Hello! Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! We are an organic T-shirt Company selling organic T-shirts with fun and funky environmental messages on them. Our t-shirts are one hundred percent organic cotton, sweatshop free and printed using a water based printing process. Sustainable in every way!We have two lines available. The womans activist line and the kids line. They both shout out a good message and are awfully comfortable. Try one on for size, you'll be glad you did!
Our website is not just dedicated to t-shirts. We also supply you with a boatload of information on topics such as organics, GMO's, factory farming, global warming,recycling and much more. Our goal is to get as many people as we can aware of the issues and to help them find ways to contribute to a more sustainable world.We all know one person can't do everything. For example, you may be into organic food and support your local farmers, but still drive that big SUV. Your neighbor, on the other hand, drives a hybrid but still can't shake buying from the big supermarket chain down the street. You see, we all could use improving, it just takes time. The key is working together to accomplish the mission of truly making this world a better place to live for future generations.It's interesting, how most of us take such good care of our homes that we have spent so much of our hard earned money on, but fail to even consider taking care of the home that was created for us to live upon. How would you feel if you spent your money on a home for someone else, and they never appreciated it and never felt the need to look after it? Just think about it. Does it really matter if global warming is true or not? We all still need to be good stewards, bottom line.We wish you much success is finding your own Green Groove. Pass on the knowledge, it does a planet good!Learn more at: