The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye profile picture

The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye

Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit...

About Me

I am a licensed massage therapist, a colon hydrotherapist, and a former actress, model, dancer and fitness trainer. I now work in a holistic doctor's office. I am also a long-time vegetarian and have made a lifetime commitment to animal rights. I have been a proud member of Peta for many years! In addition, I am a "recovering" anorexic and write poetry about what it is like to have an eating disorder, or sometimes just about random thoughts that I have. You can read some of my poems in my blog, and if you want to, please comment on them. I am in college now finishing my A.S. degree in Kinesiology and Physical Education, my certification in Addiction Studies, and my BA in Human Services, Sociology, or Psychology...I can't make up my mind!Background Artist:
Marah Johnson
.. "Meet Your Meat" Press "play" to watch video...sometimes you have to press it twice if it doesn't start automatically. This video is about 12 minutes long, and is narrated by Alec Baldwin; it may be the most important video you ever watch!..

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My Interests

Sex Talk
Learn more about PETA's ABC campaign at PETA. org

Buy One, Get One Killed

Learn more about PETA's ABC campaign at PETA. org..
Learn more about peta2's ABC campaign at .

Vegetarianism, animal rights, singing, karaoke, writing poetry, fitness, diet, school, psychology, kinesiology, the beach, swimming, British Television, and Classic Films. I'm also starting to really like astronomy!

I'd like to meet:

Animal rights activists, other recoverers (or non recoverers) from eating disorders, people into veganism and vegetarianism, other college students, especially those who are opposed to dissection, people with a sense of humor, and people into compassion fashion, old movies, silly reality shows, The Science Channel, Doctor Who, or House...I am only usually at my computer at night or if I have a break at work, so if I don't answer right away, that's why!


I love alternative rock, punk (old school and new, vegan straight edge, metal, 80s new wave, 70s glitter/glam, and the jazz music of the 1920's, and anything by bands who can show me something new! I'm listing types and not the actual bands or singers, because the list would be too long!


Horror movies (The Ring, Exorcist, etc.), murder mysteries and true crime dramas, biographies, documentaries, and classic movies like the ones from the 20s, 30s, and 40s are my favorites. I also like any film that teaches me something!


House, Law & Order, Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Catherine Tate Show, Life on Mars, Smallville, Ugly Betty, Coupling, Conan O'Brien, Graham Norton, and I'm a sucker for Extreme Home Makeover, and various other silly reality shows that I shouldn't even admit that I watch! I also like A&E, Discovery Channel, PBS, Animal Planet (of course), BBC America (obviously), The Science Channel, and E Channel (Especially "The Soup")!


I love murder mysteries, thrillers, true crime books, science, horror/sci-fi and biographies of interesting people. I also like poetry, plays, and books that will teach me something I don't know. Some of my favorites are "Wasted" by Marya Hornsbacher, "The Stand" by Stephen King, "The Doomsday Book" by Connie Willis, and "Free The Animals" by Ingrid Newkirk.


Marilyn Monroe, Helen Morgan, Betty Page, Joey Ramone, Socrates, Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Newkirk, My sister, My best friend, and any environmental or animal rights activists that actually DO something, at least donate to Peta for God's sake! I'm sure there are lots of other people that I can't think of now, as well!

.. Fight for animal rights!

My Blog

My body just shut down for a day and a half!

It's weird.  I graduated from COC Friday, and my sister was staying with me since Wednesday so she could go with me to the Honors banquet and graduation.  She left Saturday and then I worked...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:55:00 PST

Yayz! I graduated! I haz a calledge degree! LOL

lolcats and funny pictures...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:02:00 PST

This week

I'm feeling better.  I didn't get nearly as much done on Spring break as I thought I would, but not too bad, either.  Had to work all week and it was slow, so I took Wednesday off too so I c...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:02:00 PST

Im really screwing everything up

I couldn’t lift myself out of being sick and being sad, and I couldn’t study for my make-up midterm tomorrow, so I went and got my haircolor done because I thought it would make me feel be...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:28:00 PST

Happy birthday to me

I got up at 9AM and ate a muffin, drank two cups of coffee, and stared at the ceiling for half an hour, thinking about my mom.  I didn’t want to get up for work. I checked in and found out ...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 01:27:00 PST

It’s over

My mom just died.
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:12:00 PST

Mom Update

It doesn’t look like she’s going to make it through this one.  Her temp went up to 105 today and my sister, who got there first, and six nurses packed her with ice and got it to norma...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:36:00 PST

Me, mom, and life.

Mom is back on hospice because she is not eating again.  Now they will take her off meds again, and maybe she will improve again.  I've stopped trying to guess.  The hospital that she h...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:13:00 PST


Mom was rushed to the hospital again tonight.  She has pneumonia and her fever was 103.4 They have her pumped full of antibiotics and they have it down to 102 now.  They're going to keep her...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 02:09:00 PST

Update on me

Here's a brief update while I wait for my sleeping meds to kick in (taking forever tonight!) My mom has been getting a bit worse again, but she's still hanging in there.  I'm gonna go see her on ...
Posted by The VeggieCyberPoet Jaye on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:37:00 PST