MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] profile picture

MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans]

Being vegan saves over 100 animals every year!

About Me

VEGAN: One who strives to consume no products that directly contribute to animal suffering (i.e. meat, dairy, eggs, fur, wool, leather, animal tested products, etc.)

What's Wrong With Dairy and Eggs?
The "Free-Range" Myth
The Protein Myth
What's Wrong with Leather, Wool & Down?
Ecological Effects of Animal Agriculture
Health Concerns about Dairy Products
Protecting Your Bones
Vegan Holiday Recipes
Punk rock "Stop Animal Cruelty" leaflet
Why Vegan?
What's Fishy About Seafood?
COK Vegetarian Starter Kit
MFA Vegetarian Starter Kit
PETA Vegetarian Starter Kit
Dairy-Free & Delicious Recipes
Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes
Christianity and Vegetarianism
What Would Jesus Eat?
Guide to Becoming an Activist
Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating [the entire book!]
Companies that DON'T Test on Animals
Companies that DO Test on Animals

My Interests

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Vegan Recipes from the Post Punk Kitchen

The Reality of Organic and Free-Range Animal Products

PetSmart Animal Cruelty

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[You might need to use Internet Explorer to view this video on MySpace. If you are using Firefox click here to watch the video.]

Much of this video was filmed at a small family slaughterhouse in Massachusetts. Everything shown in Meet Your Meat is standard agricultural practice [SAP]. Some is even better. There are no laws to protect birds at any stage of meat or egg production, and the only law that covers mammals is the Humane Slaughter Act, which is barely enforced and usually only covers things that are not considered SAP. There are no isolated cases in the Meet Your Meat video. The reason this persists is, in part, because people refuse to believe it. The cruelty and killing will not stop unless we stop supporting it. Commercial meat, egg, and dairy production are done for profit, just like any other business, so as long as a practice increases profits, it will be done, regardless of the impact on the animals. You can try to deny what goes on or justify supporting it--or believe that you are not supporting it--but the reality is that eating meat, eggs, and dairy does support what you see in the video.


Free Me by Goldfinger

2008 Egg Farm Investigation

My Blog

The Reality of "Free-Range" Eggs

The Reality of "Free-Range" EggsThere are very few places that have truly free-range eggs. If a farm produces enough to package their eggs and put them on a store shelf, you can be fairly certain that...
Posted by MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:52:00 PST

Go Vegan & Save Over 100 Animals Per Year!

Living a vegan lifestyle is one of the best things you can do to help animals. On average a person switching from the standard American diet to a vegan diet will prevent the abuse and killing of over ...
Posted by MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 04:27:00 PST

Is going vegan really the best thing you can do for animals?

Is going vegan really the best thing you can do for animals?As a vegan activist, I have always told people that the single best thing we can all do for animals is to go vegan. After some critical thou...
Posted by MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:41:00 PST

I was raised eating meat. Its customary, humans have been doing it for years...

  "I was raised eating meat. It's customary, humans have been doing it for years, and I need my protein." - Carnivore   Dear "Carnivore": I was raised eating animals as well. I gave it up af...
Posted by MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:39:00 PST

VIDEOS [add to your page!]

Free Me by Goldfinger 7 Minutes of Reality by Pink Floyd Add to My Profile | More Videos Add this video to your page! Copy the code below and paste in...
Posted by MySpace Vegans [and aspiring vegans] on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:35:00 PST