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Stop Monsanto

The World is a Dangerous Place, Not Because of Those who do Evil But Because of Those Who Look and d

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / A bee

Born May 1st 2007, I am not a person, but a movement of people. By adding "me" as a friend you join a movement of collective consciousness. I am every person involved with this page. I am the fight for the freedom of life, life as we know it, and life as God made it.
This is not a movement to stop one person or to protect one species. This is a fight for life & the proteins that make it. The right to save your seed, grow your own food and the right to know that what you are buying and eating is real naturally made food!
While scientific progress on molecular biology has a great potential to increase our understanding of nature and provide new medical tools, it should not be used as justification to turn the environment into a giant genetic experiment for commercial interests. The biodiversity and environmental integrity of the world's food supply is too important to our survival to be put at risk.
We can not forget the millions of people worldwide that have been affected by Monsanto’s toxic chemicals through pollution, war and trickery. Monsanto continues to destroy lives, communities and our environment today.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - John 8:32
Join The Campaign & Fight Monsanto. Click here for Prewritten letters to Senators and Represenatives (America) ,
Join Millions Against Monsanto!! (Worldwide) ,
Contact Monsanto Directly
Click here to Find out more About Monsanto
Click Here to see more articles What is Monsanto
What does the Encyclopedia say about GM Foods?? Click here to see the unbiased facts Wikipedia Definition of GM Foods
Buy Local and Natural products! Support small scale farmers. Boycott MONSANTO Products ~ AKA~ CON AGRA, Liberty Foods, KRAFT, Nestle, Un-Organic milk and milk products, ROUND UP. SUPPORT ORGANICS! SPREAD THE WORD!
Click Here for Organic Personal Care Products Worlds first Certified Organic skin care, hair care, oral care, body care and cosmetic line!
Check out Earth Army and their organic clothes! …. Click here to go to EarthArmy.Com!
Need Help When it Comes to Getting Organic Seeds and Gardening Supplies??? Check out these Links
Click HERE for Seeds of Change.Com
Click HERE to Check out Rare Seeds.Com
Click HERE for Heirloom Seeds.Com
Click HERE for JL Hudson Seeds.Net
Click HERE for
Click HERE for Grow
FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog/bulletin/profile may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scietific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, ect. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

My Interests

Are you ready to know the truth?????

Who’s Monsanto? Where do we even begin?

All over the Earth they have left their mark in some radical and damaging way. Founded in 1906 by the same couple who produced saccharine, Monsanto now is a multi-billion dollar Biotech Giant that is in bed with the American government. They will stop at nothing for personal gain and profit. Their goal is to dominate the entire world food supply within ~20 years.

If you're talking about PCB chemicals in our environment, Aspartame and its deadly affects, Agent Orange and their offset creation of it AKA ROUNDUP, New Estrogen based Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) which is creating mutant cows and dangerous milk, water privatization, biopiracy and the patenting of Life forms, untested/unlabeled genetically engineered organisms, the persecution of small scale family farmers, or world domination of the food supply, than you're talking about the Monsanto Corporation.

If you haven't read about Monsanto, here are just a few of the hundreds of headlines about their activities:

Monsanto Sues Small Family Farmers;

Monsanto Hid PCB Pollution for Decades;

Monsanto Refuses Compensation to Veterans for Exposure to Agent Orange;

Taxpayers Forced to Fund Monsanto's Poisoning of Third World;

Monsanto's Roundup Pesticide Linked to Cancer;

Monsanto Takes Ownership of Public Water Resources;

Monsanto's GE Seeds are Pushing US Agriculture into Bankruptcy;

Cotton Farmers Going Bankrupt from Monsanto's GE Cotton;

Monsanto Sends Seed-Saving Farmer to Prison;

Monsanto's GE Crops Likely Killing Off Monarch Butterflies;

Monsanto's Controversial Cow Hormone.

Monsanto has brought more than its share of troubles to the United States and the entire world through its chemicals and genetically modified food crops. Its corporate power goes unchecked, due in large part to Monsanto's Government Ties.

"Becareful of the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing" (Matt 7: 1) because through their lies and deception about producing food for starving nations, extra yield and amazing benefits and their "good intentions", they have managed to coheres most of the American public and the world to unknowingly excepted them into their daily lives. Please watch THE FUTURE OF FOOD, the next generation is depending on you! Sit down with your loved ones and family and watch this video and take action, because if your not concerned, your not paying attention.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone who supports this mission to STOP MONSANTO's greed and desire of complete power and control over the world food supply! Anyone who cares!


Every Band and Singer & Musician who stands up and uses their publicity to spread the word and Educate the masses on issues of our time ARIZE AND STOP MONSANTO!!!


The Future of Food is Worth the watch! The best comprehensive understanding of what Monsanto is and what they are doing. Hear it from the farmers themselves. Our links for the future of food were deleated so if anyone can find a site that has it, please let us know. Click here to purchase The Future of Food
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television This is The World According to Monsanto..
Another Great video, Very informative about GM foods and where whats going on right in front of our faces!
Islands at Risk Great Video on the GM problems in Hawaii
Click Here to join. Millions Against Monsanto!! (Worldwide)
Aspertame is a Monsanto product and it takes lives watch this video for more info on Monsanto and Aspertame.
The consumers have spoken, and the message to Monsanto is loud and clear: we don't want yer stinkin' recombinant bovine growth hormone!!
Sales of organic dairy products have skyrocketed as people steer clear of rbST for fear that it's harmful to consumers and cows alike. Given the choice, we'd prefer not to be guinea pigs for a hormone whose side effects on humans are unknown.
What we do know about rbST is that the cows injected with it suffer from painful udder infections which then require massive doses of antibiotics.
So Monsanto is fighting back the only way it can: by attempting to deny us that choice. The multinational biotech behemoth has filed a complaint with the FDA which claims that "rBGH-free" labels on dairy products "deceptively imply negative health effects from rBGH."
It may well be that rBGH is, in fact, perfectly safe for humans. But it's definitely bad for bovines. "Dairy cows are already bred for high milking output, and the artificial boost from rBGH takes a toll on their bodies," notes Christopher Wanjek, who covers the "Bad Medicine" beat for LiveScience. "For animal welfare reasons alone, consumers have the right to know how their milk is produced."
Monsanto has been waging a pro battle on behalf of rBGH ever since the FDA approved its use back in 1993. When Fox News assigned two investigative reporters to do a four part series on rBGH for a Florida affiliate in 1996,Monsanto provided Fox executives with talking points that totally contradicted the reporters'own research.
The reporters, Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, were ordered by Fox executives to air Monsanto's false claims. They refused, and threatened to report Fox to the FCC. Fox responded by firing them. Akre and Wilson sued.
A Florida jury found Fox guilty of wrongful dismissal under Florida's whistle blower protection laws, but Fox appealed, and in February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals ruled in Fox's favor. Why? Because it turns out that there's no law against a news media outlet deliberately distorting or falsifying news. In other words, no laws were broken, and therefore, the reporters were not, technically, whistle blowers.
For the record, Fox News never denied that it pressured its reporters to broadcast a false story. Fox's entire defense rested on the premise that the First Amendment grants broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports.
It shouldn't be a shock that companies like Monsanto and Fox are in cahoots, conspiring to peddle their tainted products. Birds of a feather.May an avian flu-like pox plague both their houses, and the FDA's, too, if they cave in to this agribiz avarice. If you're not up to speed on the controversy or want more info, watch this video here.
And then there is more. . .


Here are some articles and information regarding Monsanto and other affiliates. .


BAYER gave DRUGS infected with HIV To CHILDREN

Coalition against BAYER Dangers

Will GM Crops Deliver to Farmers?

Monsanto News Going back to 1998

Who Benifits from GM crops?

Monsanto pays 1.4 Billion to buy and start GM'ing fruit and veggie seeds

Monsanto Raises Prices and Profits


Everyone who joins this campaign, who buys Organics and supports Life On Earth!

Kehaulani & Fern, Pono, Captain Paul Watson, Margo, Brandy Hartmann, Nic Barca, Alida Cornelius, Klara, Shaneo, And the people that spread the word.


The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness, and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it."~ Rosemary Fillmore Rhea

My Blog

Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic

..TR> ..TR> ..TR> Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don't by F. William Engdahl Global Research, December 4, 2007 Email ...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Sun, 18 May 2008 04:41:00 PST

Making a killing from hunger

:: Making a killing from hunger ::The production of Meat, Biofuels, chemicals, the lack of oil, use of the car,the economy and selfish politics are the problem to world hunger How to help stop world ...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:39:00 PST

GM Round up ready Alfalfa and Great Background on Monsanto

Brave New HayFEATURE ARTICLE - June 11, 2007 by Matt JenkinsIs Monsanto erasing the line between what is natural and what is not?NAMPA, IDAHOOn an unseasonably cold afternoon in early May, Paul Rasgor...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:06:00 PST

Monsanto Buys Terminator Seeds Company

..> Monsanto Buys 'Terminator' Seeds Company By F. William Engdahl August 27, 2006 The United States Government has been financing research on a genetic engineering technology which, when comm...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:53:00 PST

Studies Show ROUNDUP could Damage Human DNA

Aerial spraying of herbicide 'damages DNA' Lisbeth Fog17 May 2007Source: SciDev.Net ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> [..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schem...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:18:00 PST

How Monsanto Destroyed Civilization: By Captain Paul Watson

How Monsanto Destroyed CivilizationA Fiction story (Sort of)The names, quotes and places are real - the time is fiction, but just barely so. By Captain Paul WatsonReport from 2030We refused to listen ...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:43:00 PST

Roundup: new toxic info

New Evidence Establishes Dangers of RoundupSources:Third World Resurgence, No. 176, April 2005 Title: "New Evidence of Dangers of Roundup Weedkiller"Author: Chee Yoke HeongFaculty Evaluator: Jennifer ...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:42:00 PST

Monsanto Vs Small Scale Farmers

The world's biggest genetically engineered seed owner destroys time-honoured traditions of seed saving and drives American farmers to destitution and bankruptcy. Sam Burcher Odds stacked against farme...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:14:00 PST

Hawaiians Say No to GMO Taro!!!

Taro genetic work blastedBy Jan TenBruggencateAdvertiser Science WriterSome Native Hawaiians are expressing concern that genetic engineering of taro could pose a cultural and economic threat to the Ha...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:08:00 PST

Boycott Nestlé!!! For the sake of You, The Environment and the Animals!

:: Nestlé Lies and Corporate Crimes ::* BOYCOTT NESTLÉ PRODUCTS * Nestlé - 13 Examples of Corporate Crimes: 1- Unethical Marketing of Artificial Baby Milk2- Exploiting Farmers3- Union Busting4- Promot...
Posted by Stop Monsanto on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:13:00 PST