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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
--Malcolm X
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and live up to it. — Buddha
I'm on MySpace very sporadically, so if it takes me a while to get back to you please don't take it personally. I'm on slowwww dial-up and it takes forever to get anything done on most myspace sites.
Anyway about me, I'm in my early thirties but for the most part feel younger. I have a few grey hairs already that I wear like a badge of honor~ hey, I made it this far! I am not very tactful so can generally be counted upon to be brutally honest. I live on the side of a mountain with my husband of 10 years, two wolf-dogs, two cats, and a half-built geodesic dome home that we've been working on for several years, whenever time/finances permit.
Unfortunately we had to put our place up for sale, but have devised a new plan that involves being mortgage-free! Right now we are trying to decide where to move. Our next place will be off-grid.
My husband also taught me how to sew. We started making patchwork clothes in 1997 as a way to fund our concert addiction, and it grew from there. We love it when we go to shows and see somebody wearing something they bought from us years ago. Its an awesome feeling.
Buy Handmade
I've been fortunate to have been able to travel all over the country and have a wide variety of experiences. I did my time experimenting with drugs too but that is over now. I still feel cannabis should be legal though.
Luckily I don't fit in to any one category, nobody should. Stop buying into this notion of prepackaged belief systems- the false choice of left versus right. Stop believing the TV when it tells you how you should be. In fact stop believing the TV period. We got rid of ours. I have been through such profound spiritual and political changes in the past 6 months or so. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and the depression that haunted me for 30+ years is gone. The truth has set me free. I by all means do not have all the answers, but I know for the first time that I am on the right path. Breaking free from the false left-right paradigm was very helpful. Republican, Democrat- they are the same. They give the illusion of being different but they secretly work towards the same agenda. Research the bloodlines of all the US Presidents and you will be amazed to find out who they are all related to. We can stop the train barreling towards the destruction of our freedom by supporting Ron Paul. I used to think Kucinich was good too, until he wanted to take away all our guns. I do not own a gun, but I know what would happen if none of us could.
I think its time to stop letting agitators rile us up against each other. Its not left versus right, its the global elite versus everyone else. We need to come together and find out what our common ground is. We can't bomb the world into peace. We gots ta spread da love instead.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Please understand what that means, its not just a bumper sticker! Stop taking your freedom for granted.

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My Interests


Stop Forest Service! Click Here!
My husband and pets are awesome and have brought so much joy to my life.
MUSIC! Man I would shoot myself if I couldn't get my groove on.
I love making people laugh.
I enjoy strolling around our land, taking copious photographs of the plants and animals I encounter. I enjoy watching my flowers as they progress and finally bloom, always amazed at anything that survives my brown thumb.
More: Dancing, gardening, hiking, camping, photography, sewing, embroidery, batik, waterfalls, mountains, dreadlocks, forensics, psychology, equal rights for all regardless of race religion or orientation, cool lookin' rocks, dogs and wolves , alternative and green building, separation of church and state, gay rights (tell me exactly what the "gay agenda" is and I'll happily promote it, LOL I havn't got my toaster yet), homesteading, off-grid living, truth-seeking, saving the constitution, 911 TRUTH, alternative history, the 2nd Amendment- without it we'd be slaves, political satire, speaking truth to power,, Stitchin Bitches, Phunky Bitches, Kynd Crafters, PrisonPlanet forum, InfoWars social network, comforting my doggie during thunderstorms, making new friends and finding old ones....saving the world from itself...
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Join's Race for Pets! Click to Donate and help Pets and other good causes!

I'd like to meet:

Truth seekers, Freedom Fighters, Homesteaders, fellow crafters...

OK Its come to this. If you want to be my friend and it won't be immediately obvious to me as to what we have in common, please send me a short note. I'm a friendly girl and like to have friends of all kinds, but I am sick of the spammers and so have to crack down.

Please watch this short video about United Nations Agenda 21:


Widespread Panic!Anything I can dance to, mostly jambands and hip hop... SICK SINCE, Keller Williams, Grateful Dead, The Roots, Snoop, 'Pac, Beasties, Israel Vibration,Bob Marley, Marley, Yes, Zepplin, Galactic, Ozomatli, Dead Can Dance, Tori Amos, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Phish, Little Feat, Rush, Pixies, Gomez, Cypress Hill, Chili Peppers, Donna the Buffalo, old Metallica
ummm there is so much more, that list came from a quick glance at my CDs...
sorry hoopers but I'm just not feelin' String Cheese

Take the quiz:
Which Grateful Dead Song are You?

St. Stephen
You are a deep person. You tend to get caught up in the beauty that's left in the world. You like to take full advantage of all situations. You keep on being yourself, there needs to be more people in the world that will just take a minute to enjoy nature.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

You are "Action Man"

Which Widespread Panic song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Ron Paul publicly names neoconservatives

FEMA Camp with Better Quality Video

If you think there aren't concentration camps in America think again.
Films- America: Freedom to Fascism (Fed Reserve and fraudulent Income Tax, plus excellent interview with film's maker Aaron Russo about the New World Order) The Money Masters (history of money and its manipulation- 4 hours)
Book- The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
Films- Nutricide (Codex Alimentarius) Sweet Misery: A poisoned World (Aspartame) The Future of Food (Monsanto) The World According to Monsanto (Monsanto) All Jacked Up (processed foods and their effects on the body)
Book- Seeds of Deception by Jefferey M. Smith
GLOBAL WARMING / WEATHER WARFARE (Man-made global warming is a lie designed to bring in more taxes, micro-manage your life, bring in global government, and dehumanize us so that we will go along with population culling. The environmental movement has been taken over by people who want to kill you. They are not offering REAL solutions. I very much believe in saving the environment and living in harmony with the earth. But if you are an Al Gore cult member you are a sheep being led to the slaughter. Please educate yourself.)
Films- Global Warming or Global Governance? The Great Global Warming Swindle Aerosol Crimes (chemtrails)
Books- State of Fear by Michael Crichton Angels Don't Play This Haarp by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy by Jerry E. Smith
FEAR / TERROR (remember, Fear Is The Mindkiller)
Films- The Rise of The Politics of Fear (BBC Documentary) The Trap- Adam Curtis- What Happened To Our Dreams Of Freedom? (BBC Documentary) TerrorStorm- Alex Jones (History of Gov't-sponsored terror)
OTHER FILMS Zeitgeist (pagan roots in religion, fed reserve, 9/11, NWO) The Corporation Why We Fight Orwell Rolls in His Grave WE- Arundhati Roy Secret Myseteries of America's Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis Volume 2: Riddles in Stone Beyond Treason (hideous gov't experiments on its own troops) Bill Hicks- Its Just A Ride (a little comedy for you)
ALEX JONES FILMS (really all of them should be seen) Dark Secrets- Inside Bohemian Grove (elite politicians, policymakers and entertainers caught on video engaging in satanic ritual) Endgame (Bilderburg Group and History or Eugenics) Police State Trilogy (these films really opened my eyes to how are freedoms are being abused and what this country is turning into) American dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004 (break free from the false left-right paradigm) America: Destroyed By Design (among other things, taught me that Bill Clinton was not the great man I thought he was) 9/11: Road To Tyranny
OTHER BOOKS 1984- Orwell (Will really help you understand the world around you) Animal Farm- Orwell (a parable on how fear is used to manipulate and control groups of people) Brave New World- Huxley (along with 1984, this book was cited by Hillary Clinton as being her most influential in a Parade magazine interview) The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt (Reagan's Secretary of Education uncovers something disturbing within our public school system) Behold A Pale Horse- William Cooper (a classic expose of the New World Order with documents to back up his claims) The Late Great USA- Jerome Corsi (North American Union- yes, it IS real) End of America- Naomi Wolfe (How our country has followed the 10 steps to Fascism
RESEARCHERS Alex Jones (when I first started listening to him, I googled everything he said. Alas, it was all true.) Alan Watt Freeman Fly (his father was a high-degree mason. He is knowledgeable on a wide range of topics having to do with the elite's symbology and rituals) Gary "The Spaceman" Bell (Has a weekly radio show, A View From Space, which explores the elite's numerology, symbology, and the hidden-in-plain-sight rituals they conduct without us knowing)
If you love movies and if you are in Asheville come visit the friendly folks at Orbit DVD .


KILL YOUR TELEVISION! It is brainwashing you.


OK I gotta give props to my friend who just had his first novel published. Check out King's Highway by James D. McCallister. According to Columbia, SC's Free Times , "McCallister’s novel is about a 19-year-old college student who goes to Myrtle Beach to party away his troubles, only to have things go from bad to worse. A big music fan, McCallister named each chapter after a song from Warren Zevon’s Excitable Boy, an album that came out the year in which the novel is set, 1978." CHECK IT OUT! Congrats, Bro.
I suggest everyone read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Seriously. Then read the Patriot Acts 1 and
Partial List:
1984- George Orwell- Will help you understand the world around you
Brave New World
Gods of Eden
Anything by Mary Summer Rain
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles
Anything that educates me about the New World Order and survival.


Anyone who can still think for themselves and is not afraid to speak truth to power as well as educate others.
My husband Craig, Bill Hicks, Margaret Cho, political satirists, Ed & Elaine Brown, E. Watada, Alex Jones, The Watson Brothers, Ron Paul, Michael Tsarion, Aaron Russo, Freeman, Jeff Rense, Alex Ansary, Jim Marrs, Greg Palast, whistleblowers, and countless others spreading the truth against all odds.**CLICK THE BANNER BELOW TO SEE THE NETWORK**

My new local heroes are Mark & Debbie Kuhn and I support them 100%.

My Blog

Sustainable Development- U.N. Agenda 21

You hear lots of so-called environmentalists throw around the term "sustainable development" these days. But what is it, really? It is United Nations Ahenda 21- the plan for complete control of humani...
Posted by moontime on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:26:00 PST

Filmmaker Was At Pentagon, Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax"

Filmmaker Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax" By Henry Makow Ph.D. May 29, 2008 lOn Sept. 11 2001, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing...
Posted by moontime on Fri, 30 May 2008 06:13:00 PST

Obama Is Not Jesus Christ

Obama Is Not Jesus Christ Ethan Allen Rogue Government M...
Posted by moontime on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:23:00 PST

Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed

Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed New book written by insider - 6,000 globalists control the planet and plan to completely end national sovereignty, manifesto for dealing with "antiglob...
Posted by moontime on Fri, 02 May 2008 06:15:00 PST

Paying for the rights to your own creations- the Orphan Works Bill

This is an outrage! ...
Posted by moontime on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST

Time Magazine 6-24-74 "Another Ice Age?"

Here is an article from 1974, when they were certain an ICE AGE was on the way.It is filled with lots of the same hysterical rhetoric we see now with "global warming".And of course ends with an allus...
Posted by moontime on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

Update on dome, life (with photos)

Its been a year since we put the dome up for sale, so I thought I'd give an update. We had a lot of interest, but banks don't want to lend on an unfinished "unique home". We did have one couple who al...
Posted by moontime on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:22:00 PST

InfoWars Network: Myspace for Truthers! have reached the Infowars Network... The Infowars Network is an activism and communication tool in the battle against the New World Order. Create a profile to l...
Posted by moontime on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:37:00 PST


Well we did it. Our property is now for sale. One giant leap has been taken towards our new life. I hate to leave. I love the house and the area...wish our circumstances were different. But in the pa...
Posted by moontime on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST

...and I didn't speak up because...

For footage of one of the many possible US concentration camps, click here.from came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up... By Stephen Rohde ...
Posted by moontime on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 02:29:00 PST