posted April 22, 2007 6:22PMHey all,What’dya think? That’s the working title for the book I am writing to explain where this idea came from, how it works, and why it will be nec...
Posted by World Unification on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

What better place then here? What better time then now?

Originally Posted June 19, 2007 6:35 PMHey Friends! Thank each and everyone of you for showing your love and support!The WUN is a movement to secure our personal freedoms, to create a more perfect sys...
Posted by World Unification on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST


as far as i'm concerned, the conclusions reached in this movie are as true as this life and this world have led me to believe, having rock solid firm belief that these are truths decended from the hig...
Posted by World Unification on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 03:33:00 PST

On the Run / Spare Some Change?

on the run/ spare some change for the homelessfrom the office/home of dc13 which is currently his broke down 98 s10 on the side of interstate 80 somewhere in nebraskai'm writing this on the run i bare...
Posted by World Unification on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 05:25:00 PST

Spare some change? / Make me a Zero-ionaire!

Continued from: On the RunDisclaimer: I wanted to just post this as a blog, which i hope you all read, but i needed to make sure YOU would read this, so I'm sending it to each and everyone of our fri...
Posted by World Unification on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 10:54:00 PST

Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich: Two Voices of Common Sense

Please Watch both of these videos regardless of who's side you're on and realize that it is the goal of the system we live in to polarize our people, so while watching either of these videos don't wat...
Posted by World Unification on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 06:21:00 PST