Profile Generator
Profile GeneratorRESERVOIR - Pronunciation:
..,,re-zə-ˌvwär, -zər-, -ˌvwȯr also -ˌvȯi..
Function: noun
Etymology: French réservoir, from Middle French, from reserver
Date: 1690
DEF: a place where something is kept in store: as a: an artificial lake where water is collected and kept in quantity for use b: a part of an apparatus in which a liquid is held.
I like reservoirs. I've always liked reservoirs. They are the finest (largely) free day out in Britain. I'm going to chronicle my favourites here and link up with other like-minded souls and create an international network of reservoir fans though my RESERVOIR BLOGS.Alternatively ... it'll be me, Tom and some pictures of reservoirs. Pet Hate? Covered reservoirs. Sneaky bastards ... what are they trying to hide?