Author of the book The First Responders: The Untold Story of the New York City Police Department & September 11th
Stay tuned for more information!... The release date is just around the corner!... I promise!... Tenative release date is mid-2008!!!!
On the morning of September 11th 2001, two hijacked jetliners crashed into the Twin Towers. Within minutes of the attack, 36 Emergency Service Unit cops of the NYPD responded to the scene. They divided into six Teams. The first five Teams entered the Towers, and the sixth Team headed for the helicopters to attempt a daring air rescue.
14 of them would not survive.
For the first time, here are the details of what the Emergency Service Unit teams did and saw as they climbed the burning Towers. Burden down with heavy equipment they searched for terrorist "sleepers," and survivors. Then the first Tower collapsed. Fearing that a second collapse was imminent, the firefighters and the police were ordered to evacuate. Now,the countdown began. In the harrowing final minutes, the police teams encountered everything from the absurd---including, the arrest of a mysterious man in the North Tower---to terrifying close calls. As the second Tower fell, tensions flared, bonds are formed, friends are lost, and tough and street-wise cops learn the true meaning of duty and heroism.
In this book, other stories from the NYPD include the rescue of two Port Authority cops, P.O. Will Jimeno and Sgt. John McLoughlin, who were buried under the collapse of the South Tower; the first flag raising, and the nine-month search and rescue---and then recovery---at Ground Zero.
These important and powerful stories have never been told...until now.The video below is a trailer for the Oliver Stone's film World Trade Center. I didn't put it up to advertise the film. I put it up because the story told in this film is also in my book (it's just one of many). And when you know the details of the actual story, and personally know some of the guys that were involved in the rescue, it's kinda weird to see an actor---that doesn't even look, or sound like them---portray them on the big screen.
(See my review of the film in the above blog)
This movie is about the Port Authority Police Department. They lost 37 people on 9/11. And they were pretty much forgotten and pushed to the side by the media, and everybody else. I'm glad their story is being told.
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