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My name is Nicholas Powiull. It does not matter if you call this, 'enlightenment' awareness, spiritual path, consciousness awakening, personal development, learning through life or any other label that best suits your wording since the label does not matter, it is the information in which provides knowledge of remembering inside each person individually that counts for something.
I believe that every single person who enters our life is there for a reason and everybody has a gift to give. Life to me is a remembering process and it is about sharing that remembrance. I write blogs and for that purpose and I would like to share with you the gift of my remembrance: please view my website and please subscribe
if you consider it something of value. We all remember different things so if you have a blog you would like to share please invite me; I would be grateful for the present indeed.
When the goal is considering the highest good for all then the goal is huge even in small quantities.
P.S. If you find this site to be of service or assistance to you please post it in a bulletin and spread the gift of sharing, giving and enlightenment. Plus if you want to make a huge difference, then put me on one of your top friends. Of course if you have read my website completely and felt the impact of this message, then I imagine you already have because you are the type of person who knows what will make a difference and is willing to go above and beyond to making the best life possible for yourself and everyone else!