In fact, the events of 9/11 served to benefit the agenda of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), the Military Industrial Complex, Dick Chaney's goal to expand the powers of the Presidency and Oil corporations seeking a pipeline through Afghanistan.
We are looking for the truth behind the attacks on 911. It was the catalyst that brought the current Administration to call for war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Recorded July 2001... Three months before 9/11
If you still question everything...Watch This First!!!!!
Were there warnings or even plans to thwart the attacks on 9/11?
Who knew 9/11 could happen the way that fateful day played out?
How were we deceived? This is a demonstration...
The September 11 attacks came as a surprise to many people but not everyone was taken aback.
Throughout history the ruling elite have used 'false-flag' acts of terrorism as a means of furthering its hidden agenda. By creating false pretexts for war, the elite have deceived the masses time and again into believing that they are under attack, or under the threat of attack, from external 'enemies'.
The Hegelian dialect of 'problem-reaction-solution' is a centuries old technique that the elite use whenever they wish to wage war or introduce social change. They create a crisis then wait for the public's reaction before supplying the 'solution' to the 'problem' that they created to begin with!
Clever stuff...and it works everytime without fail.
Nero torched Rome and blamed it on Christians. Hitler torched the Reichstag and blamed it on Communists. The perpetrators of 9/11 demolished the World Trade Centre and blamed it on Muslims.
Hijacking Catastrophe:9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire examines how a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda to radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home. The documentary places the Bush Administration's false justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neoconservatives to dramatically increase military spending in the wake of the Cold War, and to expand American power globally by means of military force
911 Omissions Report (6 minutes)
Intellectuals speak out - an investigation into all the different (ever changing) official government stories we are told about 9/11 and why the inconsistent events just do not add up at all. Why did NORAD stand down, why did the anti missile sam sites not stop the pentagon attack? Why was Rumsfeld in his bunker? There are so many exact same events in the terror exercise drills that came true on 9/11, just as we see with 7/7.
36min 22sec
This compilation of previously released material shows that the World Trade Center buildings (Twin Towers and Building 7) were brought down by controlled demolition.
TerrorStorm (Alex Jones) 1:52:21
Alex Jones' latest film covers in detail the proven history of government sponsored terrorism, and focuses on the 7/7 London bombings and 9/11.
Alex Jones Keynote speach at LA conference June '06
An education in 'False Flag' operations...
PNAC=The Project for the New American Century
PNAC Published report - September 2000 - 1 year before Our New Pearl Harbor...
Former Commander of U.S. forces in the first Gulf War, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf in a 1997 interview, defends the decision not to go on into Baghdad and remove Saddam Hussein from power.
An ominous and precient warning totally ignored by the Neo-Cons in the Bush II Administration.
GWB why didn't you listen to your daddy's General?
.. ..
A true American Patriot and defender of the United States Consititution speaks about his reluctance to go to Iraq. In a remarkable protest from inside the ranks of the military, First Lieut. Ehren Watada has become the Army's first commissioned officer to publicly refuse orders to fight in Iraq on grounds that the war is illegal.
Please watch this!