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Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gailâ„

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me, World Wildlife Foundation and Global Warming are just a few of many support organizations you'll find here. Together, we can work in making our voices heard...happen.
(PLEASE NOTE: I AM A MEMBER AND CONTRIBUTOR OF ONE.ORG, WWF, LIVE EARTH SOS, AND THE DAILY GREEN. ANY AND ALL INFORMATION/COMMENTS PROVIDED ON THIS PAGE, ARE USED FOR ENCOURAGING AND SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. This site is a place where myspace users can show their support for various campaigns on this page. Comments and articles posted on this page are owned by the person who posted them and do not necessarily represent the views of various campaigns.)
ONE is Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life - united as ONE - to help make poverty history. We are a campaign of over 2.4 million people and growing from all 50 states and over 100 of America's most well-known and respected non-profit, advocacy and humanitarian organizations. As ONE, we are raising public awareness about the issues of global poverty, hunger, disease and efforts to fight such problems in the world's poorest countries. As ONE, we are asking our leaders to do more to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE believes that allocating more of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world's poorest countries.
ONE is nonpartisan; there's only one side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. Working on the ground in communities, colleges and churches across the United States, ONE members both educate and ask America's leaders to increase efforts to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty, from the U.S. budget and presidential elections to specific legislation on debt cancellation, increasing effective international assistance, making trade fair, and fighting corruption. Everyone can join the fight. The goal of ending poverty may seem lofty, but it is within our reach if we take action together as one. You can start now by joining the ONE Campaign and pledging your voice to the fight against extreme poverty and global AIDS.
HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are devastating entire communities and economies. Poor countries are losing their teachers, doctors and nurses. Businesses are losing their workers. Governments are losing their civil servants. Families are losing their breadwinners.

SOS is the ongoing messaging campaign and larger movement behind Live Earth
The mission of the SOS campaign is to empower individuals to change their consumer behaviors and motivate corporations and political leaders to enact decisive measures to combat the climate crisis. The message of SOS is that everyone, everywhere can and must Answer the Call to solve the climate crisis.
The SOS campaign's identity and language is based on the international Morse code distress call: three dots, followed by three dashes, followed by three dots.
The SOS signal will be used as a continuous call to action to prompt individuals, corporations and governments around the world to Answer the Call with immediate and sustained action.
This multimedia campaign will ensure that the message of Live Earth echoes long after 7/7/07.
As the world's premier conservation organization, WWF is working around the world to protect endangered wildlife, preserve wild lands and address global threats and challenges. But this work would not be possible if it weren't for the dedicated support of our members and conservation partners. There are a number of ways that you can join WWF in its fight to save a living planet. Learn more about these opportunities and the benefits that come with your commitment to conservation. Through WWF you can become "A force for nature."
JOIN THE CONSERVATION ACTION NETWORK By joining the Conservation Action Network (CAN) you will be playing an important role in protecting the Earth from the enormous threats it faces. CAN's free electronic advocacy network provides timely, concise information on important environmental issues and allows you to take advantage of cutting-edge information technology to influence government action.
Around the world, climate change is threatening not only individual species such as polar bears, tigers,salmon, penguins and corals, but it is also posing potentially catastrophic and long-term changes to the environment and people's lives around the world.
In addition to rising temperatures, climate change is resulting in sea level rise, increased hurricane intensity, glacier decline, increased drought, spread of disease, shifts in the timing of seasons, increased flooding, changes in freshwater supply, and an increase in extreme weather events.
What's Causing Climate Change? - Burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas - releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere where carbon pollution blankets the Earth, traps in heat, and causes global warming. Deforestation and land-use exacerbates this problem. Electricity generation is the biggest single source of man-made carbon dioxide pollution, amounting to 37 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. [Source: World Coal Institute, 2003; International Energy Agency, 2003]
WWF: A Leading Force Against Climate Change - WWF is working to stop climate change by providing cutting-edge science, championing policies to reduce carbon emissions and mobilizing businesses to drive new and innovative solutions. With a team of dedicated experts working in more than 50 countries, we are focusing our efforts on four areas where we can have the most impact:
Creating Responsible Global Warming Policies Working with Businesses to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions Implementing Adaptation Plans for High Risk Communities Protecting Forests That Help Mitigate Climate Change
We Must Act Now - "In 6 to 10 years we are going to see changes in our climate system that we won't be able to fix. This is a massive, urgent issue and we need to have the foresight to make changes before it's too late."
There is Good News - "This isn't supposed to be depressing - it should be inspiring. Americans are finally awakening to climate change and the fact that they need to do something."
Dr. Lara Hansen, WWF's Chief Climate Change Scientist
Polar bear habitat is at risk from the effects of climate change.
The Great Whale Trail follows the migration of humpback whales from the warm tropical waters of the South Pacific, where they breed, to the icy Southern Ocean around Antarctica, where they feed. Click on the whale icon to see more information about the individual whales.
The whales are heading to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, which should be a safe haven for them. Unfortunately, whaling still continues there, and while the Japanese government has backed down in the face of public pressure, and announced that no humpbacks will be hunted this year, other whales will still be killed, including endangered fin whales.
These whales may still be hunted, as the Japanese government has given no promise to abandon the hunt completely, and in fact intends to expand its whaling efforts in coming years.
Please visit to learn more.
Kylie Minogue on Ellen
Interview & Performance

My Interests

Your Vegas: Rock the Vote@SXSW

The Daily Green - TIP OF THE DAY ... Zap VOCs With House Plants

Pick up a few of these common house plants the next time you visit a local nursery: palms, ferns, corn plant, dragon tree (dracaena), rubber plant, weeping fig (ficus), English ivy, peace lily, florist mum, gerber daisy, dumb cane (dieffenbachia), schefflera, orchid, spider plant, philodendron, arrowhead plant, pothos, dwarf banana and Chinese evergreen.

Why? House plants can help remove certain harmful volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) from indoor air. Things nobody wants around their lungs, or their kids.

In the late 1980's NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) conducted a study of 19 house plants in an attempt to find ways to purify air for extended stays in orbiting space stations. The tests were conducted in sealed test chambers that contained pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, commonly present in indoor air from paints, varnishes, insulation, particle board, pressed wood, adhesives and other sources.

What they learned for outer space can be applied to your inner space as well. Many of these plants are adapted to tropical climates and grow under dense canopies and low-light conditions. They have to be super-efficient in capturing light as well as in processing the gases necessary for photosynthesis. Because of these traits, they have greater potential for capturing other gases, including harmful ones.

Are More Crops Being Used To Make Biofuel
Instead Of Feeding People?
Ethanol Production May Come At A Higher
Cost As Food Prices Continue To Climb
By Karen Berner

The cost of foods such as corn, milk, bread and other farm products were at a record high for the year 2006 and the trend for 2008 will be ever increasing prices also. What's the root cause of these high prices? The answer is two-fold. According to The Christian Science Monitor, although global agricultural production is up, food prices are expected to continue growing due in part to increased consumption in India and China. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization is also claiming that it's time to get serious about the amount of food that is being used to create biofuels.

In our efforts to break our dependency on foreign oil via ethanol or alternative fuel production, we'd be taking multiple crops such as corn, soybean, sunflower seed, and rapeseed out of food production which would, in turn, raise food prices.

The cost of food is directly related to the cost of fuel, so consumers can usually expect food prices to inch up as the price at the pump does. But a bigger driver of the current spike -- the biggest food price inflation in more than a quarter century -- is the price of corn. New government incentives for corn-based ethanol, a gasoline alternative almost universally loved by politicians seeking "energy independence," have led to a boom in corn production for fuel, rather than food or feed.

If there's a lesson to take from this episode in the American marketplace, perhaps it is this: Food really is fuel, as dieters and athletes know, and finding the right balance between our energy needs and food needs will be a key part of the nation's diet plan going forward. The scale, for now at least, is off kilter according to an article in The Bangor Daily News.


The Madagascar Turtle Crisis The Attempt to Restore Eden By Dan Shapley
The radiated tortoise, seen here in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, is one of Madagascar's five critically endangered tortoises. Four other turtles and tortoises are in decline. Like much of Madagascar's wildlife, radiated tortoises live nowhere else.

When Madagascar drifted away from Africa some 165 million years ago, wildlife on the island spun off on its own unique evolutionary path, producing the world's only lemurs, as well as dozens of amphibian, bird and reptile species found nowhere else on earth, including the radiated tortoise seen here at Cap St Marie, the southernmost part of Madagascar

Radiated tortoises like these live in the dry southern part of Madagascar, where they feed on plants. Like many other species of turtles and tortoises, they live long and grow big -- up to 16 inches across and 35 pounds. But they reproduce late in life, making them particularly susceptible to threats that kill mature breeders, or young before they reach breeding age.

Conservationists are studying and seeking to protect species like the radiated tortoise, seen here being weighed by Rijasoa Fanazava in Madagascar. The illegal pet trade, along with hunting and habitat loss, are sending at least nine of Madagascar's native turtles and tortoises toward extinction.

FINE for Burning Down Eden's Forests: 11 Cents
1.3.2008 6:41 AM
Madagascar, Hotbed of Unique Wildlife, Talks Tough
About Deforestation
By Dan Shapley

When Madagascar drifted away from Africa some 165 million years ago, wildlife on the island spun off on its own unique evolutionary path, producing the world's only lemurs, as well as dozens of amphibian and bird species found nowhere else on earth. That unique wildlife, which was only discovered by humans 2,000 years ago, has prompted many to refer to the island as an Eden-like remnant of the natural world as it was before human contact.

And yet, the fine for burning down forest in this Eden is a mere 11 cents, according to the German Press Agency.

Farmers routinely start fires, and these fires consume nearly 2,000 square miles every year  nearly 1% of the land area of the island. Since 1953, the world's largest island has lost about half its tropical forests, leading to the extinction of several unique species; at least one study has predicted that half the island's plant and animal species face extinction due to deforestation. Deforestation not only consumes wildlife habitat, but also contributes to global warming.

The World Bank is paying for a plan to slow deforestation, and Madagascar's environmental minister has said it's time to get tough on illegal burning, and time for individuals to start planting new trees. We would agree, except on one point: It's past time.


Supporting San Diego Fire
Victims 2007
Photos from
Brick By Brick,
via Gail

I Need To Wake Up

This song was written for Al Gore's impactful and important new film "An Inconvenient Truth." The film offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myth

I Need To Wake Up
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CNN: South Africa AIDS


Al Gore Nobel Peace Prize Press Conference - 12.2007
Brutallity Killing Whale ... feel the pain
Whaling Confrontation Brewing in Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary (Partial Article) by Takver - Sydney Indymedia Monday Dec 17th, 2007 7:06 AM
A confrontation between the Japanese Whaling Fleet and conservationists from Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace is likely to happen over the coming weeks in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary off the coast of Antarctica.
Japanese whalers have set a target of 935 minke whales, 50 fin whales and 50 endangered humpback whales for slaughtering under a loophole in the International Whaling Commission regulations as "scientific research". The whaling fleet sell the whaling meat in Japan to cover costs, although the demand for whale meat is declining despite Government programs to promote it. The science behind the Japanese slaughter has been heavily questioned, such as in A Case For Killing Humpback Whales? recently submited to Nature Precedings in which the authors say "The promulgation of a lethal research program that targets low-priority science, with a demonstrably low likelihood of achieving its stated objectives, appears unsupportable when viewed solely in a scientific context."
Sea Sheperd will be present with their ship Steve Irwin in their fourth year of campaigning against whaling in the Antarctic. Greenpeace will also be there with the Esperanza. There may even be a lone New Zealand sailor, David Taylor, aged 54 in his home built yacht to take on the might of the Japanese whaling fleet. The Australian Government may yet send a ship or surveillance aircraft to observe and gather evidence from the Japanese hunt to persue legal action against Japan.
US State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack urged Japan to refrain from the whale hunt on November 19: "While recognizing Japan's legal rights under the Whaling Convention to conduct this hunt, we note that non-lethal research techniques are available to provide nearly all relevant data on whale populations. We call on Japan to refrain from conducting this year's hunt, especially with respect to humpback and fin whales."
Australia, New Zealand and Britain have also criticised the expansion of the whale hunt this season.
Roca Partida Island, Mexico
Greenpeace activist Heath Hanson, currently on board Greenpeace ship Esperanza in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, talks about scientific research into humpback whale audio communication. Greenpeace is in the Southern Ocean to stop the senseless whale hunt undertaken by the Japanese government.
On Thin Ice: Polar Bears and Global Warming
NRDC's lawsuit forced the Bush administration to start facing facts about global warming.
Brazil's Atlantic Forest under threat
15 Oct 07
Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo travels to the Mata Atlantica, which is as rich in biodiversity as the more famous Amazon and in danger of disappearing under expanding cities.
Oceanites: On the Front Line of Climate Change
NWF Global Warming in Greenland DAY 1
Community leaders are shocked to see how quickly global warming was impacting Greenland. Seeing melting ice fjords in person was a life-changing experience. National Wildlife Federation organized this special trip to inspire Americans who will then go back to their home communities and make a difference. All travel impacts were offset through CarbonFund.
NWF Global Warming in Greenland DAY 2
Community leaders visit a fishing community in Greenland to hear how global warming is impacting their heritage. They see the process of how ice is increasingly moving out to the ocean and they hear the ice cracking. One leader says, "It makes me feel so small in this world, and I'm worried about it." All travel impacts were offset through CarbonFund.
NWF Global Warming in Greenland DAY 3
Community leaders visit with local Greenlanders to hear how global warming is affecting them. They see how the old ways of living mingle with new technologies. All travel impacts were offset through CarbonFund.
NWF Global Warming in Greenland DAY 4
Community leaders visit with top scientists who are studying how increasing warming and melting is impacting ice in Greenland. They bring one scientist a birthday cake! They visited local Greenlanders to hear how they are impacted and look for wildlife on the Greenland terrain. All travel impacts were offset through CarbonFund.



We don't see eye to eye.
Our arguments leave us stranded.

We swear
never to speak again.


Standing by the living room window,
morning sun patting tired eyelids with warm fingers,
we thank yesterday
for picking up its old shoes and leaving.

Perhaps this new day can help us make sense
of how we slid through a doorway,
looked back and saw nothing but a mirror
on bare wall!

Assef Al-Jundi, 2008


Firefighters - especially all those who helped with the San Diego/Southern California fires.
All members who help support
All members who help support animal rights foundations.
Everyone's help in saving our planet.
Click here to visit O.N.E.
"The curse of poverty has no justification in our age.
It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of
cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men
ate each other because they had not yet learned to
take food from the soil or to consume the abundant
animal life around them. The time has come for us
to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and
immediate abolition of poverty."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more
to the abundance of those who have too is
whether we provide enough for those who have too
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Great Walk to Beijing 2008
Finding a Cure for Breast Cancer

My Blog

Repost from Your Vegas, Its Competition Time and get Creative

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Your VegasDate: Jun 18, 2008 8:35 AM&removeHello YV fans! Yes it's that time again!For this months competition we're asking you to get c...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:43:00 PST

Ozone Hole Auctioned on eBay

5.2.2008 9:21 AMOzone Hole Auctioned on eBayBuying This Global Environmental Problem Benefits CharityThe 2008 ozone hole is up for auction.eBay, through its eBay Giving Works, is auctioning the ozone ...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:16:00 PST

Climate at Both Earth’s Poles Shows Clear Human Influence

5.2.2008 11:58 AMClimate at Both Earth's Poles Shows Clear Human InfluenceThe Arctic Is Warming and Antarctica Is Cooling  for NowScientists are increasingly confident that both the startling melting...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:13:00 PST


..TR> Thursday, April 17, 2008 ..TR>   18/04/08: THE GREAT WALK TO BEIJING : FULL DIARY Current mood: accomplished Category: Blogging Here I am in my full trekking regalia, about to depar...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:31:00 PST

A Victory in Court for Polar Bears

4.29.2008 11:06 AMA Victory in Court for Polar BearsEnvironmental Groups Win Latest Round in CourtA federal judge has ruled against the Bush Administration, finding that the Department of the Interior...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:17:00 PST

How to Fix the Food Crisis

4.30.2008 8:12 AMHow to Fix the Food CrisisStarvation in a Time of Record ProfitsU.S. food companies are rolling in money while food riots roll through poor cities around the world.The Wall Street Jou...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:14:00 PST

Does the USDA Even Care About the Bee Crisis?

4.29.2008 3:30 PMDoes the USDA Even Care About the Bee Crisis?Secretary of Agriculture Is Nonchalant ... While Colony Collapse Disorder Creeps On Awhile back I was contacted by Paul Bedard, a reporter...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:12:00 PST

Swim was regular outing for shark bite victim

Death of shark bite victim rare, 'surreal' The great white may have mistaken the triathlete for a seal or sea lion MSNBC News Services updated 5:24 p.m. PT, Fri., April. 25, 2008 SOLANA BEACH, Calif...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Wal-Mart Limits Rice Purchases

April 23, 2008 -- Updated 0357 GMT (1157 HKT)Wal-Mart limits rice purchasesStory HighlightsSam's Club, a division of Wal-Mart Stores, is restricting rice sales Seattle-based Costco Wholesale has also ...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:43:00 PST

Safer Baby Bottles

Safer Baby BottlesDon't Want BPA Leaching into Your Baby's Lunch? Look for These BPA-Free Bottles.By Annie Bell Muzaurieta Plastic baby bottles have received extra attention recently as research came ...
Posted by Official *Support the Cause w/Solutions* by Gail" on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:21:00 PST