Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! profile picture


Corporations are Amoral-they must be MADE 2 BEHAVE

About Me

Welcome to my page... you can find out about me with the slide shows to your left... or listen to me being interviewed by Robert Larson on KUCI FM on December 28, 2007... by pressing "play" on this boombox:
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
Before you take another step...I think you are gonna want to see this:

This shows the truth about the toxic mix of the major corporation and our compromised government. We have a huge movement ahead to rid our public houses of these private despots.
Here we have the wrap up one of the greatest political speeches of 2007:
That's Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaking My Heart... my whole message in a nutshell.We walk the fine line as Americans... "holding Big Government at bay with one hand and big business at bay with the other" This is the thing we all must understand together. Libertarianism alone is not enough.
Public land is constitutional... and controlling business is vital to stave off FASCISM.
6 minutes... give this guy 6 minutes... if you want to watch all of the speech

And Next You Need To See This:

Pretty Intense Huh?

NEXT: What Matters Most?

This Above All - The Declaration Of Independence - Read For Us So We May Understand Our Ideals as Free People

.. .. ..

"Corporations_Ate_My____..." Welcomes You To A More Enlightened View:

What Is A Corporation?

"The Corporation"
A Must See Film!
The Corporation Part 1
The Corporation Part 2

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -Thomas Jefferson

The following link leads to a very eye opening film...
Be Careful!
It can change your life forever!

"Loose Change (Final Cut)"
or see the original....
"Loose Change (2nd edition)"


Want To See The CLEAR SCIENCE behind the truth of the collapse of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7?

Whether you consider yourself Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian... this is the information you need to wake up and see what is really going on... and what you must do to get your country back the way you like it...

Three Short Videos in a Series: "9/11 Mysteries"


This NEXT film shows "who" and "why" these things keep happening...
(click)The Endless War Machine Of US Based Corporations(here)

Classic 9/11 Truth Documentary - clear and beautiful

Click To View
This is one of my 3 MySpace Profiles...(dating, my music and this... my politics) and it is critical to my sanity. I am convinced that the USA that I love... the government that is of, by and for the American people is being strangled and raped and needs our help. In order to continue living and trying to help... I need somewhere to put all this anger, confusion... research, rage, humor, curiosity and discovery.
Below there are many of my writings (ever evolving and changing) and many wonderous links to information, audio and video that will help you to get informed about what is REALLY going on... and it ain't what the news is telling you ... not at all.

Corporate Crimes Section:

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | Link 2 |
VIDEO LINK! Dobbs Interview About The DANGER of Corporate Greed!
^ Why I am So CONCERNED about CORPORATIONS! (click here!)

War Crimes Section (WHY IRAQ?):

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | Link 2 |

Stealing Our Votes Endangering Democracy - Electronic Privatized Voting, Buying Elections and Other Anti-American Crimes

Link 1| Link 2| Link 3| Blog 1 (with video!)| Blog 2| Blog 3|

Misinforming America - News? OR Corporate Propaganda?

Windows Media | VIDEO! - Moyers exposes the Lie Machine |

Church & State Section

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | link 2 |

9-11 Truth Section

My Heroes And Their Awesome 9-11 Movie
Korey Rowe / Dylan Avery / Jason Bermas - news report on them and their film "Loose Change":NEWS CAST! ...a Short Movie.. Low Res... will load quick! 9-11!! OF ALL THE THINGS ON MY PAGE-YOU MUST SEE THIS! 9-11! who are "they" and why did "they" do this to us? Was it money? Was it power?
This is a must see... it takes a while to load... it lasts about 90 minutes More Great 9-11 Info!my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | link 2 | link 3 |
Astonishing Audio:
Click Here To Hear The Griffin Audio and be totally amazed!!
by the way... I'm in "the 4th group"
(CLICK THAT LINK {above} to see what I am talking about)
so... Just WHO IS THIS GUY??

Bush Family Crimes Section

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | Movie Link |

Bush family Sex Closet: Self Hating Gays? Pedophilia, Rape & Murder Victims? Evidence?

(he wants to make Gays out to be Villians... then why do he and his familiars frequent gay bars and send 'the signals' so often? Repressed sexuality can turn toxic... also was his father involved with hiring young boys for sex? And what about this rape charge that ended up in murder?)
my blog 1 | my blog 2 | NEW BUSH SEX CRIME ARCHIVE SITE!! WOW!! Link 1 | Link 2 |

Republican Crimes Section

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | my blog 3 | link 1 | link 2 |
Video: Have They Rigged The Voting MACHINES?

Environmental Crimes Section

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | Link 1 | link 2 | AUDIO LINK! | *

Founding Fathers Section

Jefferson and Franklin said the most marvelous things!
my blog 1 | my blog 2 | Link 1 | link 2 | Link 3 |

The Big Plan: Weaponizing Space To Dominate The Globe

A list of links to learn more about the big plan

What The Hell HAPPENED?

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | link 2 |

A BETTER WAY - Philosophy Section

my blog 1 | my blog 2 | link 1 | link 2 | Link 3 | *
(he's thirsty for power...can he get it by weakening our liberty?)

Defeating the Neo-Cons

- making progress Article 1 | Article 2 | Article 3 |
Great Multimedia Links and Video Great Site with Video no.1Great SONG with FLASH Animation!! no.1Funny!! Spoof that makes me tap my toes!The Time is Now On the Eleventh Day of Every Month We Unite in Action for Truth
Polls demonstrate that 84% of the American public rejects the official account of what happened on September 11th 2001. Polls in Europe, Canada and the Islamic world have yielded similar results. Numerous prominent officials from around the world have gone on record expressing profound disbelief of the official narrative.Rapidly growing numbers are convinced that members of the Bush administration were not only grossly negligent in the days and months leading up to 9/11 but active participants in the attacks themselves.

My Interests

This slide show will clearly explains what my page is all about

I see "We The People" as more important than any candidate for president... After the above song by ~X~ concludes click on the video below:

Critical: How Does Mythology (As A Social Control) Benefit The Modern Trans-National Corporation Today?

Worship Mythology - The First Dominant Institution

The Roots Of Corporate ControlZEITGEIST~Pt.1
"The Greatest Story Ever Told"

Part 1 Above shows us clearly how Fiction was "Historicalized" to use as a social control tool... this is very important to understand the real dangers of unchecked corporate expansion... ZEITGEIST~Pt.2
"All The World's A Stage"

Here we see how a fiction called "The Official 9/11 Story" is successfully used as a method of control for the population of a free people in order to foment corporate expansionism... and worse.ZEITGEIST~Pt3
"Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain"

In This Third Part... we see what the dominant controlling corporations really are... Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Retail are worrisome to be sure... but here we see Aaron Russo's message come to life... Central Banking is the prime mover behind all other growing corporate fascism.

The Best Speech Of 2007?

This sums up everything I value & think about our current problems & the solutions...

Randi Rhodes November 2007 Speech.

What Is The Dominant Institution Of Domination Over The Individual Liberties Of Man?


Plea se Watch My Slide Show On The Corporate Threat!


What Do People Like Me Say Happened On 9/11 That you may not have considered before?

This video is a very clear, simple summary of all the stuff folks like me are trying to put across about the unexamined, uninvestigated EVIDENCE of INSIDE COMPLICITY of the attacks on 9/11. See what you think? ..The Bad Guys Cheated With Bad Voting Machines. They can do it again in '08 if we don't FIGHT what you see in this next movie...

MySpace Features Video About Hacked Voting Machines?

How to hack an electronic voting machine
Add to My Profile | More Videos Tax payers... sales tax, gas tax, fees... oh yeah... and money taken out of your pay check... that you? Sure it is. Well... I have bad news for US and UK tax payers: Your money is going to fund public (and private....) military forces. (Look Up Blackwater Inc)* Those forces are taking over world govenments for corporations.* The Corporations are murdering hundreds of thousands... for oil, for resources, for money, but really... for world domination.* As scared as some of you are of "the NWO, The Masons, The Catholics, The Invisi-Jews, The Aliens, The Eye on the top of the pyramid...etc," ...These are fears that are connected to naturally occuring paranoia. (Humans are suceptible to paranoia... it is a survival mechanism...)Those things may or may not exists in forms we may or may not understand enough. But... you know what? Whoever they are... they hide behind the MODERN TRANS-NATIONAL Corporation. That's a reality in the here and now and one we can do something about!

Our unity is required!

Libertarians, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives... independents... If you love The Democratic Republic... If you love liberty, we must fight the modern corporation at it's heart. We can do it... if we are united.


... and be prepared for assassinations against our side for a while. The monster:
*BP et al.
...and many more in weapons, drugs, media and Big Agriculture/food are taking over in a very real way. They have bought most of our government.... all of the republican party (yes) and too much of "the opposition" party as well.These folks are not playin' They are a much more deadly gang than "Islamic Terrorists"... And this group of big business elites are stealing everything...GLOBALLY.*We can stop them. *We must stop them. With unity and purpose of action, this can be done.- Corporations_Will_Eat_Liberty_Totally- Corporations_Will_Fight_Publically_Financed_Elections read this:Who's Oil Is IT Anyway?
and this:Will US COMPANIES "win" the Iraq War?
and check out her book:The Bush Agenda


    Our Inalienable Rights As Human Beings Spelled Out For Us By The Founders: remembering them, treasuring them, teaching them to the young and reminding each other of them regularly... this is critical. The Real Story of the CIA's history of torture The Real Story of the World Bank's Use Of Loans To Colonize Latin America The Real Story of the Heritage Foundation's Disaster Preparedness During Katrina The Real Story of the 9-ll attacks The Real Story of the plans set in motion after the 9-ll attacks The Real Story behind the Bush Family Crimes The Real Story of the Selling Off Of Our Nation The Real Story behind the falsified election results... and whyReducing the Pentagon Budget The Total Elimination of Nuclear Fission as a Power Industry Justice for Abused Sweatshop Workers and enslaved people Defeat of Privatization Schemes by Corporations Saving the Environment from Global Warming Re-Regulation of The Amoral Modern Corporation (babies must be made to behave) Transcending "Market Fundamentalism" - the Religion of Greed Exposing the NEOCONS and their CRIMES Exposing the RADICAL THEOCRATIC DOMINIONISTS and their lies to aid in the destruction of our democracySPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER

I'd like to meet:

...But Impeach Cheney First!

Intelligent thoughtful active Americans who want to take our country back from the totally unaccountable mega-corporate culture. People who care passionately about:
    *The Environment and The Health of our delicate life system in the BioshphereWildlife, animals, plants, microbes and Giant whales.... and their rights to live here along side humanity.The fair treatment of people world wideThe corporate move to copyright and own life (that's no joke). The attempts by corporations to own seeds, dna, genes, and wildlife.Creating sustainability in all businesses in production and manufacturing.Overcoming selling useless, unwanted products to confused people by means of manipulating and lying to them in advertising.Defeating "privatization" schemes regarding land, water, air, energy and even thoughts.Fair and Legitmate elections... and the defeat of anyone who would try to cheat by rigging electronic balloting.Free or Low Cost Education for all Americans Free or Low Cost Healthcare for all Americans Free or Low Cost Job retraining for Displaced Americans The Hightest quality of care and help for our nations VETERANS.The healthy separation of church and state The freedom to worship anyway you wish... or not at all.Exposing the ignorance of breaking things down into "good and evil".The defeat of anyone who would attempt to take our freedom away The exposing and defeat of any family that would attack America, blame it on the wrong people and take power.

*great music
*great food

Addicted To War? Click Here!


Mostly the music of 1966 British Invasion Early Punk Rockabilly Early Electric Country Music (Bakersfield Sound)


"Why We Fight" - Masterpiece by Eugene Jarecki

    The Corporation Loose Change Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism 9-11 in PLANE sight Bush's Brain Fahrenheit 9-11 (and all of M. Moore's Movies) Walmart: The high cost of low prices Enron: The smartest guys in the room The Hunting Of The President
View many of those here: br> .. ..

(click the link to get the embed code!)


kill your tv - watch these on the screen you are staring at right now!

Must See Movies!

Naomi Klein's: The Shock Doctrine (introduction)

The Flashes Through The Dust

The 'Timeline' Movie - '9/11 Press For Truth'

9/11 Mysteries!!


Imrobable Collapse

What REALLY Happened?

Why We Fight!

Naomi Wolf On Democracy Now - "The End Of America" (In 10 Steps)

1. 2.


So Many... and that's because I don't watch (much)TV anymore!..

Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage
Or try the new Thomas's MySpace Editor


Bill Moyers, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Coretta Scott King, Sam and Janeane on THE MAJORITY REPORT, Michael Moore... (new...) Mary Mapes she wrote this... General Janis Karpinski... read about her
John Lennon, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Billy Bragg... and other brave souls who sing and stand up for the poor and abused. (more coming soon)

My Blog

Updated 2: Contact The FCC and report FOX NEWS

Like it or not, Barak Obama has less corporate and more popular money than the other two candidates (by far!). He polls better than Hillary against McBush. He polls a head of Hillary nationally... of ...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:54:00 PST

Who I Am, What I Do & Why

Corporations_Ate_My_BabyWhy I Blog... and  post so damned many  bulletins....Welcome - I'm glad you found me.  I'll be posting a lot of stuff especially on week days because I think the...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Sun, 11 May 2008 04:00:00 PST

A Plan To Retain Unity After Cheney Declares Martial Law in August

Iran is making deals for their oil with Europe.This is unacceptable to Cheney.Cheney will attack IRAN.Iran Will Fight Back.They will attack our soldiers all over the region and Cheney will start a dra...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Thu, 01 May 2008 04:36:00 PST

Delicious Recipe For Democracy?

(Thanks to Robert Larson for the inspiration)*Impeachment*War Crimes Tribunal*General Strike*March on Washington*Break up Media Monopolies*Re-Regulate CorporationsIMPEACH - That really just means cong...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:04:00 PST

Bushs Pentagon Caught Committing Treason Against Our Constitution

Public Broadcasting - Defending Our Constitution with this excellent report: It's a crime to propagandize for war within the United States. They have been caught and outed by we, the peopl...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 05:35:00 PST

9/11 And The FBI Truth-Slip

You Have To Hear This connection between the planning and funding of the "9/11 Hijackers" and the FBI was admitted to this brave independent invest...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:08:00 PST

Iraq War Brain Injuries At Epidemic Levels

The Domestic Enemies In Charge Wage War Against Our Military Heroes.RAND study: 300,000 U.S. vets have mental problem, 320,000 have brain injuries- WASHINGTON  An estimated 300,000 U.S. veterans of t...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:13:00 PST

A Fascinating Discussion On Despotism

Here we have a heated discussion that ends in mutual understanding!...A Friend Who I Will Call "New York 24" Reacted To A Quote By Sam Seder That I Posted:Corp: Date: Apr 9, 2008 5:41 PM"We need to se...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 01:51:00 PST

What is The Cost Of US Militarism To Her People?

What Is The Cost OF United States Militarism To Her Citizens?Since 1945 the United States has shifted from a democratic nation to a militarized one.  Why does one exclude the other? Well, our fou...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 03:12:00 PST

A Simple Way To Understand Racism

Racism and Economic ValueRacism, in the western world was originally and primarily a economic convenience.  The darker your skin the less you get paid... all the way down to free.~Our American an...
Posted by Corporations_Ate_My_BABY! on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:20:00 PST