< Being the Changeâ„¢ profile picture

&lt; Being the Changeâ„¢

constant, con·stant·ly

About Me

From: andy
sensing you are an angel....you have the aura of an angel...being on your website is like being connected to mother earth..direct....without the middleman :-) huggggggggss andy
Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes, Lessons learned and gradually surfacing, letting go.
Striping naked to scream.
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be. I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns.
I am retarded disfigured clown dying to be heard For the simple art of letting this heavy wall finally fall.
I am an equal being of no race or colour, A hallucination if you will sneaking into.
The lives of strangers and letting them Fall apart to a new rhythm just to feel better.
argue with a tree//BlueOctober
Man cannot persist long in a conscious state, he must throw himself back into the unconscious, for his roots live there
im glad everyone enjoys the pics i post here, but please dont direct link from them its made past images X out
Making a Diffrence for our Animals and our beautiful Earth via mySpace since early 05'.. a million thanks to all that help, Including The Impact Awards.
I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.
--Sufi Proverb
Consitently Evoloving
In all the world,
there is no one else exactly like me -
everything that comes out of me is authentically mine,
because I alone choose it - I own everything about me -
my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,
whether they be to others or to myself -
I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears -
I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and
mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become
intimately acquainted with me - by so doing
I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts -
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know -
but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself,
I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to
the puzzles and for ways to find out more about me -
However I look and sound, whatever I say and do,
and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time
is authentically me - If later some parts of how I
looked, sounded, thought and felt turned out to be
unfitting, I can discard that which I feel is unfitting,
keep the rest, and invent something new for
that which I discarded -
I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do.
I have the tools to survive, to be close to others,
to be productive, and to make sense and order out of
the world of people and things outside of me -
I own me, and therefore I can engineer me -
I am me
I Am Okay
Common sense is not so common. ~Voltaire
what are you teaching generations!?
Compassion for Earth and all its creatures?
Anything that we have to learn we learn by the actual doing of it.... Aristotle
Do Your part to help
a few of My Favorite Sites

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world." Margaret Mead

click to learn about BSL
any breed can be vicious. The owner/s are responsible
dont get it twisted
During Hurricane Season
do you have a plan for your pets?
Like humans, animals feel panic and fear during earthquakes, fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes and run equal risks of injury and death. Check out the top five tips that you should know when disaster strikes.Your animal companion is counting on you.
1.Do not leave animals behind.
2.Know your destination ahead of time. Shelters often do not accept animals
3.Place small animals in secure carriers. Dogs should be leashed with harnesses.
4.All animals should have collars with identification.
5.If you absolutely must leave your animal companions behind, leave them inside the house, with access to upper floors. Leave out at least 10 days' supply of dry food and water. Fill multiple sinks, bowls, pans, and plastic containers with water. Do not turn animals loose outside to fend for themselves, and never tie them up or leave them outside in cages, where they will be unable to flee rising floodwaters.
for more info thanks peta.org and helpinganimals.com

If you havnt read how to help global warming, its time to see we need to come together for our children, etc.. be apart of the solution. You are the problem if you arnt helping. Do your part.

boycott Canadian Seafood, read more
Click here to Learn more
how to help Put a stop to this cruel and unnecassary hunt
ASPCA fight animal cruelty
My [passion] helpin animals in every way one can
I didn't ask you to take me from here
I didn't ask to be broken
I didn't ask you to stroke my hair
or treat me like a worthless token
but my skin is thick
and my mind is strong
I am built like my father was
I've done nothing wrong
so Free Me
I just wanna feel what life should be
I just want enough space
to turn around
and face the truth
so free me
when are you gonna reaLize
you're just wrong
you can't even think for yourself
you can't even make up your minds
so my mind's a jail
I hate the whole goddamn human race
what the hell do you want from me
kill me if you just don't know
or Free me
I just wanna feel what life should be
I just want enough space to turn around
'cause you're all fucked
someday maybe you'll treat me Like you
boycott jLo And anyone else who promotes fur-wearing
Start supporting celebs that are making a diffrence
Believe one who knows; you will find something Greater in woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from Masters.
-- St. Bernard de Clairvaux
Take Action For Animals

My Interests

Celebrating the Lives Of Animals and Mother Nature.


Earth Goddess

im blessed to have friends Like you

my Friends Rock Renee
***____***____***__ ***
***_________ WE _________***
Janine Moonshine
Wild spirit in black, white and blue

my "Very Own" Meester!

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." Edmund Burke

5 more ways you can help animals
1. Educate your elected officals about the Link between animal abuse and violence against children and the need for protective Laws.

2. Report animal abuse or neglect to your local animal welfare or law enforcement agency.

3. spay or neuter your pet, and encourage others to do so, to reduce overpopulation - the main reason millions of dogs n cats are euthanized.

4. volunterr at your local humane society or animal shelter. abdandoned and abused animals need your hands on care and kindness

5. Adopt an older cat or Dog from your local humane society or shelter. Most older animals are already trained and need good homes.
A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages
if you dont Respect the PLanet & all its creatures, they wont RESPECT us

we can make a diffrence by Coming together and Boycotting those that are the problem instead of the solution..
List of Boycotting i Do
Proctor &Gamble
as much of Made in China or Tested on animals... as I can
Jennifer Lopez / Beyonce / IAM s animal food/ KFC /
Red Lobster / Out back / Anyone & place that promotes FUR wearing
if youre not sure why to boycott these things ask me or just read a few of my blogs, youll understand
I think by educating The youth, family and friends about Animal cruelty and giving them places and knowledge to help, we will win this battle

Im also active in Global Warming, doing my part to help our beautiful Planet
by not buying or using things known to cause more damage. I do NOT buy gas OR products at
EXXON/MOBIL /Shel/Chevron
these are just a few big contributors to damage.
I rid of my v8 and got into a Scion xB, heavens are we saving loads of money just on gas
I also educate the youth, family and friends about the dangers that will happen if we dont think and act now

7 easy ways to be apart of the Solution for our planet Earth

Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)
CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This simple switch will save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. If every family in the U.S. made the switch, we’d reduce carbon dioxide by more than 90 billion pounds! You can purchase CFLs online from the Energy Federation .
Move your thermostat down 2&#176; in winter and up 2&#176; in summer
Almost half of the energy we use in our homes goes to heating and cooling. You could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this simple adjustment. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has more tips for saving energy on heating and cooling.
Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner
Cleaning a dirty air filter can save 350 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases
Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances to choose the most efficient models. If each household in the U.S. replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we’d eliminate 175 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year!
Turn off electronic devices you’re not using
Simply turning off your television, DVD player, stereo, and computer when you’re not using them will save you thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Unplug electronics from the wall when you’re not using them
Even when turned off, things like hairdryers, cell phone chargers and televisions use energy. In fact, the energy used to keep display clocks lit and memory chips working accounts for 5 percent of total domestic energy consumption and spews 18 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year!
Check more here
http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/whatyoucando/index2. html

get involved for animals
become a member of the ASPCA or your Local shelters
Please take a few moments and have a look over this page and the links and picture Links posted in it.
help if you can

Get educated in helping our animals
in any way we can even if you think a small amount doesnt help, it does

Shopping at Albertson's can pay off big for the cats. It's free for you and your weekly grocery bill can generate donations to the cats from Albertson's.
other ways to Give on Every site::
will have diffrent ways of helping and givng.
make sure to check around on the how to help
links on the webpages

i Love the gift shop On Defenders.org
Click on the Link below to watch movie clips about the plights these cats face in the wild and in captivity.
Big Cats are not meant to be Pets

Exotic Animals should never be pets
they may look cute but they will always have wild instinct

Ive always had animals in my life and felt very connected to them.
This page is mainly to get the message out there for Myspacers about where and how to help them. We need to stop Animal cruelity.
There are many Links on this page that you can click everyday to help feed animals and find out more information on how to help wild Life. Keep them safe for generations to come.
One day I will return to them
AnimaLs and Mother Nature are My heros. All they do is Love and give in every way possible to their own.
Humans take, take, take from them and our own.
Mother Nature has
Thee ultimate power and is not afraid to use it
dont make her

Help make the world your children and grandchildren live in, a better place, with animals for generations to come.
adopt Endangered Species

please take action in every way you can.
Here are some websites you wont regret reading

Information on Global Warming

care to make a diffrence

Cat Tales Endangered Species Conservation Park Mead/spokane,washington

There is alot to take in on my page thank you for your energy

Drawn into the depths of a chinese temple
I knelt down before the divine light
To hear the heart of wisdom speak
Life is precious, hold it near
Learn to face your greatest fear
Teach, be taught, and let it be
For only you attract what it is you see
~ Inspired Eye

Nature reaches out to us with welcoming arms, and bids us enjoy her beauty; but we dread her silence and rush into the crowded cities, there to huddle like sheep fleeing from a ferocious wolf.
Kahlil Gibran

Breathe and Enjoy Nature and how Divine and powerful our Mother Goddess Is.
Never stop discovering yourself or our very Powerful Universe

When you find yours Dont Let go.

Experience Your Life
When the Root is Deep there is No need to fear the Wind

I'd like to meet:

Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.- E. Burke

please recycle friends and tell a friend! its easy

click this picture to learn more

please take a look at the picture-links posted beLow,
its time everyone gets involved

If we arnt part of the solution we are the problem

Make a diffrence in your Community

WildLife Conservation Society Click to help ^

Bell Is Not A Bell Till You Ring It, A Song Is Not A Song Till You Sing It, Love In Your Heart Wasn't Put There To Stay, Love Isn't Love Till You Give It Away.

Motivate and Stay Motivated

easy Comment here


/ my Dream is owning a huge NO-KILL animal shelter /
if i had a Super power it would be to Heal

My Blog

Original invisibleSHIELD / ZAGG for SkullCandy

not my normal Blog at all my beautiful animal friends!!  hehe they have a contract, and have had one for awhile now so Kiosks in Utah, including, Newgate ogden mall, Layton hills and redCLiffs m...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:22:00 PST

if ya havnt already BOYCOTT Canadas seafood

with the death of my Dog i had almost forgot bout this UNneccasary hunt!  not sure what or why to boycott canadian seafood?  or to help STOP the annual Seal hunt?  please read and educa...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:17:00 PST

Oprah takes on Puppy-Mills

          (the billboard strategically placed for Oprah to see)Maybe it was the billboard strategically placed near Oprah’s studio in Chicago, maybe it was one of the p...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:33:00 PST

R I P Gage Dundee 5: 29

this morning it looked like Gage may last if we were lucky, 2 or 3 more days.  This afternoon he went down hill so fast, the tumour was already 3 baseballs big, taking over his penis groin area.&...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:07:00 PST

Earth hour- -reduce your impact on Climate Change

 I just signed up to  the new Earth Hour website for 2008 and I thought you might like to take a look and possibly sign up too. Earth Hour is on 29 March 2008 at 8pm, and it looks like it&rs...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:34:00 PST

Congrats, Utah, for becoming the 44th state to pass a felony-level animal cruelty statute

Dear Utah Animal Advocates, The 2008 Utah legislative session is over, and the ASPCA is very pleased to report that on March 4the last day of the sessionHenry’s Law (SB 297) successfully compl...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:31:00 PST

invisibleSHIELD and SKULLcANDY friends

for my INVISIBLEshield and SKULLCANDY friends!  some know weve been selling SkullCandy since there big break in 03. we now are in Newgate and Layton Hils Mall, Utah. we got some of the 08 styles ...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:24:00 PST


Click on the links below to find out more about polar bears and how you can protect them from global warming and extinction. What You Can Do To Curb Global Warming Order NRDC "Unplug for Polar Bear...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:46:00 PST

updated ...Saddest girl alive..

were in a bind here, today our vet said that they could put him through another surgery and thered be a 5% chance they could get it all out, but theyd have to Amputate his penis.   the way ...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:19:00 PST

i Am again, the saddest girl alive

my Gage Dundee had a second surgery in january for his cancer.  his first surgery was last july and his second one was in january because it had came back so fast.  well it isnt looking good...
Posted by < Being the Change" on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 03:36:00 PST