Butterflies are powerful symbols for transformation and change throughout many traditions and belief systems. In the caterpillar stage we may be stuck with ideas we don’t like or behaviors or paranoia's we want to change. In the cocoon stage sometimes not a lot appears to be happening although subconsciously and consciously ideas are gestating and changing. Sometimes we can feel a bit lost at this stage. Then comes the final transformation to beautiful colorful floating butterfly. The wings pump with blood and we are free to float into our new world, flitting about seeing things from a whole new perspective. To wear or have around you the symbol of butterfly is to state your intention to flutter through life in joy. Butterfly teaches us that patience brings its rewards and as long as we keep working and developing ourselves the final glorious butterfly stage will come. To wear butterfly is to set your target like an archer, joy is my goal, joy is my reality, joy will come, joy is here now. When we encounter butterflies in our daily lives they are always a joy to find and a good totem. When one day you open your curtains and a butterfly flutters up you know that a glorious change is taking place in your life. You see the butterfly flutter his wings, almost dancing along. This is what butterfly teaches, that true joy is within the dance of life. Holisticshop in the UK.
Stevie Nicks
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Do you know what this is? No, I don't. But whatever it is It's very powerful. Have you felt this way before? Oh, I thought I knew. Do you know that I love you now? Oh yes, I do. Love is... You've got the softest lips. You know that I cannot stay. Yes, I know. It has nothing to do With you or with love. Oh, yes it does. Do not call or come around here. Do not tell. You know that I loved you then... Oh well... Love is... You've got the softest lips. Love is... The touch of your fingertips. Love is... Knowing you won't let go. She awakens things That he said he thought were dead. He says, are you happy now? Oh yes, I am. But when it's over How then will you feel? Will you miss those arms that used to go Around you? So she stood there in the hallway frozen In the dark And her heart broke down She cried She fell to the floor... One tear slid across her lips To the corner of her mouth Love is... And dropped to the floor Love is... You've got the softest lips Love is... The touch of your fingertips, Ooh, she says love is, Knowing you wont let go, Love is... Watching you go... You're so very powerful Love is... Am I happy? Yes I am... Do I know you love me now? Yes I do. Do I know you cannot stay? I know. All about love... All about love... You're so very powerful. Love Is, By Stevie Nicks.
The Meaning Behind the Butterfly In the life of a Survivor, we go through stages, just like a butterfly. First as a caterpillar, a Victim if you will. In this stage we are not yet who we can be. We have not yet reached our full potential. We are stuck in a body we know we don't belong in, yet we cannot escape it. Then we reach our Chrysalis stage. A stage of healing, stage of transformation. We reach for freedom and obtain it, only to have many obstacles in our way. We must regroup, and take a look inside ourselves for strength. Time taken to heal ourselves and start our transformation to who we really are, to reach towards our full potential. Then finally, we get to spread our wings... A beautiful Butterfly is Created. We finally reach our goal as Survivors, and get to glorify in our freedom. Know that we are no longer the caterpillar, trapped in what we can accomplish, no longer held back. There are no limits, the world is now open to us. We get to soar to new heights, try new things, spread our wings and truly fly! T. Bunting.