, World Wildlife Foundation and Global Warming are just a few of many support organizations you'll find here. Together, we can work in making our voices heard...happen.
(PLEASE NOTE: I AM A MEMBER AND CONTRIBUTOR OF ONE.ORG, WWF, LIVE EARTH SOS, AND THE DAILY GREEN. ANY AND ALL INFORMATION/COMMENTS PROVIDED ON THIS PAGE, ARE USED FOR ENCOURAGING AND SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. This site is a place where myspace users can show their support for various campaigns on this page. Comments and articles posted on this page are owned by the person who posted them and do not necessarily represent the views of various campaigns.)
ONE is Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life - united as ONE - to help make poverty history. We are a campaign of over 2.4 million people and growing from all 50 states and over 100 of America's most well-known and respected non-profit, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. As ONE, we are raising public awareness about the issues of global poverty, hunger, disease and efforts to fight such problems in the world's poorest countries. As ONE, we are asking our leaders to do more to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE believes that allocating more of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world's poorest countries.
ONE is nonpartisan; there's only one side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. Working on the ground in communities, colleges and churches across the United States, ONE members both educate and ask America's leaders to increase efforts to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty, from the U.S. budget and presidential elections to specific legislation on debt cancellation, increasing effective international assistance, making trade fair, and fighting corruption. Everyone can join the fight. The goal of ending poverty may seem lofty, but it is within our reach if we take action together as one. You can start now by joining the ONE Campaign and pledging your voice to the fight against extreme poverty and global AIDS.
HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are devastating entire communities and economies. Poor countries are losing their teachers, doctors and nurses. Businesses are losing their workers. Governments are losing their civil servants. Families are losing their breadwinners.
SOS is the ongoing messaging campaign and larger movement behind Live Earth
The mission of the SOS campaign is to empower individuals to change their consumer behaviors and motivate corporations and political leaders to enact decisive measures to combat the climate crisis. The message of SOS is that everyone, everywhere can and must Answer the Call to solve the climate crisis.
The SOS campaign's identity and language is based on the international Morse code distress call: three dots, followed by three dashes, followed by three dots.
The SOS signal will be used as a continuous call to action to prompt individuals, corporations and governments around the world to Answer the Call with immediate and sustained action.
This multimedia campaign will ensure that the message of Live Earth echoes long after 7/7/07.
As the world's premier conservation organization, WWF is working around the world to protect endangered wildlife, preserve wild lands and address global threats and challenges. But this work would not be possible if it weren't for the dedicated support of our members and conservation partners. There are a number of ways that you can join WWF in its fight to save a living planet. Learn more about these opportunities and the benefits that come with your commitment to conservation. Through WWF you can become "A force for nature."
JOIN THE CONSERVATION ACTION NETWORK By joining the Conservation Action Network (CAN) you will be playing an important role in protecting the Earth from the enormous threats it faces. CAN's free electronic advocacy network provides timely, concise information on important environmental issues and allows you to take advantage of cutting-edge information technology to influence government action.
Around the world, climate change is threatening not only individual species such as polar bears, tigers,salmon, penguins and corals, but it is also posing potentially catastrophic and long-term changes to the environment and people's lives around the world.
In addition to rising temperatures, climate change is resulting in sea level rise, increased hurricane intensity, glacier decline, increased drought, spread of disease, shifts in the timing of seasons, increased flooding, changes in freshwater supply, and an increase in extreme weather events.
What's Causing Climate Change? - Burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas - releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere where carbon pollution blankets the Earth, traps in heat, and causes global warming. Deforestation and land-use exacerbates this problem. Electricity generation is the biggest single source of man-made carbon dioxide pollution, amounting to 37 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. [Source: World Coal Institute, 2003; International Energy Agency, 2003]
WWF: A Leading Force Against Climate Change - WWF is working to stop climate change by providing cutting-edge science, championing policies to reduce carbon emissions and mobilizing businesses to drive new and innovative solutions. With a team of dedicated experts working in more than 50 countries, we are focusing our efforts on four areas where we can have the most impact:
Creating Responsible Global Warming Policies Working with Businesses to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions Implementing Adaptation Plans for High Risk Communities Protecting Forests That Help Mitigate Climate Change
We Must Act Now - "In 6 to 10 years we are going to see changes in our climate system that we won't be able to fix. This is a massive, urgent issue and we need to have the foresight to make changes before it's too late."
There is Good News - "This isn't supposed to be depressing - it should be inspiring. Americans are finally awakening to climate change and the fact that they need to do something."
Dr. Lara Hansen, WWF's Chief Climate Change Scientist
Polar bear habitat is at risk from the effects of climate change.
The Great Whale Trail follows the migration of humpback whales from the warm tropical waters of the South Pacific, where they breed, to the icy Southern Ocean around Antarctica, where they feed. Click on the whale icon to see more information about the individual whales.
The whales are heading to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, which should be a safe haven for them. Unfortunately, whaling still continues there, and while the Japanese government has backed down in the face of public pressure, and announced that no humpbacks will be hunted this year, other whales will still be killed, including endangered fin whales.
These whales may still be hunted, as the Japanese government has given no promise to abandon the hunt completely, and in fact intends to expand its whaling efforts in coming years.
Please visit to learn more.
Kylie Minogue on Ellen
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